3.16.0d Patch Notes Preview

PrinceDijinn wrote:
Gotta be honest, I have never seen any good drops coming from the scourge mechanic. Let alone corrupting your item only to brick it. At first, I was kind of excited after skipping the expedition league and saw the Scourge with some vibes from Delirium. But after 2 weeks of interacting the mechanic, it's disappointing.

Then you have yet to run a single max krangled map.
Doesn’t go nearly far enough. Fix prescourged items so they don’t suck. Fix scourge results so it’s tempting to scourge gear. Fix the scourge boss timers. Seriously…
New bug i report here is many player discover that they are kicked too many often with game becouse they perform too much time action with skills so means that many build working on many skills and movemant causing this problem. I have this too. Leaague before playing the same way i don't be kicked so this time i don't know is settled intentionaly or some new mechanic do that problem. Last time when i see this note is when i ocassionaly doing in my hideout my person in circle number "8" walking in that way. Then GGG had do with something and that dissapeard. I expect now someone have that porblem too.

meh, disappointing, still will be skipping the scourge mechanic, just give me 5 option to bake maps at this point
I do feel like all the drop complainers never got enough skillpoints to unlock map scourging or never bothered running one.

Why wouldn't you complain about Heist and Expeditions being unrewarding due to not dropping a lot of stuff on alch&go map?

On a side note, can we get more improvements to gear scourging? Like Scourge passives buff or something? A lot of upside modifiers are totally useless for 99.999% builds. It's absolutely not exciting to get something like Reflect x Damage to Melee attackers
Last edited by Ultimait#4182 on Nov 2, 2021, 7:32:25 PM
None of your patch notes that don't include a fix for the impossibility of converting the map tab (that I paid for) on standard mean anything to me - or many others.

Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011.
They really seem to be focusing on the issue where mods would counteract themselves, instead of looking at the overall lackluster "reward" of Scourged items themselves.

I hope that they are working on another update to rewards and not trying to sweep it under the rug.
i don't think there is even any awareness that there is a fundamental problem with scourge
For real I am basicly ONLY interacting with this mechanic for the maps / exp / chance to 6L items .. otherwise not worth the risk

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