[PS4] 3.12.3c Patch Notes
Jay Wilson to PS4 users - F them Losers
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Very cool, hopefully will notice an improvement. This game absolutely destroys ps4 hardware, hopefully a little lrss so each patch.
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Wtf... Where's the fix to crashes when turning in town? When opening a menu? When walking across town.. Wtf. You morons. The game seriously crashes every 15 mins... Omg. Heist is broken... I tried running 4 of them... 3 crashed... Congrats. It is getting to the point where I am gonna start using vulgarity. Fix the fucking crashes... Stop them from happening. All your customers are not paying u cuz of the crashes.. Fix them.
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" It's kind of obnoxious, but regular Heists don't crash if you restart the game before each one. Restarting before a Grand Heist seems to get you two crash-free wings. The third is questionable. Haven't tried a 4-wing Grand Heist. Heisting is *way* more fun when you don't have to worry about the crashes. It's worth the extra 90 seconds of loading for the restart. And hopefully 3.12.4 patch (probably next week) will reduce the crashes even more. | |
Thanks GGG. I hope there will be fixes for the Heist crashes and the Ps4 shutdown problems soon. I like this mechanic but most of the time can't play it :(
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I've played around 240 hours in Ps4 Sc Heist League and had over 150 game crashes where i get a bluescreen showing error CE-34878-0. Is there any possible fix in the near future?
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Come on guys, give GGG a break. They've been fixing this game for 7 years and every crash they fix, the create 3 more. God forbid the cash crop MT store stayed broken. I can't believe someone actually complained that they couldn't waste their money. I would have counted it as a blessing. GGG finally giving back.
However I will admit even with the nightmarish performance issues it has remained my favorite game and always will, and we all clearly still have faith one day we will play a POE game and not crash, but it won't be this one. I hope they made POE 2 simply for the reason they broke POE 1 and it's not fixable so they decided to start from scratch so that after years of customers complaining, we would stick it out and wait for the sequel. Or POE 2 is just a hoax to get us to spend money and time one this one and not give up on them. 😂 Wouldn't that be the ultimate payback for 7 years of harsh reviews and very little gratitude. I would like to thank GGG for their hard work, regardless of their lack of skill to fix the game completely. They still put just as many, even way more hours into fixing it than we do playing it, and it no doubt isn't a cake walk. Especially after reading all the harsh remarks, reviews and "all caps yelling" from the players. It would take all I had to not say fuck you and just shut down the servers in spite of the shitty attitudes from players. Yes the game crashes and that itself is unacceptable due to the fact no other game I've played ever crashed(mostly). Especially one so big. I would rather them charge us $60 to buy the game without crashes than play it for free with crashes. Anyways. Patch is over I can play again. Have fun, exiles! Pray for less crashes than before, and prepare for the worse! (Technical issues causing a 10 minutes patch/update turning into a 8 hour mystery shut down. Never again lol. I'm sure some of us took off work and had the whole day planned out to play and it got pushed back half a day. BYE EXILES! (I still vote for GGG hiring someone to fix their game. |
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Nice to see that we get at least some fixes xD
Here would be my list what i miss from it: - Fixed a crash starting Delirium (80% of them instantly crash after starting them) - Fixed a crash using Flame dash (even in the Hideout i crash using it, and since 50% of skill in this Game is the use of Dash, it's annoying to worry about using it in Heist where you can dash past ALL THE ENEMIES WAITING BEHIND DOORS) - Improvements of Heists Level 80+ (again) (I noticed that i didn't crash very often( every 2nd attempt) in the ones below lvl80 but the ones above have a 80% of crashing at the moment) - Fixed a crash on a Conqueror or Sirius encounter (Almost every Map with a Conqueror Boss fight and EVERY SIRIUS FIGHT crashes at least 1 Times and since tracking Sirius is still the most difficult thing about the fight it usually fails my encounter = lost interest in the Atlas Boss and wishing the Shaper back) - Fixed a crash when you enter the Heist Town (I still don't understand why you make the same mistake with this as Oriath, when you notice that you're not cappable to make a Town for all players at the same Time that's stable, why do you keep making one?) - Fixed a crash/freeeze loading into Oriath after a Crash (Entering Oriath is the most difficult thing in this game, for a City that you unlock by beating the Game, it is the worst place that you could enter after a crash, so far that i make sure that i entered an other city so i don't load into this Lag Party when it crashed again) Is there an option to let Sirius destroy it? i Have more motivation for this then stopping him ^^ -Fixed a bug where the screen Textures are starting to get overlayed by colors (The worst example was a lvl 84 Amanamanu that i had to Fight on a complete Black map, i had 1 spot where the Screen would appear and if i made 1 step everything went black again) - Fixed a crash when you get an offer for an Item in YOUR PREMIUM STASH TAB (a lot of times when i get back to town after a crash i got a new price offer for a item, so probably the textmessage popping up caused the crash) I guess most crashes are the cause of too many calculations going on in the background, so maybe it's time to think about removing certain mechanics instead of adding more into an already confused engine. I hope you fix some of these and turn it arround, else i don't see many players sticking arround for poe2 as soon as some competition appears. |
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I was preparing to share that the past few days have been relatively crash-light, but I started getting back into the old fold again today.
The weekend was sometimes crash-free. I could go two hours without any problems of any sort (aside from the log-in music stuttering). However, today was very familiar in that every 45 minutes or so, I'd have a 'scheduled' blue screen crash. I know others have noted that there seems to be a timing relation to the crashes. Some said 45 minutes, some said an hour. I am seeing similar things. Nothing of note is happening in the game when the crashes occur. I wonder if there's some type of server-side population check occuring that is affecting client-side performance. Probably not, but I did try some fixes others have mentioned. I moved the audio sliders down on the ambient music and the special effects. There's a lot of noise splashes due to the various chimings we hear when different types of loot drops. I was thinking maybe the audio is the cause for some crashes. I did have a good time after doing that, but like I said, today was back to the familiar once again. |
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Less than hour since patch - lost 1 grand heist to dc and portal loss, crashed 2 times in small heist. About a portal/instance loss - thought console launched with that problems solved, it was patched 2 weeks ago how the duck this bs still in the game
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