Console NEEDS Cross Platform Trading
As i said in another thread, lots of people arent playing this league, a quick look at the TB and my friends list proves i am right. If this league was full as usual, there would be far more of said item.
Having said that, consoles market has always been questionable. A few of the 1% always price fix everything. |
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" As someone relatively new to the game (game time-wise) I'm constantly seeing items that run 1-2 chaos on PC, then click on Xbox and people are asking multiple exalteds for, that's quite frustrating tbh. Following some guides and they'll be like 'once you get a chaos or two, pick up these items to start your build' and yeah, that sh*t is not happening on any item on console. For example, there is an armor I've been trying to cop.. on PC, I could have it for 1-2 chaos, easily... yet on Xbox, I'm sending offers for 20-30x that and still getting rejected, and that's not even for decently spec'd stuff, single slot, no vaal, lower tier stats etc etc. Literally asking 3-9 exalteds for those same items. Last edited by behem0th x#8747 on May 16, 2021, 1:46:13 PM
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" For any but the most experienced players, I recommend league starting an SSF League Start guide. Since SSF builds are intended to work without trading, they are much more doable on console. " This *has* to be exaggeration. Or you're misunderstanding something. Care to share the details of this, instead of saying "an armor"? Console prices are outrageous. But nothing that's 2c on PC is 9+ ex on console. I'm not saying you won't see a listing for that price... because some console players are highly uninformed or misguided, and just put insane prices on stuff. But if it's 1-2c on PC, you'll be able to buy one for less than 1ex on console. At least at this point in the league. Day 1 is a different story, but it's literally only 1-2 days where the prices are completely insane. Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on May 16, 2021, 3:04:50 PM
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An exaggeration, yes, but not overly far fetched though.
Just a quick look on Xbox TB for a 6L Terminus Est (not exactly rare or hugely used), there's one for 5ex. Look for the same on PC, and I found 3 at 40c amd a bunch for 50c. Ex is going anywhere from 100c to 120c right now on XB, so you're looking at 550c ish for a 40c item on pc. Something definitely needs to be done to help the console trade market, this league is definitely much quieter than previous leagues, which means more item rarity and prices jump. If the next leagues are just as dead / worse, then prices will go up even more, causing people to just quit as there is now way they can afford any build they see a streamer using. |
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" Not overly far fetched? Console prices are typically 3-10x PC prices, which some specific items being as much as 30x. The suggestion was that a 1-2c item from PC is going for 3-9 Ex. At your quoted rate of 110c per Ex (which is super cheap for this league, BTW), that would be 165 to 990 times the PC price. Sure, you may see items with that price tagged on them... but that doesn't mean it actually costs that much to buy one. I see someone on PS4 pricing certain items at 99999 Mirrors. That does not mean they cost that much. Insanely high prices are from ignorant jerks or people who don't actually want to sell the item. It's an economy. Both supply AND demand matter. If there are 5 of something available, and 10 people who want it, the price will go up. If there are 100 of something available and one person who wants one, the price will inevitably fall. Console trade market has tons of issues we'd like to get fixed. Extreme exaggerations (or outright lies) won't help our case to get GGG to do something about it. | |
" Super cheap ?? Maybe in PS realms, but XB has had a stable 70-75c per Ex for the last 3+ leagues, so at least know what you're talking about. Another example just to make it clear that XB is not the same as PS or PC prices. A 6L Astral on PC can be picked up for 30c, there is not 1 on XB trade right now thats not been crafted and listed for over 20ex, so right there is almost 100x the PC price. Not far fetched at all, his initial example may of been flawed, but the reasoning is not a lie at all. Trade as it stands right now will result in a lot more RMT players which will only make things worse, and eventually lead to the downfall of the game. |
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" I do know what I'm talking about. The price of Ex on XBox are lower than PC or PS, by a lot, and therefore Ex are super cheap on XBox this league. This matters a lot, especially when people are complaining about the prices of items. If an item on XBox is 2ex, that's the same as 1.4x on PS or PC. And since you can farm infinite Chaos in easy low level Ultimatums, that's surprising. It does explain it being ~50% higher than previous leagues, but that's the same ratio as PS and PC, vs last league. " Disingenuous comparison--it's not apples to apples at all. How much are a set of Celestial Justicar cards on XBox? I'm guessing not 20ex. Not more than 1ex per card, surely. So it's still nowhere near "100x" the price. Honestly, even 20ex on XBox is not "100x" the PC price. PC price of 30c is also disingenuous. Non-corrupted, non-unqiue 6L Astrals are 50c on PC. Even at 30c, 100x that is 3000c, which on XBox is 30ex, based on your listed price. At the real price of 50c, a "20ex" price is only 40x as much. And you're still comparing a literal white armour base to a fully crafted influenced item. " It's still such an extreme exaggeration as to amount to a lie. I think 90% of the people who complain about console pricing do so because of PC build guides that will claim certain gear is "cheap". Those guides are often, themselves, being disingenuous. They are often written in one league and then barely touched for multiple leagues unless there's a major nerf. The prices are also often based on mid-league pricing, when what people care about is Day 2 pricing. And, as I've pointed out in other threads, the super high console prices *flow in both directions*. If you want to buy stuff at the inflated console prices, then SELL STUFF on the market. The only people who are really hurt by the high prices are either a) not selling anything or b) RMT'ing to buy their currency. Since RMT is against ToS and will get you banned, I'm not in the least bit bothered by the harm to those people. Follow SSF guides for League Start, and save the crazy stuff for your 2nd or 3rd build. Learn how to price items for your market, and sell stuff. You'll be buying that 6L Astral in no time. | |
I had a longer reply written, but after looking at your other posts, decided not to both, as tbh, unless it's your opinion, it's doesn't matter.
XB prices are not super cheap, as historically C has been much much lower in the past, now it's close to a 70% increase. Comparing it to what your platform is selling them for has zero meaning, but ok, PC price is 145c, going by your definition of whats a large amount, thats nothing. GL, with your game, I've been playing this long enough to know that unless things change, it's going to be over for console PoE |
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" You clearly didn't read very much of post history... which is understandable, since I'm quite prolific. Recently, I have been fighting back against the exaggeration and hyperbole people keep using. It really irks me when people cherry-pick the absolute worst case scenario as their example. Use something AVERAGE or NORMAL instead. If the complaint is "console trade board sucks, prices are too high", why do we need to say that a 2c item is 9ex? That's clearly not true. Is it insufficient to point out that a 35c item on PC is 1-2ex on console? Also, people tend to lie/ misunderstand / be misinformed about PC prices. I don't where they're getting them from (I assume guides or badly formed searches on the trade site), but they are nearly always quoting a lower price on PC than you can actually buy the item for. GGG is far more likely to listen to us if they find that the situation we talk about is REAL. Why would they listen to people who lie and exaggerate? " I totally understand frustration with the trade market. It's the worst non-performance related issue on console, IMO. I even went SSF for a while to avoid it. If you're not enjoying the game, it's definitely time to take a break. The point of games is to have fun. If you're not having fun, you should be playing a different game. | |
If you find the guy selling exalts for 100c, send this person my way.
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