[3.15]💥Dang's Infernal Trinity Palm Raider 💥 Explosions W/O Massive cost.🔨Crafting Section🔨

jonojojo wrote:
Is there any significant advantage of using 2 Inspired Learning instead of only 1? Or is it just for QOL? If I hit a single rare mob, I will get 2 mods instead of 1? It seems in Ultimatum 1 IL is enough to get tons of buff, general mapping not so much.

Having multiple inspired learnings lets you steal multiple buffs from each rare monster. Having two is basically twice as good.

saxisa wrote:
Hey! So I'm leveling this build because I love raider builds and it just looks fun. Still very low (38) but running this gear:
Any cheap upgrades that will improve my leveling experience? Mana is kind of a problem right now, which I suspect will bite me in the butt soon. Also when should I switch to infernal blow? Other thoughts or advice?

If you're struggling with mana, I can recommend running a Praxis ring until you get the Mind Drinker notable. As for upgrades, a decently rolled Astramentis (95+ all stats) costs ~30c, this would give you a hefty damage boost. I personally switched to infernal blow once I had the cold conversion notables, but I probably wouldn't do that without a properly coloured Briskwrap.

Loje wrote:
Also, any idea why my ingame dex shows 1370, while my pob shows 1265?

POB does not automatically calculate the notables from Brutal Restraint, these have to be added in manually. If yours has any bonus dex or % dex, this could be the cause.

Adrazazael wrote:
Hey guys can you helpme out a little bit?
I'm going for the crit version of the build but sometimes I feel that the hit is missing the target and deals no dmg and also the trinity does not trigger the three bars at the same times(usually the red bar is the missing one). I have the following gear
Any advice? I know I'm missing some levels but getting there

So, if your Trinity icon is missing the Red bar, that means your hits all have Fire as the largest damage type. You can see this in the configuration tab in POB. As a bandaid fix, you could try dropping the watchers eye jewel slot and picking up the winter spirit notables with the 3 points saved, this gives slightly more conversion (40% vs 39%) and some increased cold damage to put you at 50/50 cold/fire.

Can i switch infernal blow with tectonic slam?
Zewwok wrote:

Loje wrote:
Also, any idea why my ingame dex shows 1370, while my pob shows 1265?

POB does not automatically calculate the notables from Brutal Restraint, these have to be added in manually. If yours has any bonus dex or % dex, this could be the cause.

Right, how do you add that manually then? Just add the stats to an item or is there another way?
Loje wrote:
Zewwok wrote:

Loje wrote:
Also, any idea why my ingame dex shows 1370, while my pob shows 1265?

POB does not automatically calculate the notables from Brutal Restraint, these have to be added in manually. If yours has any bonus dex or % dex, this could be the cause.

Right, how do you add that manually then? Just add the stats to an item or is there another way?

right click the node and edit
adinth wrote:
Hey guys,

I would like some help improving the build as I don't see myself being able to fit future purchases without swapping entire sets of clusters and jewelry.

My next upgrade would probably be a bottled faith but any advice is appreciated.

My POB: https://pastebin.com/JATjyE1G


I'm still looking for help to improve. Everything except awakened gems I've plugged into POB atm seems to just be lower dps.
Super fun. Lvl56, died twice for stupid stuff but really fast build and pretty comfy leveling.

I'm still not sure about the switch to infernal blow. I can't afford a brisk/wild wrap yet with the right colors, but could afford a decent rare. Given how smooth consecrated path is for leveling I'm not in a rush, but should I switch to IB asap? Does it have huge advantages over consecrated path?

Other areas to improve?

Current Gear:
Last edited by saxisa#6683 on May 14, 2021, 7:51:26 PM
is the PoB to follow the 3.13 PoB or did i miss a 3.14 version?
I'm working on leveling the build. Have all of the items so far except for a Brutal Restraint jewel which I'm still not sure about. Is there a set number of Dekhara that you need? Does is matter which of the Akhara the jewel is?
The name on brutal restraint doesn't matter
Just divine until you get good stats
What stats are we looking for? I looked through the main post but can't find Brutal Restraint discussed in it.

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