February Expansion Date Reveal

NoyAvargel wrote:
hopefully it will be a good expansion with big changes to the entire endgame and less grindy ...

i also hope they/you will manage to do something about items in this game.. and crafting and gear progression because if nothing is improved about items and how they drop (rares) then for me its cant be good or worth playing..
the fact that items are barely ever if at all worth picking up takes away the fun from runing maps

How about no? Charm of PoE is that it's grindy. Game isn't supposed to hold your hand and carry you everywhere. If you don't like it it's fine tho. Go and play WoW and LFR, or my little pony and little friends. There are games for everyone :)
Last edited by joffxrey#4144 on Jan 15, 2022, 4:20:42 AM
I would rather see implemented in leagues that we have the option to skip the story, leveling one or two chars in a league is fine but having to go through the story each time is boring as f.
Gonna be big.
Toad monkeys
Arkanis_Gath wrote:
Hype !!!

Just hoping it will be a better expansion than Scourge

pls 1 click all auras u want :D and fragment/cureency right next to map device! :D
Parob86 wrote:
New endgame boss will be invulnerable 99% of time and have 10 stages and 99% of screen will be instant death areas. hyped!!

The arena will be double the size of the boss model for some extra challenge. Or maybe we fight inside the boss , God of War style.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Thtcat wrote:
Quicker than Expected. I was sure the nebulous "early February" meant the 11th. I'm hyped.

i bet they pushed it to a week earlier to not align exactly with lost ark's launch date
For fucks sake, not another timed content
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
Im so exited, what will be nerf, all those builds stop being viable?
Some of us start to have fun again, ggg please do something about it, i count on ya!
Good luck!

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