Unarmed mode

When I'm in the heat of battle, I would frequently and accidentally pick up an item instead of using a skill, and when I'm trying to pick up an item, I might accidentally use a skill. If we could have an unarmed mode where you cannot use skills and an armed mode where you can use skills but not pick up items, that would be awesome and make things a lot smoother for me and other.
Last bumped on Oct 13, 2020, 8:46:48 PM
I just don't bind anything to A. Leaves you with 11 other slots. You could also press RT - Dpad down to hide everything but still hear drop sounds and see beams of light.
TrueAchievements - https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/Corrison

XboxClips - http://xboxclips.com/corrison
Like the other response said, not assigning anything to X definitely helps.


GGG -- please consider allowing us to bind "pickup nearest item" to X (or any other button). This should pickup the nearest item if the currently selected target is not an item (e.g. an enemy).

This would *really* help when trying to pickup items in hectic situations, like Heists.

Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Oct 6, 2020, 1:54:48 PM
Given that to target the loot on the ground you need to use your right thumb, it would be ideal to have the selection button not also, require your right thumb.
IE a trigger button, or D-Pad. (Preemptive 'claw' acknowledgement, not how most hold the controller though)

I've already typed paragraphs about this though on other posts. The dream for remappable buttons is real. But I'm sure it's not at the top of their focus list, just hoping it's on the radar at all.
On XBox, you can now remap any XBox controller, not just the Elite series:

Morkonan wrote:
On XBox, you can now remap any XBox controller, not just the Elite series:


I fail to see how that would work
Simple fix is a stricter item filter once you're setup. I struggle to pickup things up on purpose lol. Lost track how many times I've gotten one shot trying to pick up a chaos orb.
R2+down on the d pad hides all loot so you can't pick it up
Shifty 7 Crows wrote:
Simple fix is a stricter item filter once you're setup. I struggle to pickup things up on purpose lol. Lost track how many times I've gotten one shot trying to pick up a chaos orb.

Is this a joke based on GGG's comments after Delirium launch?

If it's not a joke, no, a stricter Loot Filter is *not* the answer.

On PC, you can pick up any item you want -- just click on it. Sure, if there's 500 items on the ground, clicking on the correct one may be difficult, but it is the item clutter that is a problem. Strict loot filter, no item clutter, great.

But on Console, we have auto-target, and auto-target prioritizes things in an order that goes something like this:

1) Portal or zone exit
2) Shrine or other interactable object
3) Monster/Enemy
4) Breakables
5) Items on the ground

So the only way to pick up an item when there's combat going on is to stop what you're doing and fidget with the right stick (on PS4, not sure if XBox is same).

PC players don't have to adjust their control at all. You (for all intents and purposes) can't use both the Right Stick and the X/S/T/O buttons at the same time. You have to take your thumb off the (potentially very important to your survival) buttons to use the right stick. PC player doesn't have to let up off their skill to grab an item, unless they have set their skill on the same button as their primary interaction.

I suppose I could buy a fancy reassignable controller and switch L2 and X so that I could pick things up with just one motion of my thumb instead of two, but I don't want to do that (and it costs money, and it's still a bad solution).

If they would just give us an assignable "skill" in the interface that would pick up items (it should move Items on Ground to position 3 in the list, above Monsters and Breakables), it would solve the whole "item pickup" issue.

I mean, for me, personally, they could just move Items up the list to position 3 anyway. I try to keep skills off of X for all my builds, so I would never fail to attack (or whatever) because it picked up an item instead.

But I concede that some people want to use the X button for skills, so making it an assignable option would be preferable.
QQPQ wrote:
But on Console, we have auto-target, and auto-target prioritizes things in an order that goes something like this:
So the only way to pick up an item when there's combat going on is to stop what you're doing and fidget with the right stick (on PS4, not sure if XBox is same).

PC players don't have to adjust their control at all. ...

Anything that has anything at all to do with dynamic precision targeting, PC players have it easier.

This has been discussed before, with the exact same reasoning given as was given by Blizzard for differences in the Diablo 3 setup between Console/PC. With us, it was "can't pick up stuffs..."

"It's fine that your targeting sucks and its nearly impossible to pick anything up in crowded environment, disabling the "loot and scoot" PC users can use because you're using a controller and have direct control of the character" - More or less. :)

The truth is you can't really do much more, here. There's only so many controls that can be used on a controller and GGG wants to be sure that Action controls for skills/etc are kept the same between PC and Console. (Else, they run the risk of ending up with several different "games.")

I've run a build that used "all" the available inputs for Skills... It was interesting.

And, it's why I hated "Blight" so very much, besides the fact that it was an insta-kill-death-fest at first... I tried running a big minion build, couldn't see crap, tried a cyclone build like an idiot... couldn't click on crap and half the time got stuck in "LS LOCK" because I didn't realize I put too much pressure on the left joystick and opened a Tower...

At best, controllers can be remapped to try to put certain controls "out of the way." But, there's no way to get past "target clutter" on consoles.

PS: Graphic clutter is worse, IMO. Ran maps where I couldn't see wtf was going on due to "zomgzsparkly'splosions&monchas" overload. The only reason I survived any of them was because it's a tanky build. (Spam attack, pray) Meanwhile, GGG is determined to add more eye-candy...

Note: Some things have NEVER been fixed. For instance, you can't target Juni to save your friggin' life because her hotbox is too darn small. Why? I guess because she'll spawn right next to downed Syndicate members and instead of adjusting her jump-spawn spot, which could end up with her collision-boxing her way through a wall, they just reduced her hotbox. Yay? ("hotbox" as in the region that causes the targeting to "lock on" not... something else)

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