hiho i just found a tabula rasa and was able to try out a lot of sick combinations with multistrike ;)..
before i found it i have been using it as "healing magic" i read a post about combining it with life-on-hit.. well and with a 4link i had a very very nice "frenzy-autoheal".. multistrike + melesplash + frenzy16% + life on hit .. gives me an insane fast AOE wich keeps up my frenzy charges permanent at max (autohit feature is awesome) and frenzy itself makes it super faster.. if 6 whorehounds and tons of archers try to grill me in the docks i just hit autofire and they cant kill me and i have time to hit granits, rejuvenation totem, moltenshell, a nasty curse, and call 911 ;)).. no damage but who cares ;) my cleave is frenzy charged and i can hit the shit out of em, and if my hp are melting away, just multistrike em ;)... oookk now for a real hit "6L-multi-cleve-of doom": qualy cleave + increased melee + added fire + weapon elemental + multistrike + life on hit / life leech... = holy shit! tooltip says 16k and its doing 9.5 attacks per second if i change the lifeleech with fasterattack-gem(with 3 frenzys 10.2) and this is really like a lawnmower with life recharge i was really amazed how much this kicks.. the dudes at the docks die instantly, even blue and rare ones die manymany times faster than usual! awesome .. i now try to make a nasty frenzy + melesplash + some nasty shit (blind,knockback whatever) combo... well the tabula rasa doesnt feel so naked at all, well i look like a street hooker but who cares ;) well multistrike is in my opinion a real awesome gem wich gives a lot of interesting oportunitys... well ill try more insane combinations and keep u in touch ;) and its the coolest ""worthless gem"" melee gem around... seeya, daniel Last edited by krassi3000#2469 on Apr 21, 2013, 5:01:18 PM
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you have to remember that the tooltip is lying, since the tooltip dont count the enemies armor, you would have more damage if you replaced the multistrike (tooltip wont say so but you will)
IGN: alba
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well that may be true.. but the monsters die faster than before.. much faster.. well tabula rasa is not something for survivability but im able to test insane shit with it.. of course im not doing level 70+maps.. my -60chaos resi makes maps like russian roulette at the moment ;).. and its just testing... and i use docks-merci for testing since if done this crap so often that u recognize a difference pretty fast.
Last edited by krassi3000#2469 on Apr 22, 2013, 5:28:08 AM
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I'm testing now the multistrike (replaced a weapon elemental damage gem) on my physical cleave duelist, from the tooltip i have an estimate damage of 20k. I'm using it with 20%q cleave, Melee Physical Dmg, 20q Added Fire dmg, Faster Atk and Concetrated effects. The only thing that make me wonder now, is that before last patch, the reduced damage from the gem applies only to physical damage, now its seems that the reduction is for the all the kind of damage.
So now the multistrike is still viable yet for a elemental cleave build, or is good enough for a physical duelist too? |
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im using some hybrid form like described before and its like a lawnmower.. the tooltip says 21k or so and it looks like its not lying.. still havent tested it on maps, just docks-sandbox.gotta give some other stuff a try.. still its working better than i thougt and does awesome damage...anf without fcking super-porn-lightning effects ;).... that was the most important thing for me.. since i totally hate those lightningspammers, with 20million minions and 2 spark totems ;) .. (ok i still got my LA ranger.. but .. ehhhm .. well..ehhmm.. omg look theres a cattank flying in the sky.."duck and cover")
update:...ok on maps, the tabula rasa is like a suicide bomber vest ;)) .. and depending on the map mod multistrike can dig your crave faster than a nuclear bomb or doesnt do a thing... and my LA ranger sucks.. tried it again today..brrrr ;) Last edited by krassi3000#2469 on Apr 23, 2013, 7:36:05 PM
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I would be very happy, if multistrike would always target the very nearest target of your current position, and not a random target.
I have a multistrike/flickerstrike/highcrit/terminus est char. Everything would be great and fine, if i not would permanent desync. I die constantly on desync, and cant do anything against it. I cast flickerstrike, and in the next second, iam 3 screens away from my current posiotion, and desynced, because this silly targeting seems always taget the most far away target.
![]() If its an open area, and i recondnize, that i not do dmg, i can use a leapslam to resync. But if its a crypt or a vaal pyramid, it not works, because ,my real position is often a screen and 3 walls away.. and i cant jump throught walls with leap slam. IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: |
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More input on multistrike targeting:
Please make it so it hits the same target till its dead then switch to a different one. With cyclone, it seems to make it uncontrollable. Multistriked cyclone seems to wander alot and doesn't stop when it supposed to. Yes damage is great but these issues makes multistrike unreliable. Thanks GGG, u make a wonderful game. |
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well as i mentioned before its awesome with melesplash and frenzy in order to instant keep up maximum frenzy charges.. docks farming is super fun with cleave and multistrike.. its an interesting option.. but with much more armrored enemies its shit
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"The reason it doesn't target the nearest one is because doing so is, far, far more prone to desync. If it targeted the nearest, you'd get out of sync more often and faster, because very small differences in monster position due to latency between client and server can very easily change which monster is the nearest to you. | |
" im using cyclone with multistrike, and the random factor of multistrike make this skill combination unplayable, in big groups of monsters my char ALWAYS choose different target on client side than on server side, example: my char on client side decided to spin towards bottom of the screen, and on server side he decided to spin toward top of the screen, and im ending up in 50 meters of difference in server position and client position, if it would target the nearest monster, desync would occur at the same rate, but the difference between positions on server side and on client side will be much smaller, and you would "guess" your own real position more easily. so imo making it nearest would help. also, you GGG arent consistent about multistrike, why multistrike with leap slam doesnt choose random targets and just jump twice on the same location? Random targeting of multistrike is good for close range abilities, but for "travel" abielities (leap slam, flickerstrike, cyclone) its horrible, and making this gem combination unplayable, you turned off random targeting for leap slam, why you didnt on flicker and cyclone? i can propose few solutions: - making it nearest instead of random (just for "travel" skills, random works good for the rest) - targeting the same target until its dead and stopping atack if so - targeting the same target until its dead, but only for flicker strike, and making cyclone to travel onwards and backwards around firstly targeted location (instead of toward random target) - idk for sure, but i assume that even the same types of monsters have some small differences in their health pool, if so you can target alwyas a monster with the lowest health. - it can stay random, but you have to restrict the area of choosing this target to the circle with a diameter of 10 meters or something like that for the "travel" skills, this would also make the differencies between server and client positions smaller. Targetting problem of multistrike needs attention, pls GGG, it would be great if you could do something about it, beacuse its killing a fun from play of few great mele builds. PS. english is not my native, but i hope you will understand what i mean :P Last edited by Ellohir#2300 on Apr 26, 2013, 1:59:18 AM
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