Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Dear Team,

Do remember that what drew us to the game in the first place was going fast, making wacky characters, rerolling, blowing up screens and having the knowledge=godlike feeling.

It's okay to show a demo of new content where the graphics, design and atmosphere are showcased. The first time we play through it we focus on that too. However the second time it's go-fast-baby!

Replicating the slower pace of gameplay of other RPGs in Path of Exile removes the draw that pulled us here in the first place. I've noticed the introduction of 9000 shards and splinters, perhaps in conjunction with the speeding up of the game over the same time period. Now, slowing down but same if not more grind to get into content? This is artificial. Ultimatum is a great way to get me to sit in one place for a while and still have fun :)

Harvest is honestly gone. The chances of getting that super valuable craft is so low that I always. Skip. 100%. Why? Because the time spent there is precious and I'd rather spend it elsewhere doing something FUN.

My time in the game is limited. I am not Zizaran. (love Ziz :) )

I have a suggestion. Set an internal goal for EVERY senior staff member to play at least one character to level 90, 24 challenges complete, 150 Atlas bonus completion every league. When you reach the point of "I'm busy working on the game, can't do that", then you'll reach my point too. The earlier you reach it, the bigger the action steps.

I've been playing since open beta. I am an avid fan of PoE. For the first time ever I'm hesitating to buy a supporter pack this league. The Grind is too great in exchange for the fun, I'm oiling my Gears elsewhere. Please reconsider this direction for next league.
Exile is an illusion, exile!
Last edited by FusionCoreDance#2038 on May 8, 2021, 3:35:58 PM
FusionCoreDance wrote:
Dear Team,

Do remember that what drew us to the game in the first place was going fast, making wacky characters, rerolling, blowing up screens and having the knowledge=godlike feeling.


So you want the game to change to suit your lifestyle changes?

That's how you make a bad game. It was easy to print out gg with Harvest items that a few league before were 50ex and were just 1x if that. It should have never been added to the game and 3 league on, people still make threads about it.

If you dont have much time to play anymore, then you need to change how you play, not ask the game to change to suit you.

Should GGG improve crafting and add some of the deterimistic options into crafting, things like rez changes and caster/physical chaos roles, sure but items have no value or worth these days because it's still easy to craft mirror gear. There can't be any "undisputed" moments anymore, everything is easy to make.

You can beat the game with less than 20% of the power of the gg gear you can make these days anyway.

GGG i kno its hard BUT pls hire more ppl to search and ban bots! pls!

ALL trade flooded by bots and bots alrdy control economy!!

Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Do you guys want to attract people with a gambling problem? Or are you already fully activisioned by Tencent? Feels like inserting coins (Exalts) into some cheap ass casino machine. Odds of getting rewarded for the grind are getting slim to none. Performance is worse than it has ever been, while you guys keep spending manpower to develop more MTX and paywall shit. 10 bucks for cursors? Are you f***** kidding me? Feels like the end of a relationship, "I thought you were different"....
Last edited by zachbert#5677 on May 14, 2021, 6:43:58 AM
zachbert wrote:
Do you guys want to attract people with a gambling problem? Or are you already fully activisioned by Tencent? Feels like inserting coins (Exalts) into some cheap ass casino machine. Odds of getting rewarded for the grind are getting slim to none. Performance is worse than it has ever been, while you guys keep spending manpower to develop more MTX and paywall shit. 10 bucks for cursors? Are you f***** kidding me? Feels like the end of a relationship, "I thought you were different"....

How are supposed to be "proud" of the "accomplishment" of winning a scratch-off?

Would I feel lucky? Yes.

Would I feel like I actually accomplished something, or was rewarded for my decisions, time, and effort?

Fuck no.

Why even bother?

Harvest was different. Yes it was a rich, juicy fruit, but you had to go through a tough, thorny skin to get to it. You had to find out what you needed to get what you wanted, go about obtaining that, pay out the ass to increase your chances of success, only to have to do it all over again most times.

The entire process was fun for me, even the og temp league mechanic was fun, in spite of the time and effort required to build and maintain your harvest plots. The fact that I was able to SOMETIMES get what I wanted, as long as I invested the time and effort, kept me coming back and enjoying the game.

Now the devs seem to care about nothing but proving a point.

Can you imagine being an EMPLOYEE of GGG, and seeing these numbers?

It's one thing to have most of your leisure time destroyed, it's quite another to have your livelihood held up to such treatment. Even if you don't lose your job, do you see any bonuses coming this league?

Does it make you feel secure in your ability to pay your bills, when you see that this new league is DOA after a month, just so that the dev's can say "we got our way 100%"?

[Removed by Support]

^There's at least one employee who's thinking about it...
Last edited by Obright#1785 on May 17, 2021, 5:59:14 AM
I got bored of this league after a week.

Ritual was a great league, I played through the entire league and had a lot of fun with it.

I didn't get to make mirror tier items but I crafted nice items that I was able to sustain capped resists and decent about of ES for my build to do end game content.

Harvest allowed me to take risks in ritual and enjoy crafting again.

For now PoE is on hold for me.
I'm happy reading all comments.

I knew so many people are outraged about the harvest changes but noone seems to listen and do something about it.

It's a fucking joke. Since I have 6 atlas harvest points allocated in haewark, 2x harvest spawned on it's own - reforge normal or magic items like 99% of the crafts there.

I encounter harvest more often in regions where no harvest bonus applies (i don't say that this happens often, but it does happen 50x more than in haewark).

If you run a t16 map, you get the worst out of the worst crafting options.
If you run a t3 map, you get all the crafts you need. Change resists, Crit/speed crafts on mass but you can't use any of them because they are made for fucking ilvl 80-.
And i'm NOT saying this happens only some of the times i encounter harvest in low tier maps, but literally more than 75% of the time in my case.

Thank you so much for this perfect demonstration of BALANCING the game.

It's just like in our society. People who always had more (in this case shit currency (every league!!!) like it's nothing) will keep shitting even more currency because they can actually spend those 50 ex on crafting items within the first 3 days of a new league) with only reforge harvest, and people who are average or even below average keep getting shit.

correct me if i'm wrong.
Previous post removed by support, so I will be more gentle now, hopefully should be OK.

GGG are visibly glad to gamble their long-time supporters and ignoring all feedback on this topic, killing their league retention rate and ensuring indefinite uninstalls.

Since support is monitoring this closely, I would like to reiterate that whenever someone treats their customers like gambling addicted apes, they lose them.

I for one am thankful that this decision was taken, it resulted in breaking me out of a 7-year POE binge to start working on more productive things in my life rather than this slot machine game. Not getting a single dime from me anymore.

Ta ta
Last edited by nomercyreaper#7087 on May 24, 2021, 2:51:40 PM
i played ritual league from start to end and i can say it was enjoyable. harvest was a huge help to me even though i was not able to complete the challenge and i wasn't able to play every content or end game boss content. i was still happy with what i end up having on my character.
Ultimatum came.. only tried playing for 4 hours got my character to lvl 20. I watched videos and read from forums about the new changes in the game. i did not expect harvest to be so useless with the way they say they are making changes. but listening to the popular guys who plays the game for a living made me realize the game is not worth playing anymore. until things gets better for players again. i will play. i do not like playing for 3-4 months and still have mediocre items. unable to really do all end game content without using the meta build most players are using. glad they made the change in harvest, i was about to buy packs but since i am nto playing the new league i am skipping or will not be spending anymore on the game.
Last edited by chraylets13#0454 on May 24, 2021, 4:17:33 PM
Played Ultimatum until I hit the first encounter. Nah, a repackaged ritual. Done.
Planned to buy some stashes but lost motivation. Maybe until next time...

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