[3.17] strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator -- League Start & End Game v3.

Ald3rak wrote:
Thanks a lot for this build strTrader !

I have one question, which aura/skill would you drop if i actually don't have 2 Enlighthen and mana cost reduction ?

Pretma wrote:
Not OP but I would drop Blood and Sand,

My suggestion is to drop Flesh & Stone. This is assuming you are actively using your Blood and Stand stances. This gives you 91% reservation on your mana. If you are still struggling, you can drop War Banner as well.

When you fit in 1 Enlighten you can start using Flesh and Stone and drop War Banner and Blood & Sand. Eventually you can fit in 2 Enlightens and add back War Banner. Some mana cost reduction is needed for Blood & Sand, but we are probably over investing at this point.

[IMPORTANT EDIT]: The final gem should be Maim Support with Flesh and Stone. It gives more damage and reserves less mana compare to Blood & Sand. I will update the guide later.

Reservation Efficiency Calculation (using Pride as an example):
Increased Efficiency from tree = 31%

50% * (1 + Reduced Efficiency) / (1 + Increased Efficiency) = 50% * (1 + 0%) / (1 + 31%) = 38.2%
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Last edited by strTrader on Dec 18, 2021, 5:25:07 PM
So I have to conclude that you consider Herald of Purity as a must ? That was the gem I removed due to Mana reservation.

Personally I don't play blood and sand actively. By the way, why don't you consider in all case blood and sand better than flesh and stone, since the first one increase damage by 15% with only 10% reservation while the second gem increase damage by 11% for 20% reservation ?

One last question, what is the amount of non reserved Mana required to have the best confort at playing the build without Mana issue ? Something around 60-70 Mana ?
Royal burgonet gives more base armor and cost only 10 strength more. Since I don't think we are going to be short on strength, that should be a better base.
Switched to Maim Support with Flesh and Stone and it feels great
mateki wrote:
Royal burgonet gives more base armor and cost only 10 strength more. Since I don't think we are going to be short on strength, that should be a better base.

Thanks you are correct.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Ald3rak wrote:
So I have to conclude that you consider Herald of Purity as a must ? That was the gem I removed due to Mana reservation.

Personally I don't play blood and sand actively. By the way, why don't you consider in all case blood and sand better than flesh and stone, since the first one increase damage by 15% with only 10% reservation while the second gem increase damage by 11% for 20% reservation ?

One last question, what is the amount of non reserved Mana required to have the best confort at playing the build without Mana issue ? Something around 60-70 Mana ?

Anomalous Herald of Purity is better than Flesh and Stone because it provides more damage and minions can taunt on hit which provides some defense.

Flesh & Stone is always better than Blood & Sand (if we don't have to worry about reservation) because Blood & Sand's 15% AoE damage does not increase bleed damage.

60-70 is enough if you have mana leech and Lifetap on Leap Slam.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Pretma wrote:
Switched to Maim Support with Flesh and Stone and it feels great

Nice, just a reminder only Level 1 0% Quality Maim Support is needed. Less you want to invest into Anomalous Maim Support.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
I have a few more question if you don't mind. I'm sorry i'm a beginner and trying to understand deeply everything.

1. So the best option with 0 enlighted is : Pride + Herald + Tempest + Flesh and War Banner, am i right ?

2. Why would you remove War Banner since we have on the passive three "Physical Mastery" stating War Banner has 100% increased Mana Reservation Effeciency. Imo it means that Banner reserve 0% mana isn't it ?

3. Isn't it more interesting then for late game to use only one Enlighted while removing Blood and sand in order to boost some others spell ?

4. On your build / poe.ninja you're using Ancestral Protector instead of Lifetap, thus the required mana pool is still 60-70 or it has to be increased ?

5. Final question, could you clarify the 3 4-link required following your last analyse (droping Blood and sand, adding main, etc) ?

Many thanks and sorry for all these questions.
quick edit : why only a L1 Maim Support with 0% Quality ? I don't get it :(
Ald3rak wrote:
quick edit : why only a L1 Maim Support with 0% Quality ? I don't get it :(

It is because only the following Maim Support modifier will stack with Flesh & Stone. This modifier does not change with gem level or quality. You can test this in PoB as well (by changing gem level/quality).

Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take 10% increased Physical Damage

I will reply to your other question later.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Last edited by strTrader on Dec 19, 2021, 3:05:36 PM

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