Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

Nerf hammer go WHACK

And I approve, shake up the stale Meta! Ever since Heist the only way to get rich has been to participate in the fracture cycle, because selling uniques (some which used to be "rare") has been laughable.

Also can't wait to see the damage dealing Vaal skills rework! Make Vaal Ground Slam and Glacial Hammer worth using!

RIP Deep Delvers, maybe now you'll actually respond and sell stuff OTHER than fractured fossils if you don't all quit this league :P

EDIT: Also keep those Summoner nerfs coming. Ya keep buffing 'em by giving them new minions every league (if not a gem, then a spectre).

Last edited by FoxnEagle#1505 on Apr 13, 2021, 2:18:49 AM
Justified nerf. Good :)
Most of the nerfs are completely fine imo. But I do not understand why GGG is killing the whole endgame, espacially Delve. Delve is basically deleted from the game as it does not pay for the effort anymore.

Please don't kill Delve and at least undo the changes to the fossils. It is amazing endgame content and kept many players busy for 3 month.

I guess the new endgame is killing Maven for 1c Items or doing Sirus. Let's see how many people will play this league after 2 weeks.

sadge for delve
Its most powerfull nerf to game economy/farm since first league in this game.
Last edited by D1as3m0ns3r#6285 on Apr 13, 2021, 2:21:15 AM
Again Carrion golems.

If the issue is that people have eleventeen of them, limit them to max two. Max three. Max one. I do not care which.

If the carrion golems are destroyed, you'll have eleventeen worse golems on the 0,01% of broken golem users and us others who are merely broke golem users will just have worse golems.

Do not fix all of the game to fix the one issue. Targeted surgery.

And get me my spectre levels back after you take care of the few spectre types that were breaking the game and the few spectre builds that were breaking the game.

The broke or the broken.
Adjust the correct one. The images are not the same.
was a good game but i'm done with it nerf the best content good job back to alch and go LOL
well after every league of me playing and grinding to get my selfcurse going and have fun in this game,and after every nerf you came up with we fixed it you said "fuck this shit" and just destroy it,not even talking about the fact you just destroy every fun aspect of the game with ruining harvest/delve/fun skill gems

well i am going to stop playing untill you fix this was a good run ty

all this new content was nice but to see how you nerf every possible fun aspect of the game well its been fun

hope you will fix this
Path of Exile will NEVER be Dark Souls, Chris. No one but you wants this game to be Dark Souls.

I am out, have fun with your “””buffed””” bloated league mechanics, your 10c maven orb and gambling your precious items in the reworkedtm temple.
Personally none of these changes effect me. SSF is where it's at. Maybe I'm bad at the game but absolutely nothing about these balance changes will make a difference to my builds or how I play PoE. It seems those upset are those players who abused broken things.
Last edited by AbilityPoints#9049 on Apr 13, 2021, 2:27:16 AM
I'm not sure I see the reasoning behind nerfing fractured mapping. The poison sextant yeah, totally makes sense. But this one not so much.

The basic effect of this is to force you to buy delirium orbs and chaos spam maps more. Oh and sextant spam. Chaos spamming maps more is fine, whatever. Sextant spamming is a little annoying, but also, whatever. But buying 5 delirium orbs is a fucking nightmare. It is goddamn obnoxious. I'm not talking about the price, I'm talking about buying delirium orbs is always a pain in the ass.

We've been saddled with a horrendous trade system for years, and we soldier on, because maybe we even believe the line about a good trade system being bad for some reason. But we try to avoid using it as much as possible, because it fucking sucks. Buying 10 fractured fossils is fairly easy, do it once, you've got 10 maps to run. But buying 50 delirium orbs? That's way more obnoxious. You will be wrestling with trade spam for quite some time.
Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Apr 13, 2021, 2:30:04 AM

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