Communication and the Sacred Orb

Thx a lot for the openly talking about everything, and please, dont overreact to the community, as from what i'm seeing, everything seams like good ideas. It way easier for the community to negatively react than the other way arround and this is a really good exemple of that.

Really thanks a lot devs for all the efforts you bring to the game and the community rn.
Just a thought: Instead of having this random base and sacred orb and removing the QL craft... why not just add a QL mod into the base mod pool outright? Would serve the exact same purpose with the minimum work and change required.

If the concern is with the QL being lost when thrown into the crafting system... we also already have solutions for that: fractured mods, enchants, etc.
It strikes me that one of the intenetions behind this RNG addition to armour bases, is to force players to self craft, which the vast majority of us absolutely don't want to.

As others have pointed out, virtually all rare item drops are shit, and you halve their value by identifying them as the chaos recipe pays double for unidentified rares. Net result, we collect rare items leave them unidentified and vendor them steadily for a slow steady stream of chaos.

If you want the playerbase to craft more of their own gear, you have to accept that the vast majority of us are not into gambling, do not enjoy the prosepct of bricking a fairly ok item by trying to get it that little bit better, and rely on other players with deep enough pockets and an obsessive level of attention to detail, who like to do so.

If you want more players crafting, you need to put deterministic crafting back in, that is the only way ir is going to happen.

So over to you guys, if you want more crafting, make it attractive to us, and if you don't, stop messing around the people who already do craft.

Be warned, if the supply of decent items in game dries up, so will the game, long before you force players to self craft their gear.
Last edited by Ruddski#6421 on Oct 13, 2021, 4:56:05 AM
Well, I read the first three manifestos and while those are some big nerfs and I am bit sad about loosing power to my characters again, there are still some little buffs. I take it, things changed.

But this orb and the base types change, this is neither nerf nor buff.
This is just BS, a loads of BS haha.

Well you tried something new, hopefully it won't be that much of anoyance.

I am just curious what happens with many of my near perfect rolled and well rolled uniques in standard, if they get +0% extra roll then I will be sad.
Nice to now.
I'm looking forward to new League. :)
Oohh.. Look at that!
Last edited by KurtVresig#6788 on Oct 13, 2021, 5:58:03 AM
You guys and girls noticed that nobody reads the forums? They are more focused on reddit.
We've been told that the "philosophy" (I'm tired of reading/hearing this word by now) is that every item worth. Also been told that they don't want a difficult currency system and they wanna short it (removing fuses and jewellers by PoE 2???). That's why they destroyed Split Beast and Fractured Fossils mechanic not long ago. They say they care about defensive mechanics so they adjust some formulas and erase mechanics from the code. They say they want to introduce a new mod to items, that cannot be changed so this modifier gives value to every item dropped. Few days later they introduce a new currency, guessing we need more, saying it's rarer than an exalted orb, that modifies this so called new modifier that previously described... This makes nothing but adding a few lines in a filter, and hype for an orb only the high end players (so called 1%) gonna actually give use. I don't even understand GGG anymore. Guess playing the game casually is the best to not get an ulcera by now. Also thanks for destroying every strong/fun build in the last 4 leagues, and add content that those builds could actually do. The game is dying, no matter what they say, or people believe. The only thing on GGG's favour is the years of content there are in the game that currently no other ARPG can provide, and all of this thanks to people in Reddit crying every league because they spend more time typing than playing the game, and not being able to achieve goals and do end game content with starter builds.
We've been told that the "philosophy" (I'm tired of reading/hearing this word by now) is that every item worth. Also been told that they don't want a difficult currency system and they wanna short it (removing fuses and jewellers by PoE 2???). That's why they destroyed Split Beast and Fractured Fossils mechanic not long ago. They say they care about defensive mechanics so they adjust some formulas and erase mechanics from the code. They say they want to introduce a new mod to items, that cannot be changed so this modifier gives value to every item dropped. Few days later they introduce a new currency, guessing we need more, saying it's rarer than an exalted orb, that modifies this so called new modifier that previously described... This makes nothing but adding a few lines in a filter, and hype for an orb only the high end players (so called 1%) gonna actually give use. I don't even understand GGG anymore. Guess playing the game casually is the best to not get an ulcera by now. Also thanks for destroying every strong/fun build in the last 4 leagues, and add content that those builds could actually do. The game is dying, no matter what they say, or people believe. The only thing on GGG's favour is the years of content there are in the game that currently no other ARPG can provide, and all of this thanks to people in Reddit crying every league because they spend more time typing than playing the game, and not being able to achieve goals and do end game content with starter builds.

DoEFotGS wrote:
Its purpose is that a near-perfect item can eventually be perfected, at incredible cost.

Who the hell decided that?

I want maximize my chances to survive IN ANY TIME, not at 'nearly perfect' point of my gear. At 'nearly perfect' point I DON'T NEEDED that few %, because my gear already can handle problems.

Also, why new orb? Why another droppable shit what I must to pick? Why not just an option for crafting table for 5c with chances that high for 1-5% and low for 17-20%?

Why so misconception, GGG?

youll literally need to pick up one of these maybe once every 30minutes at worst if you are doing some giga juiced 100% delirious maps with perfect nemesis sextants etc

In normal play youll maybe need to pick up one of these every 10hours, is that too much?

And wtf even is your initial point, every single % of extra armor/es/evasion you are getting from this is free extra defense you never had before, so without even interacting with sacred orbs you are tankier than before, you wont need to make your gear perfect to be tankier as you literally fucking are tankier now.

jesus these threads comment sections are a dumpster fire
Guys, meet the new GGG: Community never said this was a problem, but we thought it was. So we came up with a solution that just turns this game into even more of a clusterfuck than it was. But then we're gonna dress it psychologically as something that serves a purpose when it's really just a trade-off punishment for whatever QoL or ACTUAL NEEDED GAME improvements we gave you, cause we just can't live with the thought of you enjoying PoE without feeling you have to pay for it. It's a 'buff', CW style. Psychological placebo. We're the lab rats serving a corporate entity that only cares enough about you as long as you give them money.
Sad and disappointing. You guys have lost so much respect the past few leagues it makes me wonder if who you were before was really who you were.

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