[3.15]💥Dang's Infernal Trinity Palm Raider 💥 Explosions W/O Massive cost.🔨Crafting Section🔨

JIvll wrote:
Hey, I am only level 25 but I cant get smite to do any damage im sitting there mashing it on yellow packs and takes hella watch your video you one tapping everything i got briskwrap 6l so idk??

Check if you picked up a pair of gloves / weapon / shield... maybe you have something equiped so Hollow palm doesn't work...
Also make sure to go into UI options and disable Auto-Equip so it doesn't bork your damage after picking up loot.
Last edited by QkiPie#7610 on Apr 29, 2021, 4:10:43 PM
Just scrapped together the gear to swap to the crit build and an extremely lucky divine on a brutal restraint. Overall, seems to be working well, at least in PoB it's showing about 17.5M boss dps and my rare items are quite bad.
miizii wrote:
wonderind how important that anomalous trinity is?

the diference is only notable on small maps usually if the mobs are spread out you wont see much of a difference... it is a luxuary upgrade but certainly not required
Asura2468 wrote:
miizii wrote:
wonderind how important that anomalous trinity is?

the diference is only notable on small maps usually if the mobs are spread out you wont see much of a difference... it is a luxuary upgrade but certainly not required

Trinity, not inf blow
Trinity is 15% IAS instead of 10% ele damage. It's a decent upgrade.
what does brutal restraint do, it says on wiki that it provides crit?
is there a budget version pob somewhere?
salluks wrote:
what does brutal restraint do, it says on wiki that it provides crit?

Extra stats on passive skills like %dex, chance to blind, etc
I'm struggling with crafting the chest. I'm up to T14 - 16 maps and found plenty of Harvests but not many with the right modifiers...

Any tips? Or are we just at the mercy of RNG?
Cookaymus wrote:
I'm struggling with crafting the chest. I'm up to T14 - 16 maps and found plenty of Harvests but not many with the right modifiers...

Any tips? Or are we just at the mercy of RNG?

do u mean socket coluoring? try TFT I got it done in minutes.

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