Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Pls make harvest great again.
Gentle reminder that I am not touching 3.15 unless Harvest is reverted to an acceptable standard.
You may as well remove harvest if you plan to leave it in its horrible state.

I tried very hard to make harvest do something for me and failed in ultimatum.

I will not bother with it in 3.15 unless its changed.

Ironically GGG felt like it was still good charging 15c on the map device. Do they really not understand that nerfing two things at once that hard. Number of crafts and rarity of good crafts would kill it?

Surprising for a company that has increased and more multipliers.

200/200 harvest no any augment...good job
The first augment i got was on my first 10 run in standard (had to craft something). I made more harvest run than last league, and i hit one. In. Standard. This is a f*ing joke.
Rorrak88 wrote:
You may as well remove harvest if you plan to leave it in its horrible state.

I tried very hard to make harvest do something for me and failed in ultimatum.

I will not bother with it in 3.15 unless its changed.

Ironically GGG felt like it was still good charging 15c on the map device. Do they really not understand that nerfing two things at once that hard. Number of crafts and rarity of good crafts would kill it?

Surprising for a company that has increased and more multipliers.

The only good thing for harvest is

hoarding some cluster jewel and use the reforge craft instead of wasting fossil as chaos spam,

or swap resistance

or offering to the goddess or lure or winged scarab

But yeah, it can totally removed for good
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quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

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neohongkong wrote:
Rorrak88 wrote:
You may as well remove harvest if you plan to leave it in its horrible state.

I tried very hard to make harvest do something for me and failed in ultimatum.

I will not bother with it in 3.15 unless its changed.

Ironically GGG felt like it was still good charging 15c on the map device. Do they really not understand that nerfing two things at once that hard. Number of crafts and rarity of good crafts would kill it?

Surprising for a company that has increased and more multipliers.

The only good thing for harvest is

hoarding some cluster jewel and use the reforge craft instead of wasting fossil as chaos spam,

or swap resistance

or offering to the goddess or lure or winged scarab

But yeah, it can totally removed for good

This just isn't true. Harvest is extremely powerful, it's just not as obvious as is was previously. Arguably, for those who have grasped this new system, it is more profitable than it had been as less people generally know what they're doing. Conjoined with the new betrayal veiled mod system, you can make highly powerful items.
The_Rusty_Spork wrote:

This just isn't true. Harvest is extremely powerful, it's just not as obvious as is was previously. Arguably, for those who have grasped this new system, it is more profitable than it had been as less people generally know what they're doing. Conjoined with the new betrayal veiled mod system, you can make highly powerful items.

What remains of harvest is only RNG on top of RNG for gamblers addicts.

It has lost all its deterministic outcomes since 3.11 and is completly useless for players that do not trade. Telling the contrary is spreading lies...

New Betrayal Veil mod system is also gambling...
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Last edited by Azarhiel#6045 on Jul 5, 2021, 1:32:15 PM
The_Rusty_Spork wrote:
you can make highly powerful items.

But so can chaos spam. Either way, you have to get lucky gambling.
Again delete my posts ?

350+ harvest no augment
500+ untimatum no trial master

Good job GGG , great balancing 👏🏻👏🏻😂😂😂😭😭😭😭
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