3.12.4 Patch Notes Preview
" I was actually just thinking this the other day. It's really not a wonder why people are jokingly calling this Standard League. Harvest league wasn't stingy with seed pods, Breach league wasn't stingy with breaches. I imagine every other league has had its debut mechanic appear every map and zone, so why not smuggler's caches in Heist? |
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" The league without league actually. There is too many contracts whats really not worth to run. I just finished lvling all skills to 5 and can say, what nothing I will want to run after this besides lockpicking one. Why league so sad and boring? Kinda already cant wait to finish 36 and totally forget about Heist. It brings really nothing. It maker really nothing to want to get out of it. Zero. Nada. Thats the summary. |
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Just my thoughts -
Im level 89 - casual causal player 5/6 grand heists I have attempted have all crashed as recently as of today. getting 35 coins to drop here and there with very sparse smugglers caches seems low and the normal heists that don't crash (which happens often enough to know you will probably crash) feel lack luster at best. Having to use a coin to visit the heist area is annoying. The heist area is solo instance so it would be nice to be able to use our movement skills there. Some of the easier challenge achievements are not working. Having to grind up the heisters is also very annoying, why give levels to the gear they can wear and then put a max cap on 80% of the skills lower than the level gear requirement. Basically it feels like standard with the choice of playing a super crashey league. I'm glad you guys attempted it, and I do love the frequency of new leagues and content - but this feels not up to par with what you usually create. Usually when you guys don't get it quite right, you address the players instead of just posting new mtx or here's how we recorded voices, which is cool but doesn't address the issue of how broken the league is. Maybe turn on the league yall used to do towards the end of the month with 3+ league mechanics on each map? I do love poe, have been playing since beta and it has brought me lots of entertainment, I just don't feel your response to all the issues at hand are adequate. I am not one of the players that expects to be able to clear all content every league, but I would like to at least get to play some with out technical issues non stop, or grinding like I would on standard for old past leagues. I get a few hours after work that I can play, and its frustrating to grind the coins to reveal everything on a blue print to have it crash at the first door, every single time. |
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This will sound as very unpopular opinion, but when ggg made announcement on heist, they said that you farm heist, collect coins and then prepare a grand heist, which meant that it is a process. Now, everyone just splits the same blueprint and runs them over and over again. I think this splitting is killing the league and should be removed.
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" i'd say other rewards should be buffed instead, so people could do something else, instead of popping currency chests cause atm if u run heists the way they were intended by devs - you just waste your time( all those grand heists of alchemy orbs, 1-3 c replicas, 1-2c gems....) and i ran pretty a lot of DIFFERENT lvl 83 grand heists - and the results were pretty terrible = no currency chests= no loot, and this is wrong 3.13 Was the best league ever! 3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you... Last edited by Anngrat#4621 on Oct 13, 2020, 4:21:50 AM
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" That's what I hope it means. I started playing Shattering Steel this league, which had the same problem, that it was not counted as a Projectile skill. Luckily it was fixed much earlier. Though fixing the alternate quality gems took way to long. :( I wanted to play Skeleton Archers as my second character this league, seams like I can finally start. :) |
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The Passive Tree window will now be in the same position when re-opened as when it was last closed. Exceptions to this rule include the first time being opened after logging in to a character, characters below level 8, or if you have any unspent Ascendancy passive points with the Ascendancy passive tree visible
thank you X 10000 |
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So basically...fixed bugs.
Hum...right. |
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It'd be nice if I could actually finish a fucking heist without the client completely closing and ruining my run. This is very much a "24 challenges and done" league for me. Only doing it for Hana/Beans.
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Heist must has much more rewards at the boxes.This is the current leauge and the old one but feels like an old rewardless waste of time thing.BUFF IT! It almost week 4.
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