Prophecy Removal in 3.17.0

But.....I loved Prophecy League...and Navali. :-(

Many people use prophecy, deserves to be updated not deleted, for example think of Alva working together with Navali. Delete most of fated objects reduce variety options for builds. There are many other mechanics that should disappear before prophecy, if there are too many mechanics i understand that some must disappear, but also worry about improving the existing ones instead of adding one after another without taking into account their implications.

In my opinion is a bad choice, and i think you dont understand your game.
Sounds good to me, make room for newer content
lol twice enchanted prophecy is very important for the belt enchantment. we need more option! !!
For minion helmet mirror service
Stupidsmile Ultimate SRS Minion Instability Build
This is so lazy.

You could have balanced and buffed every one of these prophecy items.

But you instead choose to remove them, and remove the currency and items related to it.
Prophecy was the first (and only) league I did 40 challenges in. I a way it's sad to see it go. It could be updated instead of removed but I guess they don't want to spend the time doing that. In all honesty I haven't really payed any attention to it in a long time. Time to spam prophecies I suppose...
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I tend to roll with the changes in the game, but this is a dumb one. Prophecies are easy to ignore if you don't want to do them. They don't even interrupt your mapping experience. Silver coins can be filtered and never seen. You can choose to never interact with Navali and it won't matter at all since they moved the recipes.

Just a bad change.
Thanks for all the fish!
Last edited by Nubatron#4333 on Dec 1, 2021, 7:46:39 PM
2.3 was more fun than the past half dozen leagues combined.

If you want to get rid of something we don't need in the item system, and that actually improves the game, delete influence as a mechanic. Cluster jewels too. Also the entirety of heist content. In fact, just about everything introduced since 3.0 dropped could go and the game would be better for it.

Just revert the entire game back to 2.6 with the legacy league mechanic turned back on and only fix actual bugs after that. I'd much rather deal with the tedium of the old leveling and trial grind and masters and all the other little things that sucked and have had quality of life improvements since 3.0, and have the game actually be fun again, than play the game in its current state. The only thing I'd truly miss is 3.4's content, delve; a few other 3.x leagues were fun on their own, as leagues, but as core mechanics we didn't need them, and we definitely didn't need everything that's been done to the atlas since 3.1 dropped. Just delete all that, and keep prophecy.
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".
this should have been done long ago. The rate of good prophecy is too low, 99% of them are trash
So what are the endgame map bosses?
Shaper, elder, sirus and ..? Or Tier 14+ map boss?

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