In the Scourge League, you'll be able to earn exclusive microtransactions by completing 40 new challenges. At 12, 24 and 36 challenges, you'll earn the Scourge Weapon Skin, Scourge Wings and Scourge Pet respectively. Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Scourge Totem Pole Hideout decoration. Check them out below!

You'll be able to check out the full list of challenges you need to complete for these rewards when Path of Exile: Scourge launches for PC on October 22nd PDT and for console on October 27th PDT.

We've also made the JSON file for the Passive Skill Tree in Path of Exile: Scourge available to tool creators here.
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Grinding Gear Games
Thank you!
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Nice weapon skins this time.
Not feeling the wings or pet too much.
Last edited by 009Status#6939 on Oct 17, 2021, 10:36:21 PM
demonic poggers
dang yo
This wing gosh

Loving the rewards, looking like a 36
... thats Gotta be the BestChallenge Rewards Yet, a Multiform Weapon, a Nice pair of Wings, and a Seriously cool Pet. might actually do 36 this league

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