Melee Splash
Best buff imo:
Make it SMART. It's taking up a gem slot, it's retarded to have us switch it out manually when we face a boss vs tons of trash mobs, ie. infernal blow. It should have x% of dmg and simply share/divide it equally among all targets. Let's say your attack does 10k on average per hit, with splash. There's one monster you hit it for 10k, another monster joins, both are hit for 5k. More monsters show up, total of 5 now, you do 2k to all in one hit. Smarter melee splash, so we don't have to switch it out for single target. The competing gem should be multistrike/faster attacks. The essence of splash is that we want to hit everything all the time, while sacrificing speed. Making it smarter, keeps the total dps on par with other support gems. That's what I would do. "Im smartest. Your stoped. Dael wiht it." Last edited by Quantume#0700 on Dec 3, 2015, 11:48:37 AM
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Melee Splash's AOE still seems annoyingly small. If I have to support my support with Increase AOE modifiers, then the support gem isn't doing its job.
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" Yes, unfortunately, melee splash buff was very underwhelming. What is the point of the melee splash? Turn your single target melee attack into an AOE skill, thus increasing your clear speed. It's final goal is similar to fork/gmp/lmp/chain for projectiles or INC AOE for AOE skills. The problem is: even after the buff the AOE granted by melee splash isn't enough. I've made an infernal blow and a viper strike build and in both builds I ended up using melee splash PLUS inc AOE gem, what seems a contradiction. Why would I need to use two AOE supports in order to hit the whole pack? It's like using GMP + LMP... With my infernal blow I have +3 weapon range and a total of 50% inc AOE from skill tree nodes plus quality infernal blow/melee splash but even with that ammount it is not enough to hit the whole pack, so I end up having to use INC AOE GEM to be able to hit the whole pack with a single strike. So, here comes the problem... why would I waste 2 sockets (melee splash + INC AOE) on a single target skill to have a decent clear speed if I can do the very same using just INC AOE gem for a native AOE skill like cyclone, ice crash, reave? I end up with more dps using the native AOE skill because I can add some dmg to that spare socket. On top of all that, if you are playing melee you definetly should be using fortify and if your build doesn't allow you to get fortify from an alternate source (shield charge for example) that is is 4 "MUST" sockets in every build (single target skill + melee splash + Inc AOE + fortify) not leaving much room to "personalize" your skill. Last edited by pelife123#2928 on Dec 28, 2015, 3:57:53 PM
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What's the new Radius on Melee Splash? It was 14 before, and 2.1 should have increased it.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* |
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" I don't know, but it's still not enough, even with 20% quality gem you still need to link INC AOE to be able to hit the whole pack, what doesn't make sense since I can get the same effect just using INC AOE for AOE skills, in addition AOE skills are way easier to "target" and as weird as it seems usually end up dealing more dmg than single targets. |
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I've just tested Melee Splash on my Frostblades build (a suggestion from a nice poster). I was skeptical due to the fact that Melee Splash won't affect FB projectiles. Turns out it made my FB incredibly deadly and I DON'T KNOW WHY. Would someone care to explain what's happening?
It was supposed to just add some splash to the main hit, but it somehow seems to be empowering the FB dynamics. I'm running FB + FA + MStrike + PtL + MSplash + WeD (heralds of thunder and fire). it seems to be reinforcing the Heraldo of Ash overkill damage and spreading it among the farther mobs (only hit by projectile damage, which is not affected by melee splash). My build thread: Last edited by junaum#4262 on Feb 3, 2016, 5:30:29 AM
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Herald of Ash always works on Projectiles.
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" Indeed. But my question is: how did the Melee splash gem gave me the feeling of playing a smother, more powerful character? It wasn´t supposed to do anything else than splashing a couple of enemies near the main hit area. I was already using HoA, before melee splash. Fact is, after melee splash, map clearing became way faster, one-shotting most mob packs at 76+ maps (before melee splash, It was taking 2-4 hits). I would understand that if we where talking about a single target melee skill, but it´s frost blades. |
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Although i use this skill like every sane person would i have my problems with it's current importance in the game. I think it has near to no alternatives.
AOE is a big thing for clearspeed and every single target melee Skill basically needs to be supported by Melee Splash ... yeah, i'm srre there are people running melee builds without this gem, but there are few to no options. Of course there are the heralds but they work a completely different way. Like projectiles have GMP, LMP, Chain, Fork and Pierce and a few other options Single Target Melee Skills schould have some sort of variety when it comes to multi target support. Maybe that could help the Melee drought as well... What do you guys think? Skills i'm concerned about are Heavy Strike, Infernal Blow, Glacial Hammer, Wild Strike, Elemental Hit, Viper Strike, Puncture, Frenzy, Vigilant Strike, Double Strike and Dual Strike. Last edited by Scherge#6940 on Feb 21, 2016, 10:08:54 AM
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Does the gem stack with the Slayer's Impact skill ? And if, how ?
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