Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting
" Eternal Orbs 2.0 ✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags. |
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" hes obviously just posting provocating comments to trigger innocent people. Report for spam+ignore. |
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Last edited by Scott_GGG#0000 on Mar 10, 2021, 10:22:57 PM
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Nothing will change for the top 5%, they'll always get their mirror worthy items from collective crafting. Its everyone else who will suffer.
Harvest actually made crafting accessible for the average to mid tier players (basically everyone else who doesn't play 24/7). In other words, while its a minor nerf to the top 5% of players, its an epic nerf for everyone else. So just nerf the whole system, just because 5-10 players in the game can pool all their resources to make perfect items, even though they can do it without the harvest crafting system anyways. Not that I don't understand what why they want to do it, but this once again, shifts crafting to only be viable by the top 5% of players, and making it inaccessible to everyone else, which I believe ruins the purpose of harvest crafting. It was to essentially make it so that the every man player can craft, since they can't afford the hundreds of exalts to craft and replace bricked items. Now we are back to square one, where, once again, the average player will no longer craft... at all, because they can't risk losing that item or those few exalts the manage to get. Not that GGG really cares about the average player. They usually aren't the ones paying the bills for GGG, so it doesn't matter if they get discouraged from doing what is essentially the other half of the end game. It just means gear will be that much more expensive, the mirror crafting cabal will keep and make their position even stronger (it really won't affect the number of mirror worthy craft's anyways, since those are always only achievable by the crafting cabal, and they will ALWAYS get their perfect items, so crafting nerfs will NEVER affect the amount. It only changes the speed, so instead of taking 7 days after new league to make them, it might take them 10 or god forbid, 15 days instead. Big difference). The average player will always be kept where they belong... as peasantry of the economy, never to enjoy the luxuries of crafting. Not that it matters to me much, since GGG RNG hates me, I never craft. Instead of wasting time balancing craft (or as I would like to call it, gambling), I would much prefer if they worked on improving QOL and party play. I still remember the days back in beta and early post beta where party play actually mattered and we all weren't chasing the 50+mill dps solo clear speed meta. Last edited by HedgeMoney#6946 on Mar 10, 2021, 10:41:42 PM
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" Thanks, saved me from having to type out a reply to those edgy bio clowns! |
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Your players have already been brainstorming solutions to your harvest problem. Going back to gambling and pretending it's somehow crafting isn't the answer. Go look at the conversations happening out in the wild since 2 leagues ago.
My personal favorite is just bind any harvest crafted item to the player who made it. That solves all market and power-creep issues while also allowing causal and creative players the freedom to play how they like. Who cares what kinds of items they create if it doesn't affect the market and if they are having fun. Even if that's not the greatest solution in your view, I think this post is proof that maybe your proposed solution should be re-examined. Look to reddit, discord, and other places your players have been brainstorming. there are better ideas already out there, if you look for them. |
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" This, say one thing wrong and the paid simps remove your post. |
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so because players can craft NEAR perfect items you have decided to screw the players over again? Wow you really are horrible to your player base!
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I really dont have a lot to add to what already been said on here and on various reddit posts. But I really liked Harvest (the league and also the mechanic), Harvest and Ritual was 2 of the leagues I played the most, because of that.... it gave me a clear sense of progression, things to chase for, that kept me playing!
Harvest craft is very clear and easier to understand and grasp than any other systems, while the others methods for me are dull, boring, to complex, or to random. Even if I somehow discover how to craft what i want using the systems in place (what most of the times i dont), i need to trade for 112313 fossils/resonators/essences/(insert your craft currency of choice here), kill 123123 beasts (one at a time), and other things that ARE NOT FUN, just to have a CHANCE of getting my item... that just discourage me to keep playing after I have some mediocre gear that can do somethings, instead of keep playing knowing that i have a path to complete my goals! Maybe I will just have to accept that this game isnt for me, and play 2-3weeks on league start ever now and then, instead of sinking 2months every league! I really think that GGG needs to get in touch and understand more their current player base, and not just the earlier players/devs that just want to everything stay the same as an uber hardcore game that any kind of approach to the casuals is totally frowned upon. On a side note, here somethings that I would be a lot happier to hear about in a manifesto: State/Improvements to TRADE State/Improvements to PERFORMANCE State/Improvements to GROUP/PARTY PLAY ACTUAL meaningful changes to skill/support gems, passives, ascendencies, uniques..... State/Improvements to QoL, Health/Injuries issues, currency stacking, loot cluter State/Improvements/updates to old leagues and content bloat Ty! |
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"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."
I only agree with it if you use exalts created out of thin air with the goal of testing outcomes. I guarantee that people who run 50 maps or more to get an exalted would never ever have that feeling unless the person is dumb. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein Last edited by jacarishe#0789 on Mar 10, 2021, 10:25:16 PM
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