Texture Streaming in Echoes of the Atlas

Thanks for taking the time to explain.

I think we are a bit disappointed with the new system because when the Vulkan renderer was introduced, it basically gave zero stutter gameplay to anyone with a modern PC (even low to mid-end ones).

Now, it feels like the game is taking too much effort loading different versions of assets, so we all attributed the new stutters and bugs to Texture Streaming itself.

My main issue these days is playing a slideshow when facing rapidly spawning monsters, like rituals, breaches and monsters from beyond. It becomes a 1~0.5fps slideshow where I mostly end up dead.

I trust you guys will be able to solve it, but it feels bad to go from a smooth experience in Harvest/Heist to the "good ol'" stutterfest back in Ritual.
I do not have any additional performance issues. I do however have many areas that load Runescape style where my only previous issues were absolutely bonkers Delerium maps. The towns are the worst. Rogue Harbor is pretty bad and I would really like to play more Heist.
uroboros wrote:
xX999Xx wrote:

GGG messed up the Game EXPERIENCE for all PC users in hope to "cater" to the 10 year old Hardware PC users.

All of this new nonsense made the game FAR WORSE. And there is no damn point to justify that.

These changes need to be reverted ASAP.

I wanted to build a new enthusiast PC as mainly PoE player.

That doesnt even make sense now, because the most powerfull Rigs, also have bad performance at that point.

So congrats: For a mourning 10% playerbase, wich seem can't afford a damn cheap SSD for 40 Dollars or even less,you messed up the game for ALL of us.

And my 4770k CPU and old GPU are by no means a new hardware

So congrats: 10% of the player base have been playing for 10 years. Sense is now a myth. I'm poor let's swap lives!

If you are short on money, maybe set your priorities straight. Buy better hardware instead of Supporterpacks. And stop complaining if your PC cant cope with PoE. Also get a SSD if you have none.

[Removed by Support]

And what do you even mean with your 2013-2020 sentence? What does this have to do with my post?
Last edited by Kali_GGG#0000 on Jan 28, 2021, 6:30:07 AM
Your biggest prio should be to fix the numerous client crashes that makes the game actually unplayable. Sorry, but I couldnt care less about blurry textures while this issue persist.
While this is not streaming related, there are a few easy ways to improve performance in combat.
1. Please remove 90% of regular loot drops (white, blue items) and reduce rare drop rates too. Loot filter can not fix it because those millions of items on the ground still need to be processed server side.
2. I suggest adding an option to hide corpses.
3. No sound option should completely disable the sound engine instead of muting sounds.
4. Moving five (or so) screens away from loot should erase low quality loot items permanently.
distort3d wrote:
Is there any news of the performance issues potentially related to these texture streaming modifcations?

My game completely freezes for 2-3 seconds whenever I open a harvest or start a delirium or a legion pops, and so far I have not been able to find a solution.

Honestly, I'm more okay with the low res textures; but the game freezing for a few seconds is a pretty big issue because oftentimes my character is dead by the time the game unfreezes

I had that problem for quite some time, but I attributed it to playing on a significantly older laptop. I nerfed my bank account but buffed my laptop passives, and performance improved dramatically. :D

Your situation may be different, however.
"People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
I think a problem could be that poe uses a loooot of textures for everything so the game has to load a ton of things. League of Legends used to has this problem some years ago and what they did was to rework the maps in order to for example 10 objets (trees, rocks, etc) were integrated in only 1.

I dont know anything about this subjet and probably i'm wrong but it is an idea that i had for a long time.
If no texture was loaded, then the game client would just render the object entirely in black. This didn't look great

also me:
my rig is a 8 years old i5 2400s,8G RAM
gpu is a Nv 550GTX Ti(1GB)
yeah my framerate is horrible, but:


i play a summoner with 10 zombies, 10 PEWPEW skeleton casters, 3specters, and 40+ vaal skeletons more on boss's

my only concern is WHEN will my cpu fry ?

just wanted to say that whatever my framerate is, my PoE DOES NOT crash !

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