Pricefixing abuse on Playstaion
Please stop inferring what makes your argument. I never said I wanted Trade with PC or any of that nonsense (I don’t because it is a cesspool). I merely pointed out that TOTAL console players a a small fraction of PC players and GGG balances drop rates based on those, so to have similar rates on console the numbers could (should) be tweaked. I never asked for “showering players…” either, again your inference. I would, however, like to be able to find gear/orbs on par with the PC version. Having a loot hunt driven game not drop meaningful items or the items necessary to “craft” in sufficient quantities is not good design, IMO. And I already play D3 - with friends for giggles, and I can tell you they do some things way better over there, not everything, but some. I usually agree or somewhat agree with your posts, but honestly, no one can defend the current state of consoles in this area. I started playing on PC again this league - gave it up a long time ago - because my son picked up the game again and wanted to play a bit. And it demonstrated to me the levels that console are behind just in playing for a fraction of the time I do on console. I don’t mind your clarifying or explaining, but again, the current state of consoles with GGG makes me feel that we are just an after thought. So please, don’t defend the indefensible. |
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" The drop rates *are* identical. | |
" Yes, I know - and that is the problem since we have such smaller player bases, the available items are too low for a game driven by trade. As I said on par - meaning the rates per player numbers because that is the criteria on PC (and those calculations are not the same as would be based on console numbers). |
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" So you *do* want to be showered in loot? Despite your earlier protestation against that descriptoin? PC SC Trade has *literally 100 times* as many players as PS4 total player base. XBox has roughly half the PS4 playerbase. So you want TWO HUNDRED TIMES as many items to drop? Please explain how that's not "showered in loot"? | |
" Your continued attempt to place your words to others is simply dishonest and, quite frankly, rude. Please, take some time and learn how statistics function and how the loot drops across the game are managed. |
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" You already conceded that loot drops are identical between PC and Console. And then you said you wanted loot drops increased in proportion to the smaller playerbase. 1/200 as many players, makes 200x as many items. If that's not what meant, why don't you actually describe it? | |
" Last post. Either you don’t understand how they “balance” number of items relative to player numbers or you are being intentionally dishonest. It is not a straight x players = y drops. They look at available items per the player base and adjust every thing (that they want to control, say exalts). And since drops are minuscule (again, desired items not the junk) changing a numeric by even a fraction of a percent chance could help boost some items that are so rare on console that it is laughable. By the way, this is what Chris was describing with the hard mode - where they can adjust drops to make it harder (one aspect of hard mode, not the entirety of the mode). So, if they can go one way, why not the other? If you are happy and satisfied with how you see it, that’s fine, but many of us see this as an issue that could use some attention. Consoles are a forgotten mode - why shouldn’t people be pointing out things that could use a review? |
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Free game, no problem :)
Last edited by AlmoPulo#9163 on Sep 15, 2021, 10:32:34 PM
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Been a huge supporter money wise for this game. Is it at too much to ask to get a comment of of a dev or supporter here? I mean its clearly a large issue for console given the views and comment on this threat. Yes, trade is a huge topic on PC as well and its being discussed a lot but console works entirely different..So please GGG at least acknowledge you see the problem here. |
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