Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition
" Does that include the influence modifiers like the Elder physical damage over time? I assume it does but just want to make sure since it is influence based. |
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I agree on the last row. Better to pay something then play something for free and make you a fool. Perfect explanation for their situation. Last year I feel like a guinea pig for their always coming "poe2". We`ll buff this, we`ll give you harvest, now we`ll take it away, but give you aisling but then after all now we will take that as well. [Removed by Support] cya gonna go and buy last epoch and play until d4 comes out.
Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Jul 19, 2021, 6:48:51 PM
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Nerfing damage support gems only makes them more necessary (unless all game content scales down) , which means other support gems are used even less now, so much for build diversity.
Raider was never in a very good spot but wow you really killed it now. Auto triggering like cast when damage taken needed this change since you required zero investment , but manually triggering something needs extreme investment like accuracy / critical chance / attack speed and leech , i don't see how to efficiently also scale mana and mana regen / leech to sustain that crazy amount of mana needed. Movement skills were fine or absolute crap ( like frostblink). Fortify i get , fair enough. As for leveling difficulty i don't care unless it takes more time, then i have one more reason not to start another character per league. New flask orbs are very good but flask rebalance is bad. This is going somewhere i don't want to go. |
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PoE balance team in a nutshell:
Opens, sorts by top dps in SC trade, see eHit pob warriors ranked top while as always completely ignoring the hundreds of ex worth of gear that enables those numbers and 0 defense, checks deadeye's playing TS, still clearing maps fast af, completely ignores the hundreds of ex worth of gear and the dependency on aurabots to not fight T16 map bosses for 3 minutes = bows too strong, gotta nerf. For years ggg keeps proving how much they hate bows, no other build archetype scales with currency the way bows do, it's honestly sad. By the way, let's do a horrendous flask "revamp" or to call it what it is, nerf, big nerf to defenses, big nerf to support gem damage, but keep rare mob aura stacking on trash and random untelegraphed 1 shots. You want to make flasks "strategic" and "reactionary", but you're still keeping the combat with mobs absolutely meaningless and virtually nonexistent, you're still gonna breeze through trash and 1 shot it and then just get layed out randomly through your defense layers, so much about strategic and reactionary combat. Also appreciate the Seismic Cry nerf, the 4m dps slammers that weren't a thing outside of HC were truly problematic, I mean why would a 19 button build perform well? Ridiculous. Nerf solo players, but aurabots yet again going to be dominant. I'd understand refusing to heavily nerf aurabots if one of your lead devs played it or something.... oh wait... Good luck getting players to use utility gems when they penalize you and are absolutely useless for bosses. I usually welcome nerfs, was quite happy with the Harvest nerf in 3.14, but this patch? This is absolutely awful lmao. Synthesised Synthesis of Synthetic Synthesising ----------------------------------------------- Revert 3.7 melee changes | Tfw Synthesis still not core | REVERT SUNDER ----------------------------------------------- IGN: JustineㆍFlorbelle [Removed by Support] imagine being a forum janitor lmao Last edited by kole#7904 on Jul 19, 2021, 6:49:36 PM
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As a SSF player, all this tells me that I'll need to look for a meta build more than usual this league. I'd already been losing interest in high maps the last few leagues with my damage not being high enough, sounds like it could happen a lot earlier now.
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One more question , why Aisling T4 and T3 is the same reward??? why she haves no x2 benches like other masters , [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Jul 19, 2021, 6:50:18 PM
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I think the obvious concern is that the longer things are alive the more often they can one shot you.
So it puts an emphasis on defenses now which isn't happening in 3.15 So it's a hardmode patch which should be entertaining from a spectator point of view but I'm thinking most are not going to enjoy it. I'm an SSF HC masochist that never plays for more than 2 weeks so it's interesting to me. I just don't know about changing one side of the game and not the other at the same time. I do mind see the notable interest in getting players to invest more in alternate powers like stun or blind I just don't know if that will be enough to offset the rather obvious one shot problems the game offers. |
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Omg my brain hurts
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It just feels weird. Reading this patch notes felt like you don't like the game you have own created. =/
Dude, this is (or was) path of exile. These new changes its scary as fuck, as HC player that usually dies to a random magic mob that ONE SHOT me in some high tie map, WITH MY FLASKS UP ALL THE TIME, i can't imagine this game on HC in this next patch. The ammount of available HC viable builds in HC always was very low and poor, now is getting even worse. Be a juggernauti with 10k HP or you are dead. "oh we want game to be hard" ok dude but this is not cool. Its not fun. I can imagine HC league now with 20% juggernauts around since you killed hiero and raider. Boring game. It seems you dont play your own game. You "balacing" stuff around mirror tier-headhunter players and this is a huge mistake. Another shit patch, shit league, shit "balance nerf everything". sad, poe could be better. I am glad the last time I put one dollar in this company was in conquerors of atlas expansion. At that good and old times I had lots of hope for this game. All hope is gone now. You "balacing" a game you clearly don't play. This can't work. You tell me the game "is easy" while half of my characters dies to one shot to a random magic mob in the middle of a map. Now you removing my 5 flasks to "help me" with the broken mobs you have beem made. Are you fking kidding me dude? ................ My end, it justifies my means, All I ever do is delay, My every attempt to evade, The end of the road And my end.... Last edited by imLuCaSsS#6273 on Jul 19, 2021, 6:57:47 PM
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Already skipped last league due to nerfs. Guess it's finally time after several years to move on. Makes me sad.
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