[PS4] 3.12.2 Patch Notes
i cant see any improvement, crashed like hell
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I have lost 7 characters hardcore to crashes at this point i refuse to play or sepnd money on this game amd i also fefuze to play on pc or xbox thos game tje last 2 leagues has become a fucking joke crash after crash i only play hardcore do you onow how frustating it is getting to maps when we bluescreen every hour literally i uave time it with over 140 houts of playtime and i have over 70 crashes we cant even play clashes that dont involve minions ors 90 physical reduction. I will je trying to ger my 22 stashes refunded i held out for 2 years hoping you would fix your game but clear to me now console doesnt matter so im done fuck poe back to diablo
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Agora ficou muito pior, está crashando nós mapas, na delve, no hideout e na heist, até desligou meu PS4. A paciência acabou GGG, sou o único Youtuber de consoles no Brasil e não consigo produzir conteúdo, gastamos dinheiro neste jogo, não é possível, investimos tempo das nossas vidas para ter um pouco de entretenimento em meio a pandemia e saímos com mais raiva.
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This is even WORST now. It's like 1 heist-1crash-1 heist-1crash-ect. I played a few leagues. and loved the game. But now... Im not sure ill return. - i use ps4pro/ssd hd/Lan connected 300/300Mb.
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Oh and btw, No u DON'T return to exiting heist area. I crashed right after entering, and after i came back, no portal was there. It feels like, that GGG really want players to leave, so the can Bin there ps4 Edition of the game.
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Completely unplayable after the patch. Anyone know if we are able to get all our mtx refunded via playstation because it's so bad?
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I see lots of negative posts here - not that it may not be justified. But here is a much better question:
GGG - What can the PS4 players do to actively help in tracking down these crash bugs? Are they specific to the hardware or are they due to network issues? Is it due to recent Sony upgrades? Is is specific to a model of PS4 or PS4 Pro? I really like the idea of Heist and I enjoyed the first few attempts at running one ... until it was crash, crash, crash. Crashes have also increased in normal act play on PS$ as well. It will be great when it's stable and I can play this league with my wife again. I'd prefer to help GGG track this stuff down than bitch and complain about how a free to play game is ruining my life. |
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" It's memory leaks. Their is nothing we can do to help. |
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This is the first time I've felt the need to post on this forum. I've just returned to PoE as the Heist mechanic looked really interesting, and, well I love this game.
So, updated, loaded the game up. Chose an ED Cont Shadow build to try. Saw the Supporter packs and some beautiful cosmetics. So, spent my money and started in on the campaign. Since then, I've had nothing but crashes, every 30-60 minutes. 3 of them have completely bricked my console, causing database rebuilds and lost data from my HDD. These were manageable. Just. However, the constant crashing had rendered this unplayable. I can't finish anything, not even a story quest, without blue screening. I'm so disappointed, especially after spending what for me is a considerable amount of money. Please can you give us some indication or acknowledgement and advice of these problems, so that we PS4 users can play and enjoy this game as much as we want to and you want us to. Thank you. |
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" Thats what you hire QA for. GGG clearly has no intention of making a quality experience anymore. All they care about is pumping out out 4 barely playable leagues per year, because people are still giving them money even with the poor quality. Also poe2 will be just as bad and more. All these problems will still be there, plus all the new ones they create with the new in game systems. |
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