[3.16] Manaless Aurastacker

Aruras arent buffs no?
I thought there are only 2 buffs in the game
Who knew Voll's is back in fashion. Nice. Hopefully you dont get banned for an "exploit"
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Nov 8, 2021, 1:08:28 PM
midleague fix incoming :)
Well they have gone on record saying they don't fix issues mid league. I mean this is an issue however large. Perhaps peole can enjoy this build for a couple of months eh:)

Bluetouchpaper ignited.
its a bug sir and they fixed immortal aurastacker in deli midleague tooo :)
Weaz wrote:
Well they have gone on record saying they don't fix issues mid league. I mean this is an issue however large. Perhaps peole can enjoy this build for a couple of months eh:)

Bluetouchpaper ignited.

reading your post again,
more hahahaahahhaha
reading your post again,

man this post made my day! thank you for the sarcasm. :D
Impressive, good job.
hatefker wrote:
you can weapon swap for rampage and get a real belt instead

weapon swap on a build that has auras in every socket does not sound like fun.
Just wait for a while and don't buy Devoto's Devotion for 6 ex. NERF is COMMIIIINNNNG!!!!!
this is glorious

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