Petrified Blood

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Last bumped on Apr 20, 2024, 2:58:14 AM
Howdy, I am trying to get a little clarification on skill's function.

I am currently running Chieftain, lvl 88, crit staff cyclone/shockwave full fire conversion. herald ash/purity, petrified blood, then vitality / precision / war banner on life. no special uniques other than lori's lantern for the unlucky enemy hits.

I was listening to a streamer the other day, don the crown i think, who indicated that per a conversation with Chris, no modifiers could possibly affect the hit damage taken over time from this skill.

I wanted to clarify how that hit damage was applied. I naively assumed that something like 'Soul of Arakali' would reduce that damage over time by 5%, and that 'Soul of Ralakesh' would similarly reduce physical damage over time applied by petrified blood from physical damage hits. Am I mistaken about how these modifiers function in relation to the petrified blood skill?

I love this skill though, thematically and conceptually, it is top notch.
------------------>> IGN: Puerrto <<------------------
I believe that if they do that it will be very OP.
Note that the 40% of the incoming damage acts as DOT already and this is a very good mitigation already.
If you had a good life regen or life gain/leech the 40% damage is already good as gone.

I had better survivability with petrified blood with porcupines and one-shot hits. But sadly it comes with grave trade-off. You'll be fked up with Chaos Damage over time, Burning Damage and other DOT damage. (I hate Al-Hezmin)
High HP pool, high regen and high leech rate can help but its too much of an investment.

You can't have a super tank build, it eventually gets nerfed down.
At first, this skill looks really nice. 50% life base is used for reserve things = more aura, low life all time = 30% more spell damage. If you can get some sort of regen then its very good. That's what I thought when I league started the skill. But I was wrong.

End game viable for petrified blood? Not so much. Reason? DAMAGE OVER TIME(dot). That's right, we are at it again after all these times. You notice everything added lately have some kind of damage over time right? Petrified blood reduce damage taken below 40% max hp, but ONLY FROM HITS. Imagine it like normally you have 100% hp to react to damage over time, now you have half that amount. And what have dot? So many things. Some of them can be reduced or prevent completely, like what I did with my build (go check my char this league, its self-cast Reap Ascendant level 94), it has 6k3 hp, stun immunity, ailment immunity(to say goodbye to ignite(dot) and shock), bleed(dot) immunity from flask, with a nice 5% hp recover on block(effective 10%), 6xx hp regen so its equal to 20% hp regen per second.

And after all those things, I still fall to damage over time.

The thing is, we have no way to prevent damage over time from happening. It will happens. Maven, Sirus, all other things that still called dot but no way to prevent them that I can't even recall while dodging non-stop in fights(oh, and don't forget the funny little dot grounds in every boss fight). At that point I decided to find a way to reduce dot taken, but only found sadness. Only way to do something with that is to increase my hp, but then I will sacrifice some damage for it, and in some(most) endgame bosses nowadays, less damage = more chances to rip. No seriously, Maven will fuck you up if you fight her for too long with tons of degen grounds(aka the dps check - I personally really hate this thing no matter what game I play). Hell not Maven, even 10 bosses fight can fuck you up because if you don't kill them fast enough, more will spawn and overwhelmed you. This is the problem with most non-meta builds but its a bit out of context for this thread so lets get back to it before I lose control.

Alright, so to sum it up. Petrified blood looks nice at first but as long as damage over time still exist as of its state right now, no one will bother using it unless they play the zombie style. I'm not that guy who rant non-stop and tell nothing helpful, so maybe can we please:
- Get some kind of damage over time reduce source
- Get some kind of keystone or unique that: take more damage from hits but take less damage from damage over time, so it synth with petrified blood because from what I've seen, its just a random skill got thrown into the chaos pool that has poor synergy with other uniques - keystones.
Last edited by DepTraiCoGiSai#3200 on Apr 25, 2021, 3:42:37 AM
Even without trying i already saw this new defensive gem has a major issue which are dots.

You have basically 90% life vs hits (but bigger damage smoothing below 50% hp) and only 50% life vs dots. All assuming you have high life regen to make this even work.

I love that they try to entice players do play low-life builds on pure life characters but for it to work the damage needs to be globally reduced by 40% and not only to hits.

Old school low life builds usually have a big ES buffer as well if going hybrid to absorb hits and more importantly dots.

In the current state only Anomalous gem variant is worth picking as it gives you extra 5% hit dmg reduction and prevents 60% of staggered dmg, which makes the stagger dot less dangerous.

Maybe add another reworked gem variant that reduces all damage below 50% with a appropriate small downside (like all alt gems).

Or rework the base gem after collecting enough metrics from this league and seeing to what kind of damage players die the most when picking this gem.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on May 1, 2021, 3:03:10 AM
Awesome skill gem. Great job, many people have been asking for something like this for so long, though it definitely isn't a high power tool to slap into any build, it's a great addition. Smoothing out big incoming damage is always a nice thing.

Was thinking of remaking a supreme decadence demon stitcher build again with this
I have a lvl93 Chieftain made around Petrified Blood.

Did a lot of testing with primarily trying to make a low life character that would solely rely on the 40% damage delay from Petrified blood and the 50% life pool. Chieftain was chosen because of the many ways it can recover life (fire leech, regen and the new passives on kill). As well I wanted to utilize the extra aura and the "Pain Attunement" Keystone to make my Reap stronger. It did work... to an extent. My reap did deal decent damage and I did utilize items like Loris lantern and ngamahu tiki.
But after 120 deaths I just think it's not viable to be played like this.

My assumption is that you intended it as a defensive mechanic for characters that utilize 100% of their life pool alongside Petrified blood. In that scenario I can see it being useful since it makes you much tankier. Assuming you had something like 6000 life and 3000 of it will get the 40% less damage taken because of petrified blood. It will in the end come up to a grand total of 8000k life. Assuming you keep restoring the top half with life flasks ofc.

I even tried with the Anomalous petrified blood to make the build less "one-shotty" but to no avail as now I had a 213% dot, of the damage I took, killing me instead. The downside of the anomalous is too steep. You can fix all of our problems by just making this one slightly less steep.

Instead of:
When taking Damage from Hits, +(0–5)% of Life loss below half Life is Prevented
+(0–60)% of Life loss prevented this way is lost over 4 seconds

Make it:
When taking Damage from Hits, +(0–5)% of Life loss below half Life is Prevented
+(0–40)% of Life loss prevented this way is lost over 4 seconds

(Not to mention any dot I came in contact with made the ordeal abysmal)

If the intention of Petrified Blood was for characters that utilize their full life then leave it as is.
If you wanted people to play Life-based low life chars then something should be done. Either by buffing anomalous or slightly tweaking the default.

Instead of making the anomalous less steep you could do something like this:

When taking Damage from Hits, (35.5%-45%) of Life loss below half Life is Prevented, then (100%-90.5%) of Life loss prevented this way is lost over 4 seconds

This would also give people the choice of trying to get levels on petrified blood or to get quality through enchance, depending on which stat they prefer, less one-shotty or smaller DoT.
And then the extremes of both sides should be Anomalous and Divergent respectively.
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
Last edited by devon752#5895 on May 5, 2021, 8:54:36 AM
Does Petrified Blood's mitigation only affect hits that come WHILE on low life? or
can I be hit with a large hit at full life, enough to 1-shot me, and the mitigation not come into effect because I wasn't on low life when it happened?

Does that make sense?
What is the value of my own life when it is taken from others so easily?
MonaHuna wrote:
No it's not related to low life condition. Petrified Blood prevents life lose from bottom half of your life. It works in your example.
What is the value of my own life when it is taken from others so easily?
Noble_Seiken wrote:
Does Petrified Blood's mitigation only affect hits that come WHILE on low life? or
can I be hit with a large hit at full life, enough to 1-shot me, and the mitigation not come into effect because I wasn't on low life when it happened?

Does that make sense?

I know what you're asking. Let's say you have 1000 life. You have Petrified blood. You get hit by a hit that will deal you 1000 damage and usually kill you. What happens now is that you take 600 damage instantly and 400 delayed over 4s which is really managable, so you survive instead. It's a good skill if you are using your whole life pool.

EDIT: did an oopsie. It goes 1000 damage split into 500 and 500 and then one of the 500 gets the 40% mitigated treatment which is 200 damage mitigatet as a DOT. You'd still survive though, that's why it's good for full life builds.
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
Last edited by devon752#5895 on May 8, 2021, 3:45:42 PM

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