Path of Exile 3.16 Expansion Dates

nice but pls not kill economy! DONT kill it pls! <3

ps flask mods should not be used while flask effect... lol
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Oct 4, 2021, 1:27:39 PM
Fix the clunkiness of the movement. Feels like rune scape.
Good luck, eager to see what's up next.
I just want the shapeshift skills already....:(
AlekzZz84 wrote:
xxANGAxx wrote:

Dude, what are you talking about?
We dont need podcasts(empty words), we need bald man to fix the game:
1. 1 mln. of clicks per map
2. 1 shot death (OP blue and yellow monsters vs shitty player defences)
3. clunky trade
4. no build variability(cose most builds are nerfed to the ground or unplayable)
most important for me:
5. clunky crafting
(NRG crafting, super frustrating, we are treated like a gambling addicts).

these were not reasons everybody left in 3.15... Ppl want 3.13 state of the game, instead what we got was NO DAMAGE, NO FLASK CHARGES, SLOW AF and OUT OF MANA all the time... and still no very end game (removed in 3.14)

All the podcasts were just Chris explaining why it was done, but I personally don't care why, it made the game not fun, I want harvest back, I want my mana back, I want to be able to play a CoC build at league start, basically 3.13 was the last time PoE was fun.

Many of my newer guild members had problems with mob damage, and many of them didn't want to be explained to how the defensive layers work in this game.
(you honestly shouldn't have to worry about defensive layers in the core game)

I have only had 1 guild member that was ok with the trade system... and I'm pretty sure he was using a trade bot.

In the leagues I didn't have guild members to play with I enjoyed making my own builds... I was probably the very first person to make an aura bot.
(Back when it was MUCH easier to get around the passive tree)

Draupner42 wrote:

I hope last league was a wakeup call for GGG, but maybe not, maybe they will follow their "New Vision" for the game.

Watched as much of a podcast as I could stand... and seems like GGG thinks "the players just need to understand that the changes are good"

So pretty much the blizzard mentality of "we are the pros, and you're just a player"
We can't solve problems we can't talk about...
TheAshmaker wrote:
Going to need a lot of very good things to pull my attention away from Diablo 2.

This 100000%. I am hopeful :'(
Build another witch lol played wow for many years and diablo,can poe keep me interested??
SaiyanZ wrote:
GGG risk making POE a dead game in this period up to POE 2.0 launch if they make more changes that make the game feel worse to play. Players will just leave and commit to coming back for POE 2.0. So until then, POE player numbers will keep dropping. Small improvements after big nerfs won't bring those players back.

Too bad people will be coming back either way, because they either invested too much money to cut it out of their life by now, or still care about the game even when it's slowly killing itself. The most loud part of the community that puts on a mask of "I'm done with GGG and PoE, the game is dead", are usually people that stress over it the most, and will be back for the launch even in the state the game is in currently. Psychologically speaking, people who really don't care anymore wouldn't come here, waste their time to post anything at all. But player numbers will go right back up to what they were before expedition once they introduce a few small QoL, quote me on that later if you want to. It always happens. You just need a cool looking teaser video and people will come running back because there is nothing better for them to do anyway.
Moment when people are focusing more on predicting nerfs then league mechanics / story should be a yellow light alert for the team that something is not right.

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