
How about giving trap an "auto-aim" function like totem? Players still need to throw the trap to a location, but when the trap is triggered (by enemies or sunblast), the spells will target the nearest target (like totem, but only cast once per trap) instead of target the trap itself. It makes no different with spell like ice nova or shock nova, but make trap more useful with spells like storm call, firestorm, EK, Glacial Cascade, and all other projectiles spells.
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BisuProbe wrote:
i think the dev need to know that players usually play trap not as their name suggest but more like "grenades" where u continuously lob at enemies

traps may have high burst damage
but on the long run they are extremely weak when other forms of skills can be spammed with ease while trappers have to contend with a real annoying 1s cooldown.

this is VERY noticable in party play or against a high hp boss when a trapper exhaust all their stored traps and their dps becomes nonexistent while the other members can continue to spam skills with ease.

That's all true. But why would you not have a DPS skill to constantly cast while your traps are on cooldown? Isn't the most effective way: Trap/Cast/Cast/Trap/Cast/Cast etc. ?

WillisTheWillis wrote:
How about giving trap an "auto-aim" function like totem? Players still need to throw the trap to a location, but when the trap is triggered (by enemies or sunblast), the spells will target the nearest target (like totem, but only cast once per trap) instead of target the trap itself. It makes no different with spell like ice nova or shock nova, but make trap more useful with spells like storm call, firestorm, EK, Glacial Cascade, and all other projectiles spells.

Very good idea.
Hey, I was wondering if someone point out why Discharge Supported with trap doesn't work, works just fine with Ball Lightning and Storm Call and all three are considered spells. Is it just a mechanical thing with Discharge? Or is it something to do with the charges?
Your Traps don't have a whole lot of Charges :P
But wouldn't that mean that it should be able to apply the Trap support but when the trap is activated the trap would not cast discharge but do nothing?

As is in the game discharge is completely unaffected by the trap support

I'll test whether the trap support consumes player charges with Cold Snap Traps and post back later.
It is completely unaffected because it would be equally pointless. There actually are a few rare cases where the game stops you from doing stupid stuff :P
You really need to remove the point blank mechanic from this support gem.

Point blank is supposed to do "more" dmg on close range, but you can link the attack to trap, benefit from the full close range "more" modifier AND get another multiplier from trap gem while throwing traps from a safe distance.

Because of trap, point blank currently has no drawback anymore.

Imho this is insanely broken and could not be intended.

This is almost like the cast on death exploit where e.g. Righteous fire did benefit from the full Aoe and DMG modifier without having to die...
Last edited by azraelb#0313 on Sep 20, 2014, 1:35:00 PM
azraelb wrote:
You really need to remove the point blank mechanic from this support gem.

Point blank is supposed to do "more" dmg on close range, but you can link the attack to trap, benefit from the full close range "more" modifier AND get another multiplier from trap gem while throwing traps from a safe distance.

Because of trap, point blank currently has no drawback anymore.

Imho this is insanely broken and could not be intended.

This is almost like the cast on death exploit where e.g. Righteous fire did benefit from the full Aoe and DMG modifier without having to die...

Im not sure I agree with you

I played a bow trapper before and if you had pierce (I did), it behaves the same way, ie piercing ice shot actually would do very little damage once it traveled some distance

point blank mechanics really depends on the point of attack, not the trap. if the point of the attack is the trap, I dont see why its so wrong

it may seem op, but remember, youre very limited to amount of traps you can throw and the cooldown forces your hand to use a different skill.

bow trappers are already pretty rarely found, with the exception of bow users using a puncture trap. puncture trap might need some nerf, not whole PB mechanics. bow trap is not a very powerful build as is
Last edited by grepman#2451 on Dec 8, 2014, 2:35:42 AM
Does Trap still work with minions? I know there was a whole fiasco with Cast on Death and Traps or Remote Mines and I know that Cast on Death doesn't work with minions anymore, but can Traps still summon skellies and stuff?
Traps can still cast Summon Skeletons, yes.

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