New Hideouts and Super Stash Sale

gotta say, the endless sea is insanely calming might cop
Grinding Greed Games
fix PlayStation port
Hope the shitstorm hits their fence before its too late in their tower to realize the speeding up downwards spiral ...
Such low quality of hideouts can really match the quality of this league.

Trading still sucks
Finally! The best hideouts!
my goodness....the amount of effort people put into hating these...

the game is free.
don't like it? don't buy it

take your vitriol back to LoL or fortnite.

ps @ggg: stop trying to expand the player base every league...and all the xbox ps4 mumbo're inviting more and more of the cesspool that is the internet in here... you have your core players. you can't please everyone yet you open the gates every league to people who don't know the game but dump on it with a few weeks or months're getting your game influenced by loud whiny idiots...
I'm that Morty guy.
those hideouts are extremely low quality for extremely high price. the person responsible for them should really feel ashamed of their practices. i get that it's capitalism and you gotta earn that profit for your CEO, but come on
inf_1n1ty wrote:
Grinding Greed Games

oh snap...but as the infamous Gordon Gecko once said...
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
Seems just Ctrl-C Ctrl-V, adding a few more animations can make them more interesting
Interesting concept. You know what I was thinking? Why don't you reach out to Mojang Studios to create a Minecraft hideout? Perhaps a huge block that you can dig out. Sort of the opposite I guess. Instead of diamonds you can add mystery boxes for people who dig 24/7.
Bring back helmet enchants!
Last edited by hogmark#5124 on Oct 16, 2020, 10:12:25 AM

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