Announcing Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas

Patch notes when? ;) (I know, after livestream...)
GGG, I get that POE 2 will fix the loot filters?! But I think its time to finally address tha sadge state of them for a new player using the DEFAULT game setting.. the loot explosions from todays livestream looked like they were in the BETA a decade ago, zero love has gone into them for a decade.

Otherwise seems like an epic new league and content update, a bit sadge that no new skills
Mathils actual cat
Last edited by HDTanel#2691 on Jan 27, 2022, 2:54:40 PM
Started playing in Ultimatum and got serious in Archnemesis.

PoE IGN: Ash_SoK
PoE2 IGN: EmilCioran_
Steam friend code: 413758162
All the new content looks sweet! But i did hope for a trade system rework? Noooooooooo.. oh well
Meh. Looks like more of the same. Nothing to draw me back.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
I don't want to complain, you always put so much great work into this game and give us so much new content, but for players who have been around for a long time (I've been playing since 2013), new skills are the most important thing, I've gone through all the skills umpteen times , I don't want to play the same thing again in a slightly different environment :/

in the manifesto you could read that there will be new support, which wasn't shown in the announcement either.. maybe i'll still be lucky and we'll see 1-2 new skills here in the forum these days.
looks good, no new skill gems though and the ember packs don't have a pet.
GGG: poe 2 will not influence poe 1
GGG: settlers league extended...offline game to merge accounts
GGG: poe 2 is released but they haven't even started thinking about the next poe 1 league
GGG: bye bye Chris Wilson...
bye bye poe 1?

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