[3.15]💥Dang's Infernal Trinity Palm Raider 💥 Explosions W/O Massive cost.🔨Crafting Section🔨

First off, thanks for the guide. This was one of the most enjoyable leveling experiences i have ever had in POE. My map clear is incredible, however i struggle with ST in higher tier maps. Also, I do get one shot pretty often. I know i am missing health, but cannot seem to figure out where to make it up. Any suggestions are much appreciated! Thank you.

esmolli wrote:
First off, thanks for the guide. This was one of the most enjoyable leveling experiences i have ever had in POE. My map clear is incredible, however i struggle with ST in higher tier maps. Also, I do get one shot pretty often. I know i am missing health, but cannot seem to figure out where to make it up. Any suggestions are much appreciated! Thank you.


I would get rid of the 2 inspired learning for now. Get a life + dex + atk speed + resist one, and a Martial Artistry. Inspired Learnings are the very final touch.

Disciple of the Slaughter should be your priority N° 1. Unspec Acuity and Resourcefulness for it.

Use attributes catalysts on your Astramentis.

A medium cluster jewel will be a nice addition after you level a bit.

In general, you want T1 dex and T1/T2 life on both your rings and your belt. It can become hard to match resists, but survivalist and cloth chain help. I use a jewel with 52 resists too (10 to all, 12 to fire and cold). When I will upgrade my ring and belt resists from t4/t3 to t1, I will get a better jewel.

This build is not a dedicated the boss killer but does the job surprisingly well in my opinion. It's mainly due to it's high dps but you don't have that now. It will come if you continue to invest in the build (awakened gems mainly). Plus there is a learning curve to it. This is my first strike build and often I was split between running away and stopping dps, or facetanking like a maniac. There is an art to it, dpsing for one second, relocating, dpsing again. It comes with time.

Now I've 9m dps and kill Sirus A9 pretty easily. Not deathless yet, it will come. Maps bosses just melt under a second.

tl, dr: Stick to it, I gets way better.
Last edited by roselan#6478 on Mar 7, 2021, 9:56:38 AM
Anyone willing to take a look at my build?

In PoB my DPS is just about half of the reference build, and I cannot figure out why. My Dex is a little lower as my Brutal Restraint jewel isn't that good, but other than that my gear should be descent enough. I think it has something to do with Trinity support, but I just don't know what's wrong.

The build plays fine the way it is, map clear and regular bosses are no problem. It's bugging me knowing that there's somewhere untaped potential which I don#t know how to access.

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/WDNvaPvj
Char is public

Any help is appreciated.
Iceman7509 wrote:
Anyone willing to take a look at my build?

In PoB my DPS is just about half of the reference build, and I cannot figure out why. My Dex is a little lower as my Brutal Restraint jewel isn't that good, but other than that my gear should be descent enough. I think it has something to do with Trinity support, but I just don't know what's wrong.

The build plays fine the way it is, map clear and regular bosses are no problem. It's bugging me knowing that there's somewhere untaped potential which I don#t know how to access.

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/WDNvaPvj
Char is public

Any help is appreciated.

In Configuration, Lowest Resonance count, put 50.

Hardest job ever, you owe me a beer.

edit: I played a bit with your tree, added an intuitive leap, herald of purity. and you get 8.6m dps and slightly more life: https://pastebin.com/DFpcc9Gz

For the next upgrade I would look for a ring with inc ele damage with attacks and non-crafted life to bench craft -8 mana.
Last edited by roselan#6478 on Mar 9, 2021, 3:33:15 PM
Thanks so much for the quick help!

I knew I overlooked something, but just couldn't figure it out. Also thanks for the pointers regarding upgrades and the updated tree. Always good to know what to improve next :-)
Iceman7509 wrote:
Thanks so much for the quick help!

I knew I overlooked something, but just couldn't figure it out. Also thanks for the pointers regarding upgrades and the updated tree. Always good to know what to improve next :-)

Yeah it happened to me too and drove me crazy, I had two pob open side by side and copied every single piece of gear from Dang's PoB one by one to my build and still did like half his damage until I spotted it.

During that exercise, I noticed the how powerful the "ele dmg with attacks" mods are.

ps: more shuffling around, less life but 10m dps @ lv100: https://pastebin.com/T6bFq9vP
Last edited by roselan#6478 on Mar 9, 2021, 3:34:37 PM
So more reports from my experiment,

I leveled half of 96 to 97 with cyclone just to compare and now I'm back to infernal blow. Cyclone is boring, slower, but safer. Mainly against bosses and Sirus. But infernal blow is way more fun. Testing things around, I realized can't live without the onslaught branch, if only to annoy my friends in their ho by zooming around them.

So for now I settled for frenzy + onslaught, with a quartz flask. And it's savage.

During my cyclone betrayal, I got myself an explody chest with 12% dex. I now prefer it to Wildwrap mainly for the explosion chaining. You get that waste pool feeling in open maps like canyon. Explosions chain in two stages and properly wipe the screen. With Wildwrap some mobs survive the explosion and you have to smack them again, except they might be slightly out of range and far apart and it's annoying when your cleaning ocd kicks in and you want to remove them. I feel that the clear is much better with the explody chest. In addition, true corpse removal is a godsend in delve and against corpse explosions.

It's very frustrating because Wildwrap has everything we want and infernal blow has nice embedded explosions. But even with all that, crusader chest explosions are just too good to pass (imo).

Last edited by roselan#6478 on Mar 9, 2021, 3:46:58 PM
In Configuration, Lowest Resonance count, put 50.

Hardest job ever, you owe me a beer.

edit: I played a bit with your tree, added an intuitive leap, herald of purity. and you get 8.6m dps and slightly more life: https://pastebin.com/DFpcc9Gz

For the next upgrade I would look for a ring with inc ele damage with attacks and non-crafted life to bench craft -8 mana.

Thanks so much for the quick help!

I knew I overlooked something, but just couldn't figure it out. Also thanks for the pointers regarding upgrades and the updated tree. Always good to know what to improve next :-)

Hey Roselan and Iceman, that pob is sitting at 14mil Shaper/Sirus Dps, remember to add the Debuff Explosion - 6 Stacks combined dps to the melee hit combined dps. They occur at the same time because each hit applies a 66% stored damage and will always proc when they hit 6 which is 1.83 times a second. Also Herald of Purity is excessive and the Aspect is much better in most cases. If you want that much damage you can just use Spider, but Cat gives you 15% chance to just avoid damage while in Cat's Stealth. You don't have the extra gem slot so you have to sacrifice either Ancestral Protector or Vaal Ancestral Warchief. For your Cast when damage taken, how often is it triggering for you at level 10? The Chaos Golem is a very interesting addition.

Feel free to stop by the stream if you guys have questions, Ill be streaming around 3-3:30 PST today, so in about 1 hour. I usually stream most days at 2 pm at https://www.twitch.tv/and_Dang.
Haven't really paid much attention on how often my CWDT setup triggers, as most stuff hasn't even the chance to touch me ;-)

True, using the Herald would sacrifice one slot, while using Aspect of the Cat won't. But it's hard to find good gear which has all the things one wants. And if you find something, it's pretty expensive most times. But I think I have some belt with Aspect in storage, so I'll give that a try too. Probably will loose some dex or life, as the stats on the belt aren't optimized for this build, but it should be fine to just test it.

Low life and almost no Chaos resists are the only downsides of this build. If you get hit by some higher lvl mob or boss, you're in trouble. Other than that, it's really fun to play.
Looking to try this soon but I just had a question whether it was possible to just to change Infernal Blow to Tectonic Slam would it work? Along with the things that are meant to buff Infernal blow as well. Like the strike range and stuff.
GGG please allow Flicker Strike on Hollow Palm
Last edited by Erseii#4869 on Mar 10, 2021, 1:26:25 PM

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