Power Charge on Crit

Mathematically, that works out. Your chance for a power charge should be (1 - (1 - chance) ^ targets hit)

Chance to grant hitting:
1 targets - 30%
2 targets - 51%
3 targets - 65.7%
4 targets - 76%
5 targets - 83.2%

With 4 targets, you would expect to see roughly 19 power charges out of 25 criticals.
I understand new changes to crit mean that 1 Attack/1 Cast (no matter how much hits) if it crit all hits crits COUNTS as 1 crit.
So there is no difference if you crit with aoe or single target in power charges gain.
There is difference when you use Voll protector uniq (updated) with ability to gain power charge per hit.

To gem:
I like that gem and i hope that mana cost will not be nerfed just because "insert cold spells here" is OP with it.
Im using it with ARC and it give me like 10% to crit on full charges.
what are the bonuses for quality?
sirianstar wrote:
what are the bonuses for quality?

This thread is 2 pages and you're too lazy to read?
And if you just skipped it for some other reason, it's on page 1....
talonmas wrote:
sirianstar wrote:
what are the bonuses for quality?

This thread is 2 pages and you're too lazy to read?
And if you just skipped it for some other reason, it's on page 1....

I cant find anything about quality on page 1.

Each percentage of quality adds +1% Chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike.
I have a Shadow in Act 2 Cruel. He had been saving his quest rewards and took only 1 one of his gem rewards so far, and that one was Sharp and Cruel (he took LMP). I was under the impression, especially from the patch notes, that the gem would be offered FIRST at this quest (Sharp and Cruel Normal), and, at least occasionally, in later quests to come, which is almost always the case with other gems. Apparently, not here.

Is this intentional? It seems a mistake.
If it is intentional, could you either reconsider giving the gem at ONLY this quest, or reword and edit the patch notes please? It is quite misleading.

Thank you.
Underrated stats: Basic human decency, small quantum of respect, microportion of compassion
^ LOL, what are you talking about?

Just get 30min make new char for sharp and cruel and stop whine like spoiled lil brat.
Last edited by Madus#4524 on Apr 8, 2013, 6:57:12 AM
is it possible that i can't get more than one charge out of the support when i use it with tempest shield? i tried everything, couldn't get them to stack, despite 70% block and a picnic in the middle of lunaris' finest machine gun mobs.
This must be totally awesome and OP.

My evidence? No one is whining about how much it sucks. Everyone's being reeeeeeeeal quiet like....

You can't get more than 1 crit in one cast. The number of targets doesn't matter.
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