We The North - guild for mature players


Interested in joining. HMU in game. Character name is McPants.

I live in EU, have played PoE on and off for many years now. I play evening and weekends. Got a lot of RL happening atm. Looking for some people to chill with and make the game more social.
Wraeclaster, TookaPack, Smokybread and Golgho invites have been sent.

Welcome !

Hey all! (IGN: AestheticManOnDrug)

Been playing variety games all life but now hooked up with Poe in the lockdown. I am from India, and we have literally single digit player base. It would be fun to play in a party as solo is sometimes boring.

Last edited by codeb3nder#5299 on Aug 2, 2021, 9:11:10 PM
Hello Im a 42YO dad from Montreal who just started playing this game, and am really bored of the lack of social Im getting, I usually play in the evening up to 12-1AM and weekend, Im a ll 29 duelist starting act 3, with no idea what to do with my build, and would love to be able to ask Question without getting them lost in general
GOTFrog and codeb3nder, invites have been sent.


Hi Interested in joining, current char name is ItchyWitchyBoo. 39 yr old dad here from Ottawa, been playing since the last couple of weeks of Delirium. Currently leveling a necromancer, highest leveled char I think was 87 back in Harvest, still no clue what I am doing though :)
Looking for some social poe these days, expedition has been.. lonely haha.

Currently into rerolling a new toon and I have been playing for.. a while lets say.

Since all my friends don't play anymore I am looking for a new community. I'm 30'years old, mature and have been playing the game since tempest league. I would love to get an invite :)

My current IGN: InfiniteMana

kj165 and Xenophobix invites have been sent.

Welcome !

Account Name: Kwadjia
Current Character: Kwadjioteur

Hi I have been playing since Breach and push hard every league solo. Would like to be a part of a guild to enjoy the game more. Also I want to try a support character at some point and I know I need people to play with to do that.


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