CrossMarket, just that.

Console market is terrible.
is short of items.
Please GGG. wouldn't it be possible to mix the Playstation and Xbox market?
It doesn't have to be Crossplay, just Cross Market.
this would make it easier for console folks to play more games.
We could maybe get to a little bit, of how the game is on the pc.
Last bumped on Feb 3, 2022, 8:08:38 AM
please ggg give us this attention.
GGG ... give this attention to the console, it is very difficult to play on the console, and with the market out of date it is even more difficult.
There are several things that would provide more improvement to the trade market, while simultaneously being less of a headache to program and test.

1) Enable the "offer type" drop down on premium tabs, so we can set "exact price only", and "instant buyout". (this functionality already exists in the China client)

2) Show seller names (with guild) in the trade market. This will make it require more effort (and expense) to pricefix.

I'd much rather have those than crosstrade.
Since the Market on consoles dont need any external features would be nice to accept offers inside of missions too to avoid waiting hours for an offer.
Nice, please!
yup, no reason not to cross xbox and ps4 together. But it seems like we are not worthy of putting in more than the minimal effort. We're not even going to get those event races :(
This is way overdue. Makes it unbearable to play on console.

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