Righteous Fire

This spell is the most confusing yet overpowered spell in the game in my opinion. It is far too complex and also far to powerful to those who utilize it to its full potential. I would add this as a candidate for removal from the game completely but I know some people do like it, so perhaps a nerf is more in order. Either way changes must be made to this spell.
darkweaver_x wrote:
I've a question about how the enhanced spell dmg from RF is applied with a spell totem casting some spell.

let's take a spell totem with ice spear. What happen if:
- I cast RF before the totem cast ice spear then switch RF off before the ice spear hits the monster.
- The totem cast ice spear while I don't have RF on, then before the ice spear hit the monster I switch RF on.

late but, what you want to do is, Turn rf on, csst totem , turn RF off.
Totems take snapshots of your buffs at the time of casting, so to speak.
Ign: Elestrasza(Anarchy)/YoloSparkler(Standard)
elegance92 wrote:
Totems take snapshots of your buffs at the time of casting, so to speak.
This is not, and never has been, the case. Totems are using your skills, just as you would use them at that point in time. There is no way for them to look back in time to a previous state - your skills, regardless of whether you or a totem is using them, are affected by the buffs on you only while that buff is on you.
Mark_GGG wrote:
elegance92 wrote:
Totems take snapshots of your buffs at the time of casting, so to speak.
This is not, and never has been, the case. Totems are using your skills, just as you would use them at that point in time. There is no way for them to look back in time to a previous state - your skills, regardless of whether you or a totem is using them, are affected by the buffs on you only while that buff is on you.

Ah right, thanks for clarifying.
Does that mean to say if you turn RF off, the damage should drop?
Wasn't quite sure if how I phrased it was right, but I've been lead to believe by other posters I could do what I mentioned(which in turn made me guess it took "snapshots", the same way spectres are summoned(you can change supports after).

PS:Thanks toyour avatar,I shall forever envision you as a templar going "HNNNNG" :P
Ign: Elestrasza(Anarchy)/YoloSparkler(Standard)
Last edited by Elestrasza#3811 on Jun 2, 2013, 11:55:03 PM
If you don't have the righteous fire damage bonus at the point the skill calculates it's damage, then said bonus can't apply.
Surprised you are talking about snapshots of data instead of the fact that this skill went from difficult to use, to near impossible.

With less ES and max resists now, it's even more reliant on gear to even be possible to use. That's if it's even possible at all, depending on the ES changes.

As for the poster than said it's complicated and overpowered: This is a powerful skill, but think of the opportunities you give up just to be able to use it. You pretty much get all ES nodes possible, which leaves your damage lacking, low HPs where chaos damage one-shots you, and sometimes resists other than fire are not maxed. Plus, ES builds get stunned a lot, perma frozen, and shocked for lengthy periods.

The reward of 75% more damage is huge, but as we all know, surviving is often more important than a faster killing speed. It's all about the balance of risk and reward. I have a character that used Righteous Fire and it was barely worthwhile before these changes. Fun as a farming character that I didn't care to level, but still not as fast as an elemental cleave character. Now, why would anyone bother?
Dracobane wrote:
Now, why would anyone bother?

Because it's a ton of fun to make it work. Grinding's not everyone's cup of tea.
Is RF going to get rebalanced? After the 1.11 change to lower resists and reduction of Elemental Adaptation passive along with the nerf to ES nodes in the passive tree RF the skill needs to be rebalanced. Before the patch I was at equilibrium and after the patch I am not even close. Even after respecing with more ES nodes, I am worse off now than before.

Possibly a slight reduction in the self burn dmg % to balance out all the nerfs?
is there any plan to buff RF in the future? cause HIGH LIFE RF is DEAD now
haven't gone through all pages to look for this particular question.

Does Tempest shield retain it's buffed damage when cast during Righteous Fire? If it's the same as the totem example above i'd say yes but am not sure whether it works or not.

For example, it doesn't work with power charge on crit support gem like it's supposed to due to, in my opinion, unforseen use of said support gem. Is it the same case here?

Edit: using tempest shield during it's buffed righteous fire tooltip dps, the tooltip dps goes back to normal after rf ends, hence there is no indication whether the damage remains buffed.
IGN: FoughtBledAndWeptForGod, WoE_HitoZ

stream: http://www.twitch.tv/hitokirizoro
Last edited by Pivovar#5220 on Jun 12, 2013, 10:48:15 AM

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