Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Thank you for the update and explanation!
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
Reset the league.
restart it or like heist I'll be here again in 3 months.
You admit what everyone already knew and that took you 12h. You set the house on fire and now shrug your shoulders? At least you see now, how it feels for >99% of the players to see a few play, while we cant. Couldnt see this coming, right? Completely new experiene. Give your marketing guys a bonus for this.

The only good thing is, that you take this freaking nightmare down to fix it and I hope you also will wipe all the progress, once it works again.

You have nothing to gain here and already lost quite something. This here will life in the memories for some time and that is not because there were database or migration issues, but how you handled it. Even if it works again in 2h.

With a fresh start for everyone, you cant do much more harm but I think you will get some reputation back. Not only admitting the already obvious problems, but dealing with it.
Emfx wrote:
Thanks for taking the time to write this up, I'm sure you guys have been busier than ever.

The biggest issue I had with queue bypass was: why were the streamer's friends, who do not stream, also able to bypass the queue, such as Empyrian's group, ZiggyD's girlfriend, etc.?

Also, reset the league and put your money where your mouth is about a fair playing field on fresh leagues.

Amen brother.
queue? OK . streamer priority ? OK . But when i need to kill marveil 10 times because i get dc every loc change. this is disguting.
now am assured that sreamer rng isn`t a myth
fix the problems and restart the league there are people that duped over 300ex by abusing the rollbacks this is absurd
Good job GGG
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GGG DEVS TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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