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[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M

I did level 93 deathless, by being careful of map mods and avoiding some ultimatums.

The stuns in ultimatum are particularly annoying as they throw off the timing of Writhing Jar, and frost nova.
Robale wrote:
raikolin wrote:
Shapers touch with vulnerability are cheap I bought mines for 15c however I need to colour them

I need the gloves with fast casting to hit the desired virulence stacks, but I was able buy a cheap synthesised ring with the curse.

Next stop a good skin of the lords... but none with good sockets colours... is there any way to switch the blue minion damage gem for a green one without loosing like 20%+ damage? I could not finde a good choice in pob :/

Hypothermia when you have chillings is great. Vile Toxins is for singletarget bis with low mana-multiplier, but for mapping slower building up the poison stacks. In the spoiler the "the dirty scorpion tail" are the best supports listed.
way to confusing, to many links and variations in this. multiple builds should be relegated to different posts. there is so much here its annoying to try and figure out what is what. Like for the life of me i went through this and couldnt figure out what the "cheap, high damage, high defensive" build is..
Last edited by cena6665#4300 on Apr 28, 2021, 10:07:27 PM
Chromino wrote:

1 - fortify is great for cyclone, yes. When you use ball-lightning, often the mobs are dead before you hit them and you miss too often the fortify-buff, so frost shield is much better as ranged caster.

2- cyclone is smoother to move. But more as 40 virulences you often cannot stack all time with cyclone.
Only ball-lightning get more continous virulences and with the stacks damage singletarget with it's moving aoe. You can add void sphere to get some more, but in endgame when you reach 2-4 x pure agony and 50-50 virulences, cyclone is to slow to substain them. Best is ball-lightning with slower projectiles, spellecho, faster casting, the anomalous gemqualities.

3- yes, hc is much harder to gear! Circle of Nostalgia-ring is extreme hard to get for example and a ot more. I will add later a spoiler about hc, but I guess you have to do some workarounds and will not get bis-gear.

Amulett is a problem too in these days. Astramentis is fine with high attributes, discipline reserves less mana as stat is nice for manaproblems.

Lion's roar is only good mapping to interrupt some attackskills and get some seconds, when mobs flees, 60% dr of frostshield. For bosses it don't offer much. Probably I will change it to a rare flask in the build. But for high-density-maps it offers fast and short nice defences with it's knockback etc.

4- yes, use frostblink or ice nova to raise the spiders easy, see spoiler "blizzard". For HoA use the set-up of the gloves.

5- take all 8 steps for mana in the spoiler "manamanagement". You find there also additional manareductions or take a lok on the manamultipliers of HoA in "the dirty scorpion tail".

6 - yes, exactly! Nice and fast set-up. Only damage on full-life often do not support the phantasms. Perhaps try out also added fire damage. Empower is best for HoA and phantasms.

7 - mmhmm, I am not experienced with trading in hardcore. You need es against one shots and for raction time against aoe- and ground-effects and a lot other damage-types. You can get more es with amulet-anoint or es-passives etc. But I cannot tell what is best optimized and what is cheap in hc-trade to obtain.

8 - you can put a curse in the cws-setup very fine and for bosses sniper's mark also refills your writhing jar flask. Enfeeble is for mapping very tanky, but don't help much against bosses.

9 - I am not experienced with ultimatums and played them only low level. They are very rippy, yes. In my experiences level 98-100 for not dying bottled faith for the cooldowns of vaaldiscipline and time of need, physical damagereduction and ailments-avoidances and reductions and anti-corrupted blood also on a jewel and blindings were most important for safety. And to know the dangerous map-mods (less armour/ block, no mana recovery, less max resistances) and bosses (see spoiler "boss-hunting" and dangerous bosses in endgame") Moving a lot of course, good flasks, etc.

Hehehe, alot questions. I hope I understood correct and just asks when I can help a bit!

I wish you a good kicking ride!

Thanks very much again for all the help.

1- As for cyclone/ball lightning matter, my damage isn't great yet so this is why cyclone still an option for me, but I didn't know that cyclone can't catch up with virulences

Also for ball lightning best set up you didn't mention the poison support, don't I need it too?

2- I have one of the rings 20% reserve the second line isn't good but the reserve line is there, I will need to quality it which takes some currency farm

I understode all the answers thanks a lot for the time you gave to answer my questions, hopefully I will be able to improve the character soon.

have a good day
cena6665 wrote:
way to confusing, to many links and variations in this. multiple builds should be relegated to different posts. there is so much here its annoying to try and figure out what is what. Like for the life of me i went through this and couldnt figure out what the "cheap, high damage, high defensive" build is..

Hi Cena, take only the first spoilers until ascendancy and bandits step by step, thereafter you need only for mechanics, explanations and variations.

For gearprices in trade take a look at page 50.

Yes, Ehp is 10 seconds 600k buffed, 240k unbuffed against all damagetypes. Damage you can scale with bis-gear to 21 mill.
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Apr 29, 2021, 6:17:13 AM
Have one question.

Once I've seen Storm Burst as poisoning skill instead of Ball Lightning.
I've tested it, and it was rather good.
Combination of StormBurst+Poison+FastCast (as mod in gloves) with HoA and GoldenRule was enough to maintain 60 virulence on single target. And it gives first virulence faster then BL in maps.
But I've tested it about 4 or 5 leagues ago.

So, what about using Stormburst now?
Last edited by Horhen#3249 on Apr 29, 2021, 10:39:47 AM
Horhen wrote:
Have one question.

Once I've seen Storm Burst as poisoning skill instead of Ball Lightning.
I've tested it, and it was rather good.
Combination of StormBurst+Poison+FastCast (as mod in gloves) with HoA and GoldenRule was enough to maintain 60 virulence on single target. And it gives first virulence faster then BL in maps.
But I've tested it about 4 or 5 leagues ago.

So, what about using Stormburst now?

Hey Horhen,

storm burst is a possible variation.

But in singletarget-arenas I obtained only about 40 continuous virulencestacks with faster casting/ spellecho/ golden rule and stormburst (when the boss had no added mobs).
While mapping storm burst stopps faster substaining virulences, while the ball-lightnings with their moving aoe's travels on the screen and substains longer the virulences.

In my experiences ball-lightnings works better for virulences. You can combine them with void sphere or winter orb (thanks for the tipp to mytrasher!), but storm burst has some downsides and not enough stacks.
Just a question? How do we get the es? Stacking int and mana with the split personality?

Have the first big cluster and in the ultimatums I think I need more es. So I will move the points to the last cluster and put the split personality in ..
Hey man, love the build having a lot of fun. Trying to do it with cyclone but really having trouble with stuns. Any tips? Heres my

I know there are some big chase items missing (Aul/Iron Reflexes) and some clusters. Or should i just pivot into ranged?

Thanks again top guide!
Hello! I'm still leveling this build but having a lot of fun so far. The only thing I'm struggling to find is the Megalomaniac gem with the passives you suggested (I can't even find one with at least two of them). What would you suggest as a replacement? Should I find a normal Medium cluster that has Fasting on it, as well as another passive that suits the build?

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