[3.15]💥Dang's Infernal Trinity Palm Raider 💥 Explosions W/O Massive cost.🔨Crafting Section🔨

DemiSandal wrote:

Can anyone help me out, my damage is complete trash and survivability is low due to 4.3k hp.

It actually doesn't seem so bad, i have 4.2k hp myself atm(just started to go red tier maps tho, but it's still goes smooth af). But there's some things you can do:

One of the reason why you have lack of damage is lack of dexterity
1)I see you have Fluid Motion which is quite good as cheap alternative, but good Brutal Restraint can give potentially more dex and damage(through %increased dex nodes and nodes like % phys as extra cold) and some cool QoL things as Onslaught on kill and Blind on hit.
2)Try to spam Deafening Essence of Sorrow on your belt until you get decent result. You'll get another chunk of dex (+50-55)
3)Get boot enchant with ele pen for damage
4)Get Ancestral Protector and Vaal Ancestral Warchief. It's not necessary to use them while clearing, but it's huge dps boost on boss fights. I see you still have one free socket in helmet. Use at least one of these totems

1)You need to grab unique flasks. They will give you big chunk of damage and some defense. Use Taste of Hate and Atziri's Promise instead of Mana flask(do you really have problems with mana?) and silver flask.
1.5) (Optional) Also next option maybe not very good, but you can try to use Rotgut instead of usual Quicksilver Flask. Cause it'll actually gives you more movespeed than usual flask and Onslaught with really long duration(consumes all Frenzy charges tho, but since we're playing Raider you'll get it back fast). Downside in this case will be the fact that you'll have only one non-unique Flask, and therefore there will be no immune to curse flask which can be problematic
2)Try to play with Life flask that give you instant recovery. Despite the fact that it gives you less health it seems much more useful when you take sudden near one-shot hits

1) You can save one passive point by moving all your cluster tree from the socket near Point Blank, to the one near Acrobatics.(these small evasion nodes in a way don't really matters that much) And judging by how you changed your pathing on tree you can try to grab Vaal Pact. It gives you much more recovery while you fighting. Ofc it's not for everyone, some people prefer to regen outside of fight, but i grabbed it and feels completely fine for me now.
2)IMO i don't think that Medium Cluster for Curses is really worth it. It doesn't give you too much damage, and blind...i think you can find another source of blind. I think it's better to spend these points somewhere else. For example getting socket for another Inspired Learning which gives you some dex in a way.

Also i'm not sure why, but you PoB shows that you have Dread Banner. Did you grab it for reducing accuracy to enemies? If yes then...i actually like this idea haven't thought about that:) Might try to use that as well cause i have 25% unreserved mana

Anyway here's my pob atm if you're interested: https://pastebin.com/ZbFvDdQX (If there's an error in PoB just open link and copypaste all the text from there manually)
In 95lvl i'm planning to grab Cold Conduction-Overshock Medium Cluster and some simple rare jewel. I got Ele Focus as one of my links for now but it's cause i'm still trying to recolor one blue to red, so i can change Ele Focus to Melee Phys
Last edited by Libbyt#1262 on Jan 28, 2021, 1:57:20 AM
DemiSandal wrote:

Can anyone help me out, my damage is complete trash and survivability is low due to 4.3k hp.


From your items, I'm assuming you just changed from the Ice Crash build. First, your cluster jewels aren't doing much for your DPS at all. Curse effects don't help much, take it out. If you want that Enduring Composure still there, just put it there no need for a Medium Jewel at all. Else, just slap an abyssal or any jewel that increases Life / Dex / Resist there. This will save a lot of Skill Points that you can put anywhere else, like that jewel node above blood drinker and mind drinker as well as trickery (Remember int is also good for your life with Fractal Thoughts) and the jewel node to the left of Revenge of the Hunted. Jewel nodes are extremely strong (a jewel will most likely be 5-7%life, 10-15dex, 4-6%attackspeed, %resists).

Your large cluster jewel also doesn't help much, you most likely will not chill nor shock, so it's better to just get straight damage through attack speed or damage from dual wielding large cluster jewel.

Same goes for Fluid Motion, the jewel changes Str into Dex, but you only have 20 Str in the area, it's much better you get a Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel (BiS) which increases your Dex by much more (divine it to get dex) or at least get jewels that increase your Attack Speed / Dex / Resists

You're using dread banner, which is an impale banner. Ditch it, we don't need impale and it doesn't help our cause as well as consume our precious mana reserves, Dang (OP) recommended Ancestral Warchief which gives "more" multiplier to our attack while being near it. Just cast it or its vaal version on a boss and spam right click and bosses will melt.

Also, as a rule of thumb by Ziz, if you're on trade league, it's extremely cheap to use the trade website to get level 20 gems for at most 5c each, you'll only need the main gem for that if you're struggling with currency so at least get a level 20 infernal blow.

Your rings can be better, you only have Elemental Blow Curse on hit with 20% effect, with your level you should be able to drop hunter base ring and harvest craft for 32%, but you can also buy it if you have the currency. Watch Dang's method to craft it on youtube.

Your belt can still be crafted with Elemental attacks damage increase, do it. Also catalysts to increase stats, get them! Keep running maps and doing your rituals, then start running metamorphs, more catalysts without the need to buy them!

At first glance, I can see that you're not familiar with how CWDT works yet, thus you have it at level 18. You see, that's a defensive layer that benefits a lot from being low level. Higher level CWDT takes more damage to proc, so we leave it at either level 4 (to pair with low level Immortal Call, or in your case of preference steelskin) or level 9. This would make almost everything that hit you proc the defense layer, lowering that damage and other consecutive hits much lower than before. Yours won't proc and it won't mitigate early and you die much easier.

Another wise words from streamer, in PoE, flasks are almost 50% of your defenses, recommended flasks are in the guide and their reasons as well. It'll help to remove that Quicksilver (we don't need more movespeed trust me) Mana (Don't need it as well, we can leech enough), and that Silver flask (it's a preference though, if you want offense, Onslaught is good, else, a Quartz Flask can stack more dodge onto you on usage).
What's the clearspeed difference between having the alt quality infernal blow and not? And possibly more importantly, is there much difference in how satisfying the screen pops are?
Build must be getting popular as they have really shot up in price.
How do you guys get the right colors on Wildwrap?

It looks insanely difficult to get
What's the clearspeed difference between having the alt quality infernal blow and not? And possibly more importantly, is there much difference in how satisfying the screen pops are?
Build must be getting popular as they have really shot up in price.

Without Anomalous Infernal Blow you wont have full screen wide explosions, you'll blow up entire packs with 1 hit but they won't chain to each other


How do you guys get the right colors on Wildwrap?

It looks insanely difficult to get

There's a video at the bottom in the Crafting your Gear section that shows you how to color your Wildwrap! I hope you find that helpful enough to drop a follow or a sub to the channel.😊

@Libbyt and @xsicho, Thanks for stepping in for the explanation I couldn't have said it better my self. The Curse effect cluster jewel is interesting and we explored the idea yesterday on stream. It is a guaranteed source of blind during our regular clear, effectively giving us 21% evade chance to cap your evasion, and also can be a form of culling strike with the introduction of Wish for Death having these 2 factors together along with also being able to get some resistances on the jewel itself means that is a very viable option. The downside is what we give up on the tree, we have to give up on life or some great attack speed that was within reach of us. I think that for Bossing in particular the culling strike is fantastic, but the Blind is not a good source for survivability for prolonged fights. Since the enemy has to not be cursed and then be cursed afterwards it makes it awkward to maintain uptime for blind, which is why you should layer this with another source of blind on hit.
Thanks for the build, I'm really enjoying it!

Coloring the Wildwrap is a damn long journey for me though, I got 3R 3B with harvest but I got greedy and tried to roll it again, not even Vorici saved me after that :/

Question though, in the video you have a lot of uses of the coloring in harvest, I usually get only 1 or 2 uses of each option, is it just RNG?
Hello. I'm a casual cyclone player and this is the first time I've played this kind of build, so if possible, please advise how to increase my dps even more. For t16, the map is certainly enough, but I would like to kill the guards faster. It seems so far I have 88 lvl and only the cluster is missing. P.S Build is very cool, I fell in love and I don't know how to play now on something else

Here are my items:

And this is my pastebin: https://pastebin.com/hmP4qRnz
Last edited by TheDyssaN#4693 on Jan 28, 2021, 9:11:43 AM
Also, is anyone else having issues with harvest just refusing to spawn after allocating the atlas passives? Ran a few hours of maps and not one grove.

EDIT: finally got it and lucked into proper colors! Bloofing packs with 1 click now :D
Last edited by QkiPie#7610 on Jan 28, 2021, 2:36:31 PM
Hey! First of all, loving the build. Spoke with OP on his Twitch stream before rolling to it, and seemed pretty solid. I am not disappointed. Been running juiced 60% delirious maps and havent died in one yet, and the damage is just absurd when you have Vaal Warchief up.

Anyways, I'm wondering where to go with my next few levels and what I could upgrade, if anyone wants to take a look.

Here's my PoB: https://pastebin.com/TkxnuQQj (please not my res is indeed capped and my Dex is 1460. Some of both comes from my Brutal Restraint).
Last edited by Phizeek#5570 on Jan 28, 2021, 4:39:03 PM
TheDyssaN wrote:
Hello. I'm a casual cyclone player and this is the first time I've played this kind of build, so if possible, please advise how to increase my dps even more. For t16, the map is certainly enough, but I would like to kill the guards faster. It seems so far I have 88 lvl and only the cluster is missing. P.S Build is very cool, I fell in love and I don't know how to play now on something else

And this is my pastebin: https://pastebin.com/hmP4qRnz

Well, the good news is, it's not really all that bad...

The first thing you should do is get a Vaal Ancestral Warchief and an Ancestral Protector in your setup. Make sure to use them on bosses. It adds big damage.

After that, work on the clusters and once you have done both you should notice a large damage increase!

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