Scourge Fan Art Competition Runners-Up

I like "You see now, don't you?" by Natilo. Interesting Point of view!
The "Skateboard Shrine" by Sobigdrasil - well done piece of art.
Love the powerful dynamic in "The Witch" by ValJohns!
And also the creepiness of the "Pale Demon" by vibyfr. Very nice!

Congrats to all artists!
Requiem86 wrote:
Sooo Akira159 won the 9th place AND is a runner up? That is nice. Congrats.

Thank you, i did all the bosses + the Sad Keanu meme that was on reddit. I was really happy i won something, since i was featured in art highlights since incursion...
Eyyy, more eye candy Congratulations (part 2) to the runners up!
Glad to see Inemal made the cut, and even got picked for the thumbnail pic of the post to boot. Love your paintings! (#shadowFanClub, even the f**'ed up ones :P )
I make hideouts & stuff→ ←
element274 wrote:
Last to Die Finds Peace by Grandarex, gave me a big smile.
I've always liked the go-go and adventurous attitude of Lady Alva.
And I've read just now that Last To Die may be the alternate version of Alva Valai?

Grats to all the winners and those who participated.
The creative talents are oozing.

Thank you so much!!

And grats to all winners and runner-ups! This was some fierce competition haha!!
All beautiful! That sculpture though, so cool ;)
Last edited by 100Dilmas#5453 on Dec 20, 2021, 8:54:25 PM
Congrats to all the artists.
Can I ask GGG or some fellow artist for some comments and critiques for my artwork? I would like to know what I'm lacking so I can improve for coming events or competitions.

This was my submission
Ghostflame Flaming Head Helmet Attachment

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