Reworked and Changed Ascendancy Classes in Path of Exile: Echoes of the Atlas

Soooo.... You give cobra lash a baby buff because you think it's underused (it is) but then you continue to nerf the crap out of poison on every ascendency it can use. That's still a nett nerf on cobra lash which was already severely underpowered since the last expansions buffs to bosses.
If these are "buffs", why not let us choose between the old and new ascendancies?

(Hint: they aren't buffs depending on your build)
ashlexd wrote:
Everyone who plays Necromancer should stop freaking out. The minor nerfs to the damage nodes is like... 10% less dps at max. It's not MORE damage, it's INCREASED damage on top of what you already have
Be glad we still even have the other notables. The real shit is when they release carrion golem nerfs or spectre (operatives) nerfs. Other than that, build is just at 90%~ strength. Still really fucking good.

Are you even paying attention?

Raise Spectre gem got nerfed. Syndicate Operative got nerfed. Carrion Golem got nerfed. Necro Ascendancy got nerfed.

Stone Golem got nerfed. Elementalist golem ascendancy got nerfed.

The OP Syndicate Operative skill needed changed. But as for the rest, the other minions and ascendancy nodes were only OP because of aura stacking stupidity.

Without aura stacking stupidity the minions wouldn't kill the end-game bosses in two seconds, nor would players be able to tank big hits.

But whatever.

ColeonePS wrote:
solidghost wrote:
ColeonePS wrote:
Discharge Heirophant anyone!?!?

Those minimum charges cannot be used by discharge right? They need to be consumed.

These cannot be consumed?!?

Nope. Minimum charges cannot be consumed. Discharge cannot use them.

Those minimum charges cannot be used by discharge right? They need to be consumed.[/quote]

These cannot be consumed?!?[/quote]

Nope. Minimum charges cannot be consumed. Discharge cannot use them.[/quote]

Ughhh damn. Thanks for heads up.
So glad that Ascendant was buffed up finally.
So good to see melee ascendency to get nerfed,the majority of players plays melee right? Complete trash,just garbage nerfs...Tbh since Legion you guys only make melee worst to play compared to other builds.
Last edited by Chimenozo#0470 on Jan 11, 2021, 9:01:48 PM
Thanks(?) ggg for kill the tricksters giving them nothing but nerfs.

Just give me a stick and a wooden shield and with that I would kill uber sirius awakened and mavened version :v
The North Remembers
Ok but why remove the double totem summoning for no reason?
hogmark wrote:
This looks really interesting!


REWORKED: Elementalist, Deadeye, Inquisitor.

BUFFED: Slayer, Saboteur, Berserker, Chieftain, Raider, Hierophant, Ascendant.

BALANCED: Trickster, Occultist, Juggernaut, Pathfinder, Guardian.

SLIGHTLY NERFED: Gladiator, Champion, Assassin, Necromancer.

Yes, some very strong notables were nerfed, but almost all those ascendancies also received buffs to other defining stats. Add the fact that we still have no idea how they new and reworked (buffed!) skills will go along with all this. Overall I'd say this is some amazing changes.

Slay: +melee range, +speed, +base crit AND life leech 2 nodes not 4.
Glad: 5% less and -40+30% bleed dps, small nodes 2% GENERIC block.
Cham: -1 impale, +fortfy effect, +reduced dmg taken, +attack speed.
Assa: -20% phys as extra chaos against poisoned, 100% elusive on crit, +50% elusive effect.
Sabo: straight-up buffed.
Tric: ghost shrouds buffed, -10% spell dodge, patient reaper no dmg but 3% life+es+mana on kill.
Jugg: undeniable AR equal to TWICE strength, more attack speed/ar.
Bers: some buffs to speed/rage/leech.
Chie: buffs to AoE, phys-reduction, totem leech, ancestor buffs.
Necr: nerfs to %mana and corpse pact (archmage cremation), small nodes 15 to 10% minion dmg.
Occu: 15% more generic chaos/cold dmg (from dot multi), profane bloom 40%, malediction nerf.
Elem: Reworked: insane shock/chill effectiveness.
Dead: Reworked: crit/bleed/rupture, marks, +2 proj, chaining terrain, farshot 60%, +2 mirage.
Raid: Perma-phasing, perma-onslaught, stronger ele exposure, more dodge.
Path: 40% phys-to-chaos conversion, other changes to poison/chaos dmg.
Inqu: Reworked: Battlemage, crit from lowest of str/int, and more.
Hier: +1 max and +4 min EC and PS! +totem dmg, placement speed, arcance-surge effect.
Guar: Unwavering Crusade +5% attack, cast, ms. Time of Need 80% reduced effect of curses on you.
Asce: Phasing from Raider, Tailwind from Deadeye, Fortify+Taunt+Aura-FX from Champ, extra -20% exposure from Elementalist, Elusive-on-Crit (from on-Kill) but no poison chance from Assa, no crit-multi from Inquisitor.

^^^ This guy. Before you guys freak out about "Removed" "Removed" "Removed" Look at what was "Added" Some of the skills such as Pathfinder or Inquis Took passive traits from one notable and moved them to the other in a buffed way (extra 2% more damage, or 50% increased totem placement speed (losing the +1 extra totem) Which i'm fine with, or "15% more Chaos Damage with Attack Skills" on Natures Reprisal (MORE MODIFIER AND REMOVED INCREASED MODIFIER) And also gained a larger % of Physical to Chaos Conversion (30% INCREASE up to 40% from the 10% it originally gave). And yes it lost the 10% Physical to Chaos damage but again MINOR vs the conversion. About 90% of the changes weren't build defining and actually did buff some ascendancies. I'm still going Assassin this League. Summoners are still extremely strong even with the nerfs to Golems and Specters. Most players played Zombie/Skeles anyway and most Specters were support specters so big deal. GGG Isn't losing players, just the presentation could have been alittle more defining for the players who have knee jerk reactions to something without fully reading it through. Alot of Notables took abilities and just moved it to another trait. Honestly Good with the changes and very hyped to give some of them a shot.

So please guys, chill out, go back through, read line for line, see if the ability was added to a different Ascendancy Notable node. Open your eye balls and stop focusing on the "Removed" part and look what was "Added" and if you are copying builds without understanding how your build actually works. This league I would strongly encourage you guys to see what makes the build actually work. Movement speed doesnt define a build. 5% Increased Minion damage doesnt define a build.

Harsh reality. Like Even Jugg lost 500 Accuracy, but it gained accuracy at 2x the strength and increased atk speed per 150 accuracy down from 200. As for the % damage loss and % accuracy for crit. Not alot of Juggs go Crit, most go impale or 100% hit build. And if you can get an extra 5% atk speed for hte accuracy loss. That means more attacks off and more damage going out.

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