Melee Splash
"So then, if using Concentrated Area of Effect, one should deliberately attack off-target to deal maximum damage? And doesn't that seem a little counter-intuitive? Any chance of changing that in the future? When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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unintuitive to deal the most damage possible to a group of things instead of a single thing... with a modifier that enables hitting multiple things?
that is highly confusing logic there. if you wanted to damage a certain thing well, either use a single target skill on it, or yes in this oddly specific case, target something right next to. that oddly specific case shouldn't have been thought about though if you wanted to actually take down a single thing out of many. you use AoE to thin out crowds (or mow them down) then pick off the rest with single target or deal with the stronger ones with single target skills. |
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"No? If you explicitly chose to modify the skill to massively increase the area portion of the damage, it should do that. Why would we remove that option? | |
Really great support, my only complaint is that it doesn't work with Viper Strike.
I know why it doesn't, I just hope some resources can be put behind reworking things so it can work with the splash. |
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Any major nerfs planned for the skill? Apparently it was talked about in the Melbourne meet-up. I'd be very sad to see my Glacial Hammer splasher go to the trash, it's a lot of fun to play.
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" Because It's not actually an option - it's too fiddly to do properly since it's really hard to click adjancent to a monster reliably, especially if you're surrounded by monsters. That's not even taking in to account desync, which makes this 'option' actually a non-option. There are lots of options that might be worth doing *if* the controls/latency lent themselves to it more easily. Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea: |
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"i think you're confused, or trying to do something in reverse. why are you trying to make an AoE skill a single target?... when you just turned a single target into an AoE. if you wanted single target damage, you wouldn't be using melee splash. the point of melee splash, is to turn a single target skill into an AoE (of proportional damage to other AoE's), for the cost of making the single target part intact but slightly weaker than it usually was. yes with con effect, the splash damage is stronger than the single target. but... that is the point of con effect, to get the most out of AoE. trying to use a AoE as a single target skill is "going backwards" in logic and flow of ability. yes it is perfectly possible, specifically as you are trying to explain, but it isn't how you're naturally supposed to use AoE and it does NOT pay off. if you are surrounded, you should and simply just get rid of as much as possible. not trying to maximize damage to one foe in a group (which others would take same amount of damage, except the one you clicked of course). |
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I level up 2 character up to 71 and 82 using melee splash and multistrike.
I found melee splash a problem with desync, CORRECT if i'm wrong, Melee spash use the single target ability(in my case Infernal blow or Double strike) then WHEN it hits a target it splash the damage in an area. This is the problem, sometimes i desync the mob move away and Melee splash can't hit the target so no spalsh even if i'm in the middle of mobs that is a big problem and that's why i'll wait for the new skill reaver to come out and try that, because right now Melee splash is way too risky. We need melee splash work like Cleave the single target became an Area right from the start not a single target ability that than splash because it doesn't work well in the game right now. I tryed both with 0% quality and 20 quality, the area is still pretty small, but the biggest problem from is the mechani in itself: Use Double strike-Melee splash: Do damage in RANGE to 1 single target Then check for an AREA for the rest of the mobs It should be change to Double strike-Melee slapsh Do damage in the Area Even with quality the first check that is the RANGE part is a one dimesion check and it doesn't go up with Bigger Aoe passives only with master of the arena, so or you spec on that or you're fucked and even with that is pretty bad. In case i typed something right now let me know, this are my impression for now BTW my build are Duelist - infernal blow-spalsh facebreaker (work more and less) Shadow - Double strike- splash Dagger crit ( work but much harder due desync and no master of the arena) In case you keep Melee splash working has is i suggest we get master of the arena in shadow area and maybe make it a +3 instead of a +2 Ign:ColdRage
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" Yes, I put Resolute Technique to make it less risky, but that delay between the mob moving in the server and me hitting an empty space at my client is still a pain in the ass most of the time. Question: I'm using Infernal Blow with Melee Splash, will the extra strikes of the splash give me back HP if I put Life Gain on Hit? (well, it's actually a question for any single target skill on Splash) Oblivion Guild: Current IGNs: Biroso and Absimiliards Last edited by Biroso#0080 on Oct 24, 2013, 8:43:08 AM
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How deos melee splash work with critical? If I crit with my main skill and splash two other targets, will the splashed targets also crit, or is crit rolled for each enemy hit individually?
IGN Vermillionillusion
GMT-4, usually 8-12 pm |
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