Show buyers and sellers name on trade board
Give us the ability to see who is buying our stuff or who we are buying from on the trade board.
It's really not a huge request, but it's about time you gave us something to combat the scammers and the people who price fix to prey on newer players. PC have a full trade website dedicated to this stuff, I think I speak for 99% of the console community when I say we NEED this. Any feed back from the community would be great, or some sort of response from GGG regarding this. Last bumped on May 21, 2021, 7:55:26 AM
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People have been posting suggestions to improve Trade on console for ages. Unfortunately, there has been extremely limited response from GGG.
I don't think we'll see meaningful changes before PoE2, and only then if PoE2 includes a trade revamp on PC as well. Right now, it's more important that they fix the game's performance, but I would say trade is the #1 issue after performance. So far, the very best answer anyone (not GGG) has given me is "play SSF". And I do enjoy SSF, but I also like to play with friends, and I can't do that in SSF. I want Group Found or Guild Found as a mode. Unfortunately, that's a lot of work to make, and I don't think GGG will do it unless there's really high demand from the PC side. And, beyond that, PC demand for such a thing is really weak, because they can just do a Private League to get a very similar effect. So our best hope is to get Private Leagues on console. It could happen. They did implement Chat and Guilds *years* after saying they were working on them, so Private Leagues could happen. Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Mar 25, 2021, 4:06:20 PM
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Play SSF isn't the solution, we wanna be able to see who's selling what and who's buying what, It's easy for single players to snowball on console then price fix the market till end of league. The only counter to this is by promoting guilds to price fix then it gets to the point that solo players can't afford things or are being robbed blind by the trade board being price fixed, ancient orbs are a huge issue on Xbox, there price fixed to 5c for weeks, then when the price fixing guild has there ancients from uninformed players selling for 3-4 chaos they immediately push the price up to 20 chaos per ancient orb after they all have headhunters to further more snowball the market. Simply showing us who's listing items and who's offering on your item will instantly stop this in it's tracks. I'm sure ps has the same issue. I'm not asking for bug fixes, amazing new content, I'm simply asking to see who seller and buyers are.
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" I wasn't disagreeing with you at all. I've made the same suggestion myself multiple times in the past. I was just trying to tell you not to hold your breath, because GGG has expressed no interest in making any changes to trade on console (or PC for that matter). There have been several dozen threads over the last 2 leagues with various complaints and suggestions about the trade market on console, and we've never even gotten an acknowledgement that it's a problem. The most we've gotten (I'm going to paraphrase here) is "we hear your suggestions, but we have no plans to make any changes to trade at this time". Which, you'll notice, is a less positive answer than either "we're working on something to make it better" or "we know trade could be improved, but we have other priorities right now". The most GGG has ever said about the topic can be found in the Trade Manifesto, which is now 3.5 years old. I would hope that GGG has learned some useful things since then, that might help them come up with a better trade system. Maybe it will happen with PoE 2. If we're lucky. | |
This is console players problem they don't use the forums so getting anything changed console side is near impossible, soon as PC have issues there threads are instantly on fire with 100s of people lol. I just hope GGG actually bother to read this.
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the china pc version of the game has market like on console but with auto accept, it already exist, we just need that on console.
china poe also make pets that loot currency for you, they have a simulation mode for the skill tree, they have extra inventory space, those change already exist, Last edited by Nders66#9154 on Mar 26, 2021, 9:46:05 AM
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" You don’t speak for 99% of the community. I’m not a pricefixer I just don’t want to deal with (most) people when I try to sell stuff. I put an endgame item on market for lets say 20ex. First offer is 10ex wich I deny, second offer is 15ex wich I deny and the third offer is an insult. Usually it’s from a rich guy pretending to be poor. Anyway we can’t have nice things because people can’t behave. [Removed by Support]
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" I honestly can't tell... are you opposed to the OP's suggestion of showing buyer/seller names on the trade boards? If so, can you explain in what way you think it would be harmful? Also, just so we're clear on terminology, when we say "price fixing", we are not talking about setting a high price. We are talking about controlling the market by having a large number of copies an item (especially divination cards) listed for a very low price, but never actually selling them at that price. Then, when someone else lists for your "price" (or below, if they think they need to undercut the fake low price), you buy it. This tactic is bad enough on PC, but on console, the number of items on the market is so low that even a very small guild (3 or 4 players) can conceivably control the market on a particular divination card. (example: doctor cards) Showing seller names would help combat this, because if you see that the 20 copies of The Doctor that are listed for 5ex are all listed by 2 or 3 people, then you know they're price-fixed. Larger guilds, or those willing to do shenanigans with multiple accounts can potentially get around this, but it adds work for them. Anything that makes market manipulation harder to do is a good idea in my book. | |
Well, there are so many other things wrong with console trade ( e.g., no buyout for listed price) which would do a better job IMO of stoppping the shenanigans of some players that I would prefer to be done first by GGG. Also, if names are posted then what’s next - ‘cause you know people will start the name shaming on the boards, in the game chat, etc. which would be worse. And some of that would be from the same scammers to intimidate sellers.
But I would totally support being able to block users, even if I don’t know their name. |
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Being able to see a divination card listed for 2c,4c,5c with it's normal value being 20c. And having the same user listing all of them... How is it a bad thing being able to see this dudes clearly trying to price fix the cards for his gain? Then calling them out in global and being able to ignore them because you know the user name? How is this a bad thing?? This post isn't about any other things then adding seller or buyer names. Anything else mentioned is kind of irrelevant to the post.
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