[PS4] 3.12.3 Patch Notes
Game still crashes every 3 heists if I'm lucky. It's essentially not worth it to interact with the league content as loot gets lost on disconnect. I'd rather just spam maps and go back and grab loot as long as I have portals. I knew this league wasn't gonna be console friendly but man is it brutal.
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" For me, the majority of the problems began with the Delirium season. Prior to that, I'd have an occasional crash here and there, but I wasn't at a point where I'd be expecting them to the degree of wondering just how many I'd be having in a typical two-hour play period. With Harvest, my game freezes and full-blown crashes rose to a much higher tic. It went from the occasional to the expected. I was assured at least one blue-screen crash per play period. Sometimes, more. To your point, which I agree with fully, Heist has been a disappointment for me. Not because of the league's quirks as I find this to be the most fun I've had in PoE yet. I love the heist mechanism, but I find myself not doing them as much as I want because I don't trust making it out of them alive, so to speak. I die more nowadays due to crashes than poor play on my part. I'm afraid to take part in anything 'big' because it may likely turn out to be a waste of resources, such as with good maps and special blueprints. I'm more or less stuck having to monitor my own gaming strategies due to the unsurity of how stable the game is going to be for me. I've tried and tried to make sense of what's happening in-game stability-wise and I simply can't seem to connect any dots. At first, it was the elaborate cosmetic effects bogging down the system. Then, it seemed like lightning-based effects (bright effects) were taxing my PS4. Then, it was mass spawning of enemies due to strongboxes, and the popping of my Herald of Purity's ghostly protectors, and on and on and on. I still log in when I can because I love the game and still hope that these frequent annoyances can be fixed, but I've never felt as disappointed in the game as I have with the past few leagues. I am convinced that the PS4 simply can't handle what GGG is putting into PoE by way of advancements. I feel that future leagues are going to have to be far better optimized before being introduced to the consoles, if even brought at all. With PS5 on the horizon, perhaps it's time to slow PoE down, devote more resources to the mechanical aspects of the game, and get this thing right. |
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Any player that paid money to support GGG, should be reimbursed in an effort to apologize for what they’ve done to the console community. I mean, my god!? We’ve been dealing with this for how long now!? And only now do you actually take note of the problem, because it conflicts with your league mechanics. Pretty damn deplorable business practice in my opinion. And it’s not like I want to hate the product, like everyone else here, we love the game, but my god, this is Warcraft refunded and fallout 76 level of craftsmanship. SMH...
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" Can we *please* stop with the "the PS4 can't handle it" comments? The PS4 handles *much* more graphically and computationally intense games than PoE without crashing. There are BUGS in PoE that cause crashes. Yes, performance related issues are worse on console than on a really good PC, but that's got literally nothing to do with the crashing. Does PoE push the PS4 really hard? Yes. That's mostly due to performance/efficiency not being the PoE team's strong suit. Perhaps combined with them likely focusing more on PoE2 than on "fixing" existing PoE. However, I absolutely guarantee that the existing PoE systems could all be perfectly implemented on PS4, with good performance. The system is *far* more than capable of handling it. The questions are: Does GGG have enough programmers with sufficient understanding of coding specifically for PS4? How much time and effort are they willing to put toward making everything work? Are they willing to alter the way systems behave (underneath, not output results) in order to improve efficiency? How much time are they willing to take away from PoE2 development? I mean, look at D3 on console. While it certainly is *much* simpler in many ways, in others it is just as complex, and D3 runs the entire game locally on PS4. No server required. A *ton* of PoE's complexity is handled by the servers. On PS4, not only can you play D3 locally, but when you play multiplayer, one player's game acts as the server for a group of 4. D3 can get *huge* numbers of mobs on screen without slowing down at all. And when it does slow down (because you're doing literally hundreds of ticks of damage to each of hundreds of mobs, resulting in many thousands, or even millions of calculations required each game tick), it just slows down. It doesn't crash. Many other games are far more graphically intensive than PoE, and they don't slow down or crash. The crashing on PS4 is *NOT* because the system can't handle it. Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Oct 7, 2020, 11:35:34 PM
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Still this “can’t handle” shit...Hey, how bout much more complex Neverwinter of FF XIV which always never crash?
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and again: No fix for the crashes... realy, realy frustrating
presently frustrated PS4-player
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This company is turning into Activision with its mockery of its own fans. Lets get real here, if they didn't fixed the crashes yet, they won't fix it in the future also. This console version of the game is just a vacuum cleaner for your money.
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ok, im gonna say nice job/good start on hopefully things to come. instead of crashing every other heist im crashing 1/5 ish instead. the game feels practically playable now. i hope you guys can cut that number in half to 1/10 or so, but so far this feels way better. seems like there is just some underlying issue, i heard people talking about memory leaks, and this sounds very plausable. seems like after a certain amount of time, the game will crash without fail
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Ok tried new patch and it took no less than 5 mins to crash my ps4 in waterways map. Ps4 froze and I had to rebuild database because all my rendered textures were scuffed. This texture issue was not even isolated to poe as I booted up tekken 7 which also had strange texture bugs. Thought my ps4 was done with but rebuilding database seems to have fixed it. Now I have been very patient with ggg because I never thought poe would come to console and I knew if it did it would come with its own host of challenges but at this point I feel its a fools plight to expect change. Lets be real. We have a company on a ridiculous 3 month content cycle where pc is the main focus whilst been on the cusp of a new console generation with ps5 and poe 2 is in production. Now if im a company in this situation, why would i waste money fixing a aged generation issue when we can solve most of the problems with a new console and a new iteration of the game. Just keep a band aid on it so it can keep going until said point. Now I don't condone such practices but if you step back and look at it this seems to make sense. Please GGG prove me wrong
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They actually made it worse. GGG did a great job to increase the crashes in the game.
I've tested the heist in 3.12.2: 15 contracts 3 crashes. In 3.12.3: 5 contracts and 3 crashes. I don't believe that ps5 or poe2 will fix something. Don't be naive. fix PlayStation port
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