Chromino wrote:
Fredo06 wrote:
Hi Chromino
I ve build up the arachnophobia this morning and tried it for few hours. I ve spent around 20-25 ex on it, stuff is far away from being perfect but i think it s quite ok.
I Wasn t able to play with a socketed ring else i m missing reservation on auras.
In T16 map it s good, no problem but i really feel a lack of dps against bosses like Shaper.
Can you check my build plz ?
Also can u explain me plz the use of withering step?
Thx on advance.
Thank you Fredo06!
Manareservations rare ring:
all mandatory 8 steps are in "manamanager". For example you need 20% reduced skillreservation on your circle of nostalgia, uncompromising and miss 2x 1% less skill reservation on jewels. then you can activate all auras or take another additional tipp for manareduction from the same spoiler.
Withering step has most benefits in fast mappings (instant withers). In "faq" is a spoiler about controls and otzher movement-skills. take the skills you prefer. Now in the moment in your set-up you have 2 "blink" skills and they will conflict often with cooldowns. Take only 1 blink skill.
I checked your pob and you should upgrade:
- you need a better stygian belt for more resistances, your resistances are not capped (they need urgent to be maxed out: 76, 81, 76%)
- divergent cast when stunned triggers skills much better than ordinary cws (in helmet)
- possibilities to blind offers 20% more ehp, see spoiler "21 is only half of the truth" for a lot of posssibilities on belt-jewel and clusters
- use igniteresistance next to anointed flesh
- perhaps you have too much not reserved mana see "faq", your helmet and radiant faith. You need only 34-90 unreserved mana-points.
- use catalysts on accessoires and glassblower- orbs for flask-qualities
- more tipps are in "faq"
- HoA skillgem level 21 is a nice upgrade
- your medium cluster with "dark messenger" is not good, take another one.
- take in sniper's mark (instead vulnerability) as curse for bosses
- activate "rotten claws" for more singletargetdamage
- perhaps switch to rare gloves with faster casting/ slower projectiles of boss-hunter-edition 55 for more continuous singletarget-virulences
- change melee splash to melee physical damge in dagger, take a look into "boss-hunting" for more tipps (like frostbomb when maven wittness shaper) and into "faq" for the complete damage-checklist
Your gear is already great in almost all slots and with these changes you should improve a lot further in both damage and defences!
Thanks a lot for your return and advises.
I can t find a medium cluster with hibernator on trade market but i think this passive is mandatory, isn t it ?
Posted byFredo06#6409on Jun 16, 2021, 2:19:40 PM
Fredo06 wrote:
Chromino wrote:
Fredo06 wrote:
Hi Chromino
I ve build up the arachnophobia this morning and tried it for few hours. I ve spent around 20-25 ex on it, stuff is far away from being perfect but i think it s quite ok.
I Wasn t able to play with a socketed ring else i m missing reservation on auras.
In T16 map it s good, no problem but i really feel a lack of dps against bosses like Shaper.
Can you check my build plz ?
Also can u explain me plz the use of withering step?
Thx on advance.
Thank you Fredo06!
Manareservations rare ring:
all mandatory 8 steps are in "manamanager". For example you need 20% reduced skillreservation on your circle of nostalgia, uncompromising and miss 2x 1% less skill reservation on jewels. then you can activate all auras or take another additional tipp for manareduction from the same spoiler.
Withering step has most benefits in fast mappings (instant withers). In "faq" is a spoiler about controls and otzher movement-skills. take the skills you prefer. Now in the moment in your set-up you have 2 "blink" skills and they will conflict often with cooldowns. Take only 1 blink skill.
I checked your pob and you should upgrade:
- you need a better stygian belt for more resistances, your resistances are not capped (they need urgent to be maxed out: 76, 81, 76%)
- divergent cast when stunned triggers skills much better than ordinary cws (in helmet)
- possibilities to blind offers 20% more ehp, see spoiler "21 is only half of the truth" for a lot of posssibilities on belt-jewel and clusters
- use igniteresistance next to anointed flesh
- perhaps you have too much not reserved mana see "faq", your helmet and radiant faith. You need only 34-90 unreserved mana-points.
- use catalysts on accessoires and glassblower- orbs for flask-qualities
- more tipps are in "faq"
- HoA skillgem level 21 is a nice upgrade
- your medium cluster with "dark messenger" is not good, take another one.
- take in sniper's mark (instead vulnerability) as curse for bosses
- activate "rotten claws" for more singletargetdamage
- perhaps switch to rare gloves with faster casting/ slower projectiles of boss-hunter-edition 55 for more continuous singletarget-virulences
- change melee splash to melee physical damge in dagger, take a look into "boss-hunting" for more tipps (like frostbomb when maven wittness shaper) and into "faq" for the complete damage-checklist
Your gear is already great in almost all slots and with these changes you should improve a lot further in both damage and defences!
Thanks a lot for your return and advises.
I can t find a medium cluster with hibernator on trade market but i think this passive is mandatory, isn t it ?
No, hibernator is not mandatory.
It's a nice tanky notable and almost bis against shaper or sirus, but you can instead switch for sirus/ shaper/ hidden ones to: aquamarine-flask with anti-freeze and anti-chill-suffix and the anti-freeze-note beside anoinented flesh, that is enough also for them without hibernator.
In "jewels and clusters"is the spoiler "important clusters and their ideal combinations" with best other cluster-notabels, and on page 50 in the spoiler "useable clusters" is a complete list with all useful cluster-notables.
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Jun 16, 2021, 5:42:14 PM
Posted byChromino#4813on Jun 16, 2021, 3:05:53 PM
B4mboo1337 wrote:
Thanks for the great build it really nice to play.
Could you tell me how i can still miss 50% of the armor?
Iam at 72k in Hideout, how can you be at 140k? :O
Hi B4mboo1337,
I think perhaps you miss:
- did you activated determination?
- did you activated grace?
- take one rare granite and one jade flask, both with "gain charges when hit by an enemy" or "when you deal a critical strike" for enough charges in long-boss-fights and one of them also with increased armour-suffix.
(Lion's roar is great for mapping, for shaper/ sirus a rare flask is better)
- clusters like stalwaart commander or openess increases your armour further if you want to
- eventually try to get some added armour on the stats of stygian-belt
- when you raise int and mana, you get also increased armour. When pob calculates correct your mana is 4660? With some more mana your armour is also raised. You can get 30% quality on helmet, a bit more mana on the ring etc. .... but it's not so important ....
When pob calculates correct you have 95000 armour with flasks-buffs and will raise it to probably 120000 armour with a jade flask added and more with a better belt and optimizations. That is absolut fine and take only a look on the flask set-up and the correct flask-suffixes for flaskcharges in boss-fights.
Thank you a lot and let them swarm!
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Jun 16, 2021, 5:11:15 PM
Posted byChromino#4813on Jun 16, 2021, 3:40:31 PM
helloicanseeu wrote:
Can u do the feared 100% aoe with this build? I bricked it.
For sotl, min requirement is 1r3g1b I think, u can swap vile toxins for dmg on full life with little DPS loss
sorry for late checking your pob, I do it only on desktop pc and not on mobile.
you can easy and fast improve:
- upgrade your boots (rare boots with high es and integrated increased duration or windshrieks for one curse more or rainbow strides for spellblock but you are already capped in spellblock with conjured wall)
- perhaps a stygian belt but your belt with high es is not bad
-chances to blind for 25% more ehp and doubled capacities of frostshield and molten shell (see spoiler "21 is only half of the truth") would be a big upgrade beside the stibnite flask
- divergent cast when stunned proccs much better than cwdt as CI. with your low es I would advice to divergent frostshield also in the moment. Tempest shield don't offers so much.
- your energyshield is a bit low, 6800 when pob calculartes correct. When you die often, try to get a clarity mod "max mana as es" on a watcher's eye or take in "will shaper" on a small cluster and one more split personality with int and mana.
- despair on gloves is not optimal. Take 2 curses only with "whispers of doom" or windshriek-boots. When you can use 2 curses, vulnerability or punishment are much stronger than despair.
- "grave intentions" don't offers much, only 1 out of your 21 minions will get the short buff. regret the 2 points for clusters or whispers of doom
Overall your gear is great and very, very nice! Don't forget the tipps from the spoiler "boss-hunting", movement, and the fitting flasks for inviatations like "the feared". With 55 viulences try also rare gloves with faster casting / slower projectiles for more virulences and damage in singletarget-situations.
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Jun 17, 2021, 3:24:25 PM
Posted byChromino#4813on Jun 16, 2021, 4:10:17 PM
Heya Chromino,
I'm a noob, I started on day 1 of Ultimatum, wondering about a login queue of 150.000 players... only to then play my 1st month in Standard because I didn't know...
I just want to thank you for the work and obvious enthusiasm that you have put into the build. Sooo complicated for me at first, after having tried 2 builds whith straight forward guides. But then your guide became so much fun to puzzle around with your manamanager etc.
Am level 93 now, much further than with those other builds. I don't like an overly hectic playstyle either, and arachnophobia is quite forgiving. I had to buy the most basic version of all the gear, and basically had to use all those workarounds. I guess your build became quite popular... prices have gone through the roof.
Am considering to declare my char done with what I have now. Am still dying quite a bit, but many of those deaths are due to me being a mediocre player and when I progress everything is a first for me.
So: Danke!
Last edited by bignatz#6124 on Jun 18, 2021, 2:33:54 PM
Posted bybignatz#6124on Jun 18, 2021, 4:44:38 AM
Chromino wrote:
helloicanseeu wrote:
Can u do the feared 100% aoe with this build? I bricked it.
For sotl, min requirement is 1r3g1b I think, u can swap vile toxins for dmg on full life with little DPS loss
sorry for late checking your pob, I do it only on desktop pc and not on mobile.
you can easy and fast improve:
- upgrade your boots (rare boots with high es and integrated increased duration or windshrieks for one curse more or rainbow strides for spellblock but you are already capped in spellblock with conjured wall)
- perhaps a stygian belt but your belt with high es is not bad
-chances to blind for 25% more ehp and doubled capacities of frostshield and molten shell (see spoiler "21 is only half of the truth") would be a big upgrade beside the stibnite flask
- divergent cast when stunned proccs much better than cwdt as CI. with your low es I would advice to divergent frostshield also in the moment. Tempest shield don't offers so much.
- your energyshield is a bit low, 6800 when pob calculartes correct. When you die often, try to get a clarity mod "max mana as es" on a watcher's eye or take in "will shaper" on a small cluster and one more split personality with int and mana.
- despair on gloves is not optimal. Take 2 curses only with "whispers of doom" or windshriek-boots. When you can use 2 curses, vulnerability or punishment are much stronger than despair.
- "grave intentions" don't offers much, only 1 out of your 21 minions will get the short buff. regret the 2 points for clusters or whispers of doom
Overall your gear is great and very, very nice! Don't forget the tipps from the spoiler "boss-hunting", movement, and the fitting flasks for inviatations like "the feared". With 55 viulences try also rare gloves with faster casting / slower projectiles for more virulences and damage in singletarget-situations.
ty for advice. This is amazing build for endgame and completing 36 challenges, the eagle is just extra stuff.
bitch about a niche game? lol.
each new league is a circus of nerfs and buffs.
where is the element of fun in discovering the unknown in this game?
Posted byhelloicanseeu#1501on Jun 19, 2021, 2:45:46 AM
bignatz wrote:
Heya Chromino,
I'm a noob, I started on day 1 of Ultimatum, wondering about a login queue of 150.000 players... only to then play my 1st month in Standard because I didn't know...
I just want to thank you for the work and obvious enthusiasm that you have put into the build. Sooo complicated for me at first, after having tried 2 builds whith straight forward guides. But then your guide became so much fun to puzzle around with your manamanager etc.
Am level 93 now, much further than with those other builds. I don't like an overly hectic playstyle either, and arachnophobia is quite forgiving. I had to buy the most basic version of all the gear, and basically had to use all those workarounds. I guess your build became quite popular... prices have gone through the roof.
Am considering to declare my char done with what I have now. Am still dying quite a bit, but many of those deaths are due to me being a mediocre player and when I progress everything is a first for me.
So: Danke!
Hallo bignatz!
Thank you and vielen Dank!
Hehehe, yes, these mechanics of poe are complicated and at the same time a lot fun to manage and maximize the stuff.
So enjoyable to vary the gear and skills a bit here, a bit at the other side.
And standard is a lot fun too. Of course the leagues are muuuch more dynamic and fresh, but for a long walk of development without hurrying standard shines also...
Thank you!
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Jun 20, 2021, 10:49:26 AM
Posted byChromino#4813on Jun 20, 2021, 7:27:30 AM
Thank you for this amazing build! I done almost lv 99 and all end-game content without big problems! I changed a bit my gear to increase my damage for The feared challenge, and still have max block and spell block and 8100+ es. Now, after the 36th challenge, i can say without doubts this is one of my favourite build in 12 years of Poe, and surely one cleverly designed.
Posted byemacir#5747on Jun 20, 2021, 9:01:20 AM
another question is,
is this minion build less laggy than traditional golem/zomb/skele/spectres or dominating blow builds? if u use just the crawler and spiders?
sometimes pple hate minion builds bec of the lag.
bitch about a niche game? lol.
each new league is a circus of nerfs and buffs.
where is the element of fun in discovering the unknown in this game?
Posted byhelloicanseeu#1501on Jun 20, 2021, 9:33:51 AM
helloicanseeu wrote:
Chromino wrote:
helloicanseeu wrote:
Can u do the feared 100% aoe with this build? I bricked it.
For sotl, min requirement is 1r3g1b I think, u can swap vile toxins for dmg on full life with little DPS loss
sorry for late checking your pob, I do it only on desktop pc and not on mobile.
you can easy and fast improve:
- upgrade your boots (rare boots with high es and integrated increased duration or windshrieks for one curse more or rainbow strides for spellblock but you are already capped in spellblock with conjured wall)
- perhaps a stygian belt but your belt with high es is not bad
-chances to blind for 25% more ehp and doubled capacities of frostshield and molten shell (see spoiler "21 is only half of the truth") would be a big upgrade beside the stibnite flask
- divergent cast when stunned proccs much better than cwdt as CI. with your low es I would advice to divergent frostshield also in the moment. Tempest shield don't offers so much.
- your energyshield is a bit low, 6800 when pob calculartes correct. When you die often, try to get a clarity mod "max mana as es" on a watcher's eye or take in "will shaper" on a small cluster and one more split personality with int and mana.
- despair on gloves is not optimal. Take 2 curses only with "whispers of doom" or windshriek-boots. When you can use 2 curses, vulnerability or punishment are much stronger than despair.
- "grave intentions" don't offers much, only 1 out of your 21 minions will get the short buff. regret the 2 points for clusters or whispers of doom
Overall your gear is great and very, very nice! Don't forget the tipps from the spoiler "boss-hunting", movement, and the fitting flasks for inviatations like "the feared". With 55 viulences try also rare gloves with faster casting / slower projectiles for more virulences and damage in singletarget-situations.
ty for advice. This is amazing build for endgame and completing 36 challenges, the eagle is just extra stuff.
Thank you a lot helloicanseeu!
36 is a great walk! Almost all mobs kicked extreme fine!
Posted byChromino#4813on Jun 20, 2021, 11:03:55 AM