Communication and the Sacred Orb

cjimaras wrote:
PatchWorkCat wrote:
More RNG is the last thing POE needs, but they feel the ten year old game is getting stale, So better get some more ideas from the twenty year old game. I love the customization in poe, but there are to many layers of RNG at this point. Hope they change direction, but at this point I doubt it. I'm off to roll the dice to see if I skip this league or not.

Best comment ever!!
Let's all rename GGG to RNG!

"Really-Not-Grinding" ?

Is this, perhaps the illusion we are being sold ?

Next somebody will tell me that Mirrors are real ?

Sorry but not once since my account was created, and it *has* to be my fault right ?...

or, right ?
I don't mind Sacred orbs existing if i understood it correctly that it only affects base in built defence and quality on it (such as armour).

Considering how rare Sacred orb drop is or even saying from what it drop and functionality, it's disappointing.

Sacred orb could drop from Endgame bosses only + maybe "new aspirational content" with a rarity similar to awakeners orbs, it would give much bigger interest to
a.) Do more engame content doing (shaper/elder/Uber elder/maven/awakener/aul/uber atziri/uber izaro)and "aspirational content" with obviously rare chance of obtaining such rare currency.

b.) Considering these fights are investment (sulphite/progress/fragments) and for doing those u lose some investment for it.

c.) content is pretty hard and rewards for endgame bossing is pretty unrewarding mostly (but it's completely other topic, and why such topic exist in first place)

d.) makes more sense dropping from endgame bosses "fits more" than hoard of mobs that you as a player gonna kill.

Mostly it will be used on rare unique items, i don't see a point using it on anything different (as obtaining base with perfect perfection roll considering sacred orbs rarity as now proposed and making it whatever influence item will be way cheaper than gambling it on "crafted" item ) on top of it roll are so rngish (all or nothing).

Functionality proposition:
Sacred orbs rolls are lucky ( what do i mean by that???)
let's say item has 2% perfection roll ( don't know how to call it precisely) as right now when using sacred orb it has chance to roll from 0-max quality (i didn't find precise max value but gonna assume it's 10) instead it will have chance to roll from 2-max (from concurrent to max instead on from min to max)
why like this?
a.) it has bigger returns on lower perfection quality bases (chance u gonna upgrade 0% base will be 91% while not upgrading will be 9%), that will incentives more ppl to use it on low % perfection roll (maybe, but still better than min-max roll).
b.) has lower returns on high perfection roll base ( if item has 8% perfection it has 66% to upgrade and 33% to fail)
c.) item has linear progression instead of hit it or brick it. ( if u get 8% roll why as a player you should try to even hit 10% with diminishing return considering sacred orbs drop rate and value.)

that's all i wanted to say, i realize that idea can be really bad and minority of players will cry on any implimitations/changes anyway.

those who propose it to be functionality in harvest are insane, why it couldn't be new delve fossil, new alva chamber, new betrayal mechanic why Harvest of all existing mechanics in game if u really dislike it being a currency that drops.
Last edited by ArtaEva#7263 on Oct 12, 2021, 7:08:59 AM
Honestly this orb defeats the purpose of the defence heterogenity system.
I'm not against the idea of the bases rolling different defense values, even tho I get other people's concerns and I have my owns as well, I was kinda excited about the idea of finding something that was drop-only.
Not anymore with this orb introduced.
The more I hear about the ideas for 3.16 the more worried I am and the more I have the urge to skip this league.
HatreT wrote:
OK. After thinking a bit i have to say this. Players, do read on please:
IF this new system starts from the regular base as 0 (or 1, can't remember where this new quality thing starts), Then This is cool. This would actually be an upgrade, a potential huuuge boost to defenses in endgame.
but IF the regular bases (that we all had been accustomed with) are 20 and only can get worse, than this is a plain kick in the balls for all players. Even those hcendgamenolifewhalewhatever players, who get another gear for their grinding madness. Even when regular base is 10, and can get worse or better, than its bad too.

You missed the part where they're removing/reducing how much quality people can craft onto gear. People are treating this as an effective (but worse) replacement to that additional quality modifier.
i don't approve neither the 0-20% change, nor the orb to bandaid fix that
nobody asked for a new layer of rng whatsoever
dead game
bring back 3.13
zzang wrote:
Here is the problem with the perception:

This is not a trivial alternate-quality system or something that is going to undermine the jackpot value you'll get when you find an amazing item that also has perfect base defences.

Please realize those jackpot "findings" dont happen. Jackpot items are double influenced tripple elevated items. They dont drop naturally by game rules and can only be crafted with Awakeners Orbs and Maven Orbs. Thats why patch 3.13 is considered the golden era of this game.

In patch 3.13 (and before) no jackpot-items (by your definition) dropped either. Even before Sirus and Conquerors have been around it is arguable if those dropped. You guys are asking to bring something back that has never existed.
Chris wrote:
...As you know, Path of Exile: Scourge introduces variable base defences on armour pieces....

Looks like another copycat from D2. I'm wondering if we get Mercs in the next 2-3 leagues.

Chris wrote:
In playtesting so far, I am personally finding my interactions with base types a lot more interesting than before and get excited both seeing a perfect-defence base type drop and knowing that it would be technically possible to fix a non-perfect one with enough investment, if the item was godly enough to warrant it.

How does it feel experimenting with the second rarest currency after Mirror? ;)
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Oct 12, 2021, 7:42:13 AM
Quelex wrote:
There's so much hatred and hyperbole in your post that I'm not even going to let it repeat in mine.

You trivialize the word hatred applying it to what amounts to a consumer product lament.

And my signature is relevant feedback, which GGG sorely needed judging from engagement numbers. And which they have essentially taken if we're about to see the first buff league in years.

But As I said, even if, they are addressing the wrong things.

Complaint isn't hatred. But defending a 500 billion a year corporation by attacking individual complainers might well be zealotry.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
You clarifying actually made it worse. You put another carrot on a crafting stick(that no one asked for or wants), and at the same time, once again removed value from items that actually drop. "More crafting for before you start crafting because D2 though".

You're out of touch with your player base.
So if i end up with an armor with 3xt1 defences somehow other than crafti g from scratch,i can reroll the implicits with orbs 3 times rarer than exalted orbs,using up to 10 at a time.
Thanks GGG,such a great idea!

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