[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M
" Hey sumfight, Map clearing is with 42 up to 72 for blight maps splitting and forking long ranged HoA projectiles, high movementspeed and speedy spiders with full damage uptime nice. Phantasms is a variant in the HoA supports for more lazy mapping too. I love the build because you can loot already when the minions clean the screen alone. It's like grimjack68 writes, he is very experienced with the build. But for singletarget I do not complete agree - when you balance the build into damage, it's showed in "choose your edition" you can easy reach 9-12M damage while still not b.i.s. geared (without voices clusters 70-75 virulences). So it's probably the most impactfull herald build when you switch in increased gemlevels etc. like in the variant "make hatred, not grace". 6-7% will be nerfed without elemental equilirium in 3.16, but the default editions don't use elemental equilirium. I start trying to do a complete rating in the post just below! A copy is posted on page 50 of the thread. Hehe, let them crawl and dance! And just ask - we have the answers, perhaps! 😀 Thank you a lot! Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Oct 12, 2021, 8:26:29 AM
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" Hehe, hi grimjack68, so nice to see you again in the sides of arachnophilias and crawlers! It's not easy for me personally as editor of the build trying to rank & rate the performance of the allstars and I base the numbers mainly on typical viewings of Youtube and twitch (of videos which very often don't show the downsides of their builds). I base the ratings also a bit on pob's numbers, damage-uptimes, the budget not on leaguestart weekend, poeninja-rankings. I do not compare to some former imbalanced op-builds (like early aurastackers before 3.14) that were nerfed because of heavy powercreeps. So or so or so - let's start! I added also a new spoiler "Rankings and ratings of the allstars" on page 50 of the thread. Levelling 7/ 10
safe, not too slow with storm brands & minions (= damage while moving), easy to gear and a lot variants, damageboosts with serpentine spellslinger (lvl 45), medium clusters of pure agony (lvl 53), Arakaali fang (lvl 54) and defensive boost transforming into CI with uniques (lvl 68)
Leaguestarting 8/ 10
+++Many, many variants and alternatives in gear, clusters, anoints, manareductions, skills etc., strong already on 5 links, not much currency needed for craftings, often in top-positions in the guardian-ascendancy for singleplayer-builds in poeninja-leaderboards of guardian just behind aurabots for groupplay
--- but still build as a tank and not as racer: many other builds race faster Tankyness 10/ 10
2400 es on block, 120 k armour does max tankyness together with a long row layer of defences. Also against the last weak spots, dot's and ground effects, the build offers 2-3 (or even 4) tanky layers of defences. Fitting for all map-mods and all bosses, facetanking sirus a9, also facetanking maven's elemental spells with variant militant faith/ transcendence (transformates armour into 97% overcapped elemental damagereductions).
Mapping 9 - 10/ 10
Speed of spiders and long range of splitting or forking multiple HoA projectiles offers extreme fast mapping and clean the whole screen, high movementspeed 170%- 200% possible full-geared, only matched by aoe-builds exploding two screens at once. Fitting best for atlas, simulacrums, full deliriums also without headhunter (or geared with hh), delve 500-600, heists, and full-blights (with awakened fork), combined in minion-style: loot already when the minions clean the screen
Singletarget Edition "make hatred, not grace" 9-12M: 8/10 Singletarget Boss-Hunter edition 60, 5.7M 7/ 10 Singletarget Defensive Edition 4.2 M: 5/ 10
40/ 40 challenges done, all bosses deathless down & The Feared not deathless down
Definitive Defensive Tank Edition 5/ 10 for singleplay level 98-100 or without poe-experiences, for sirus or shaper swich some more "pure agony" in. 5/ 10 Make hatred not grace Edition 8/ 10: Still very tanky (but tankyness moves down to 8/10), but balances much more into damage, most tophigh damage of guardian-ascendancy minions/ heralds builds without mirror-currency-gear Boss hunter Edition 5.7 M: 7/ 10: Extreme tanky 10/ 10 and great damage. Examples (all deathless, spoiler "videos" playL without many experiences in bossing and poe) Boss-Hunter Edition (7/ 10): Baran, redeemer, conquerors 8-10 sec maven 10 encounters 55 sec - 1:05 min The Formed 1:05 min The Hidden 1:50 min The Elder 2:10 min The Shaper 2x wittnessed & regenerated by maven 5 min Sirus A9 6 min (slow to generate virulences in his last phase when he teleports much - but you can facetank all attacks and meteors) Cheapness/ Budget 8/ 10
Very cheap: level 100 and 40/ 40 challenges very often reached solely with lowbudget basic startergear
3.15 around: Starting gear: 60 chaos, medium clusters 50 chaos or self crafting, basic jewels 10 chaos, no Arakaali's fang, Rumi's and replica pure talent instead blue nightmare, total 120 chaos Medium gear 1.5 exalt (without aul's uprising amulet, without iron reflexes etc.), clusters 2.5 exalts (when you not craft yourself), jewels 4 exalts (blue nightmare, watcher's eye etc. included), total 8 exalts High-end budget 7/ 10 B.i.s. Implicit shields (5-30 exalt), b.i.s. keynotes and best socketcolours bodyarmour (5-25 exalts), b.i.s. watcher's eye (2-10 exalts), aul's uprising 5-15 exalts, split personality 3 exalts, flask bottled faith (5-15 exalts) are traded not cheap, but not hundreds of exalts or mirror-currency-gear like other builds SSF 5/ 10
CI gear hard to get or craft, but a lot alternatives and HoA very easy high scaleable without much investments, strong already on a lot 5-links
HC 7 - 8/10
I am personally not experienced in hc, only based on poeninja and pm's with lvl 100 hc players of the build I would rate:
Level 100 reached, es on block best against disconnects, but some b.i.s.- gear hard to get in hardcore-trade And like sumfight asked, how would you - and other arachnophobiatics- with some experiences rank & number & count the attributes of the build of the Arachnophobia Allstars yourself? Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Oct 13, 2021, 11:13:59 AM
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I would say those ratings are fair. I leveled 3 builds to 95+ in Expedition, league starting with this one. The currency I made with the Allstars funded an Explosive Trapper and a Forbidden Rite Totem build - without selling any gear from this one, I might add.
I constantly get into debates in /global when folks ask for the tankiest build available, and most folks push Jugg options. Or the Aura stack, which has a decent tank, but seriously relies on dealing enough damage to kill anything threatening. Nobody else uses Sirus' DIE beam to heal. :) Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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" And this is why this is one of the best guides on the forums - big thanks for the advice -- If I find myself continuing to play throughout the next week I may try to craft something along those lines... but I may just wait until next league as I may be working on something of this sort again I think we need to focus damage a bit more given the uber-tier content that is coming out in 3.16 |
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" Thanks so much friend. I leveled with the build right till act four yesterday using the tree you provided. That is the most tanky I have ever been in the acts leveling, at no time did I ever feel like I was going to die. Today I leveled again on another character to act four using a modified version of your tree I made. I made myself less tanky to make it though the acts a little bit faster, giving more attention to totem and brand nodes. I had your tree up on a second monitor the whole time, I didn't want to deviate from your tree much, this way it's easy to fix with regrets once I get some of the build defining items like the dagger. I did holy totem, stormbrand, and stormblast mine until I got HoA, then took runebinder and dropped holy totem. It feels pretty good. Missing being tanky with your tree, but overall it feels good so far. I think over the next few days I'll slowly level it to maps to see how it feels as a whole. Not using leveling uniques so it feels like league start. I think I want to be a tanky boi this league. |
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Can you explain why you use CWS instead of cwdt?
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" On wiki of cws there is a comparison vs cwdt: https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Cast_when_Stunned_Support In short: ES builds benefit more with cws on defensive skills, since we are getting stunned/blocking stun hits very often. CWDT requires significantly more damage taken to trigger spells, and with our lvl of tankiness, it won't work as well as cws. |
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I know it would be a pretty big process, but have you thought about starting a new thread for 3.16 and reorganizing it a bit? Might make it easier for newcomers to pick up the build.
I'm definitely planning on trying next league with this from the start. |
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" It's like monik390 writes - in high levels (divergent) cast when stunned triggers much more often and reliable as CI also when you block and without problems you can link level 20 gems. While levelling on lower skillgemlevels and before transforming to CI cast when damage taken triggers better. |
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" Hehe, thank you very much again! Yes, the balancing with a lot buffs and New keynotes in defences will get very interesting in 3.16 for all builds. So many changes, and it seems that the combinations of armour, es and block is perhaps best buffed without much downsides. This will get very interesting in these days of patches and New league! Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Oct 14, 2021, 5:46:48 AM
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