The Endless Delve FAQ

Huggyos wrote:
Why in FAQ and ingame there wasnt any mention or warning that this temp league characters just going to be useless after the league?
Everywhere I read that general rule, temporary league characters are transfering to the actual parent league.

IT says, the league is VOIDED, means no characters or stashes are transfered to standard.
OMG, what a funny mode I missed!
Disaer wrote:
OMG, what a funny mode I missed!

Me too!! Damn it Silverhand...

They need to include a new unique in 3.13.... Skippy the crude bow. All arrows auto aim w/ 100% hit rate, and 100% chance to crit.

... for the memes...
There will be no crafting bench avaliable? what?
nerf blood of summer :)
I have never felt further from what I know and love
Can someone explains me what's the point of doing this event on HC since we share the same reward pool with softcore players ????
Now make this the alt leveling experience and we have hit gold.

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