Path of Exile Community Designed Microtransaction - Poll #4

Community Designed Microtransaction - Theme for a new Cyclone effect

Novelty (e.g. Celestial Cat Soulrend or Summon Raging Bees)
Colourful and bright (like Carnival or Madcap)
Dark and gritty
Poll closed
Hi all. I stole from office GGG Conceptual art new cyclon skin.
There is skills that have only 1 MTX. There is skills that still have 0 MTX. And then there is Cyclone that has like 99 MTX of all possible themes. But when GGG gives us the option to chose what new skill should they give an MTX... yeah all vote cyclone. Anytime in the future any of you think "i wish there was an MTX for this skill im playing" just remember, there could have been, but you voted Cyclone
I think the only real option here is a Sharknado Cyclone effect...
Imagine a green electric Cyclone, kind of like thaumaturgy and Hulk themed


Something on this green base, with thunder roaring while we spin, a poisonous spinning mist to be precise!

Celestial Cat Cyclone!
why isnt invisible cyclone an option?
Where is vote option for NONE ?
Cant belive Poe has become, this ? A game that focus on reworked celestial microtransaction in time people have struggle to barely get any money to spend on games and yet thay still sell these things for incredibly overpiced sum while their content is so bad and yet thay convince us thay have no people to made it better etc.....Does anyone even fall for that ???

Truly waiting to see if this gonna be a thing in Poe2 so the game wont see me ever again, if i ever stop playin it, it will be cos of GGG not cos of game itself.
I simply cant belive that corporate people at ggg are so much greedy, 50e for 1 small, dead animated pixel, worst of all animation is rly bad or so static...AND even worse then that, people swallow that and buy it. So some1 tell me whats the other word then 'DUMB' for those kind of people ?
I Vote for optimization game
5 Эмблем Сервис - 4 Divine Orb/Capped Loot!!!
Vote for Fixing the Game.
Can we talk about the crashes und poor performance of the game first pls?
Trading still sucks

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