We The North - guild for mature players
invites have been sent out. Welcome everyone!
Lisa |
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Rob, 36, UK I'm a long time gamer, played a season of POE with a few 90+ level characters a few years back and just started up again in Sentinel. Currently 1 character at 85 ish. I play a bit when I'm around but work in movies so away sometimes filming. I consider myself semi casual. I know the game well but don't know the new content much from the last few seasons. I'm looking for a friendly community to run content with. I could do with some leveling help to get 90+ but also happy to help others, especially once more established with sentinel end game. Attracted to your guild because you mentioned you are mature players and not a bunch of kids! |
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Edit: Removed
Last edited by BluetideLSD#1168 on Dec 22, 2022, 2:47:58 PM
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Roy, 39 West coast USA.
played POE years ago but have forgotten EVERYTHING. Steam: Havok2003 Ingame name: Malycah |
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Will, 27 Toronto Ontario.
Been playing POE on and off for years now, but I by no means have a wealth of knowledge on game mechanics. I usually find a differnt build on league starts to try different styles, and see what I like. I usually end up defaulting to a trap build, or something lightning related. Looking to play more activly once I get my wishlist PC parts sometime mid next league. I'm a full time student, so my studies take priority, but in my free time I'd love to actually engage with a community in a game I enjoy. I have almost 430 hours played. Steam: Epileptic Laser Tag Champion Ingame name: OverdoneTrappin |
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invites have been sent out. Welcome everyone!
Lisa |
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Good day. I am looking for a chill relaxed guild. I am a casual player. Not overly new to the game but feels thar way at times. Played on Playstation now on pc. Just wanting to see how to make this game a bit better. Thanks.
MHamer8R is my account name. Thanks. |
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Sandra, 32.
I've been playing PoE for 5 years. I always return to this game at league starts – and have a blast. However the spark often fades out after a month or so. I would love to be a part of your guild, and hopefully find PoE entertaining for longer. Oh, and I'm hyped for 3.19! Can't wait to see what GGG has been working on! IGN: Sielitha |
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My name is Joe, I'm from Minnesota. Currently I'm at 1,600+ hours in PoE. I've never been in a PoE guild before, but I'd be interested in joining before the upcoming 3.19 release. I think I would have a lot to offer to a PoE community, and I know I would benefit from talking with others who are more experienced than I am. I love the idea of a more mature community; I've played plenty of MMOs and have unfortunately found it difficult to find groups or guilds that didn't have toxic and disrespectful members. I'm excited for the new league, and will likely be playing about 40 hours/week around league start. Let's go fishing on the Lake of Kalandra! IGN: TheWitchThatMadeItWork |
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Character name: GoldenRainUrineDrain
IGN I believie is: Yamarin277 I'm from Poland in Europe, 31 years old, married. Playing PoE since 3.5, around 3.10 I started to play a lot and now slowing down again. Steam says 2700h overall. Still don't know a thing. Playing depending on a league etc. I'm looking for someone to talk a little while I'm playing because friends don't plan to start playing this league (they say the are done with the game). Other reasons are trying out english, help people play this game. I'm looking for a guild mostly because I don't want to play alone, it's fun to talk about it. Last edited by Yamarin277#3545 on Aug 9, 2022, 8:27:13 AM
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