That wasn't a riddle; I was just trying to explaini what happens in simple terms.
Vanarchy wrote:
With multistrike: As far as I know, if first multistrike hit is a critical, second and third skill hits are also guaranteed to crit.
This is not and has never been the case - that's what I was trying to explain. The crit roll is made only once per skill, but because the different hits have different crit chances, this doesn't mean all the hits are guaranteed to crit or not crit together.
keyarchan wrote:
I'm pretty sure the way it works is that when you use an attack you roll a random number between 1-100 which will be your crit range, this is not affected by crit chance. This is rolled once per skill use.
Lets say you roll 60. Your weapons have 8 and 5 crit chance respectively, neither of those reach up to 60 so you won't crit with any of them.
Next attack you roll 7. One weapon reach that number while the other doesn't and you'll therefor crit each time you hit with the weapon that has 8% crit chance and you won't crit with the one that has 5%.
The attack after that you roll 4. Both weapons are within that range and therefor will both crit each time they hit.
All of this is correct.
Posted byMark_GGGon Aug 28, 2014, 2:10:54 AMGrinding Gear Games
Mark_GGG wrote:
That wasn't a riddle; I was just trying to explaini what happens in simple terms.
Vanarchy wrote:
With multistrike: As far as I know, if first multistrike hit is a critical, second and third skill hits are also guaranteed to crit.
This is not and has never been the case - that's what I was trying to explain. The crit roll is made only once per skill, but because the different hits have different crit chances, this doesn't mean all the hits are guaranteed to crit or not crit together.
keyarchan wrote:
I'm pretty sure the way it works is that when you use an attack you roll a random number between 1-100 which will be your crit range, this is not affected by crit chance. This is rolled once per skill use.
Lets say you roll 60. Your weapons have 8 and 5 crit chance respectively, neither of those reach up to 60 so you won't crit with any of them.
Next attack you roll 7. One weapon reach that number while the other doesn't and you'll therefor crit each time you hit with the weapon that has 8% crit chance and you won't crit with the one that has 5%.
The attack after that you roll 4. Both weapons are within that range and therefor will both crit each time they hit.
All of this is correct.
In response to that:
1. When I have Volls Protector which gets one and my first hit with the higher crit-chance weapon crits and I get a powercharge can this push the hit of the second weapon over the value?
Lets assume I roll 7 and one weapon has 8 and the other 6. Now I hit with 8, which is a crit and grants me a power charge. With that power-charge my second weapon has 9 as crit chance, does it score a critical hit or not?
2. If I use Dualstrike I can hit, crit or miss with each weapon separatly, if I'm not mistaken. How does this work with things like Volls or power-charge on critical, do both weapons have to crit, only the main one or any weapon?
3. With Multistrike and Power Charge on Critical I can only get one power-charge per Attack. I assume if any of the 3 hits crit I get a charge.
Posted byEmphasy#0545on Aug 29, 2014, 5:31:24 AM
Emphasy wrote:
In response to that:
1. When I have Volls Protector which gets one and my first hit with the higher crit-chance weapon crits and I get a powercharge can this push the hit of the second weapon over the value?
Lets assume I roll 7 and one weapon has 8 and the other 6. Now I hit with 8, which is a crit and grants me a power charge. With that power-charge my second weapon has 9 as crit chance, does it score a critical hit or not?
2. If I use Dualstrike I can hit, crit or miss with each weapon separatly, if I'm not mistaken. How does this work with things like Volls or power-charge on critical, do both weapons have to crit, only the main one or any weapon?
3. With Multistrike and Power Charge on Critical I can only get one power-charge per Attack. I assume if any of the 3 hits crit I get a charge.
i can answer #2 and 3.
2) only a single weapon has to crit in order to grant a charge. slightly proven by a claw/dagger character with crit invested in claws only and watching for adder's touch which is dagger crit... oh how i hope that part is wrong though. however in dualstrike and cleave's case, using voll's would only grant one charge, because its only one hit.
3) you answered yourself, yes it is only one charge per skill activation via power charge on crit support gem, unless it is tempest shield.
Posted bysoul4hdwn#0698on Aug 29, 2014, 12:19:35 PM
Emphasy wrote:
1. When I have Volls Protector which gets one and my first hit with the higher crit-chance weapon crits and I get a powercharge can this push the hit of the second weapon over the value?
Lets assume I roll 7 and one weapon has 8 and the other 6. Now I hit with 8, which is a crit and grants me a power charge. With that power-charge my second weapon has 9 as crit chance, does it score a critical hit or not?
Yes, in that case the second hit would be a crit, due to the increased crit chance.
Emphasy wrote:
2. If I use Dualstrike I can hit, crit or miss with each weapon separatly, if I'm not mistaken. How does this work with things like Volls or power-charge on critical, do both weapons have to crit, only the main one or any weapon?
When combining the damage packages from both weapons, if either was a crit, the whole hit counts as a crit for on-crit effects (since damage was calculated separately for each already, this won't apply the crit damage multiplier to the non-crit half of the damage, but the combined total hit gets "crit" set to true if either part was a crit.
Emphasy wrote:
3. With Multistrike and Power Charge on Critical I can only get one power-charge per Attack. I assume if any of the 3 hits crit I get a charge.
Yes. The first hit that crits will give a charge, any further crits with the same skill use will see that you already got a charge from that skill and not grant another.
Posted byMark_GGGon Aug 31, 2014, 9:27:26 PMGrinding Gear Games
i know this is another skill but..
what about firestorm?
i curse pack of mobs with Assassins Mark (grant Power Charge on kill, lets assume 100% chance)
and cast firestorm (lets assume of infinite duration)
after i kill first mob and get power charge, will subsequent firebombs get effect of increased crit chance?
Posted bysidtherat#1310on Sep 27, 2014, 7:39:42 AM
sidtherat wrote:
i know this is another skill but..
what about firestorm?
i curse pack of mobs with Assassins Mark (grant Power Charge on kill, lets assume 100% chance)
and cast firestorm (lets assume of infinite duration)
after i kill first mob and get power charge, will subsequent firebombs get effect of increased crit chance?
Posted byMark_GGGon Sep 28, 2014, 8:54:48 PMGrinding Gear Games
So because 'nothing happens at the same time in POE' it means that also 'instant/simultaneous' skill like split arrow behaves the same:
(same scenario of 100% chance to get a PC on kill)
one volley, one kill, and after that all not-yet-hit-anything arrows get increased crit chance
makes sense. nice design here. not clear for new players but perfectly logical and easy to understand
Posted bysidtherat#1310on Sep 30, 2014, 1:24:53 AM
Accuracy interacts with crit. So my question is...
1) Do the attacks from multistrike "hit" spearately (each one is subject to evasion and entropy)
2) Subsequently, is the crit avoidance from evasion separate for each strike if they don't (or do) share entropy.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
Posted byAutocthon#5515on Nov 10, 2014, 4:25:36 PM
Both Chance to Hit and Crit confirm are rolled separately.
(fun fact: Dual Strike is one Damage packet, but both weapons check Acc/Crit confirm separately)
Posted byVipermagi#0984on Nov 11, 2014, 7:58:46 AMValued Poster
Reduce "less Attack Damage" to 8% or 12%
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Posted byTreeOfDead#4438on Nov 23, 2014, 7:29:37 PM