Extremely Slow Queue Processing

Several falls this launch her. Unplayable rn, nonstop disconnect errors. I will say PoE itself is impressive AF.
Im done today,going sleep,no use trying.
Shit happens and i will not say the same things everyone allready did,some sad af like privilegies in the queue.

Just be honest will all your players,take your time to solve this issues and make a new start for everyone.
This is not just a bad launch, this is abysmal. Seriously. You revert database and the SLOW queue is back too. Seriously guys. You keep messing up, and we are 3+ hours into this. You literally need to sort this crap out DAYS before not at the last minute.
Ooooh, I made it into Lion Watch! Woohoo! I think it is time to quit this crap for the day.
Thanks for nothing, GGG.
Hello GGG. I am streaming this game to my 2 kids, Can i please get priority access like the other streamers ?
10011001 wrote:
Managed to login for the Nth time, stayed in the game for about 30 secs before crashing again, just in time to see someone hit level 48.

How is that even possible?

They are on premium servers.
No queues. No DC.

We are the trash mobs.

Still the same issues after restart...
Um.... your reboot did nothing to fix dc's and returned the queue countdown to being super slow again.
ive had wating 20k people ahead and when finally i got logged the server disconected me! so frustrating im malding!

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