Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas Gem Information

Marks have 33 mana cost at lv20, this will make them cost 99 mana, Mark on Hit 300% cost multiplier is completely insane and unreasonable. GGG "missed the mark" by quite alot....
TheEighthPanda wrote:
The "Mark on Hit" support should be called "Mark on Attack" support to avoid misleading players, since it only works with attacks, not with hits in general.

Maybe the gem is worded incorrectly in the description since there are spell users who use mark on hit influence rings as well.
Last edited by 009Status#6939 on Jan 30, 2022, 10:50:28 PM
TLDR? Here is a quick summary!

<Insert spell>
* Supported Skills deal 50% less Damage
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
So, spectres wont exist anymore?
vladimirxk7 wrote:
Marks have 33 mana cost at lv20, this will make them cost 99 mana, Mark on Hit 300% cost multiplier is completely insane and unreasonable. GGG "missed the mark" by quite alot....

I'm worried about this too... That's enough to lose one aura to make room for the mark. I hope the new influenced implicits have some reservation or something to help........
You guys forgot to buff scorching ray... why did you just do "hit" spells? Plz buff!
Next patch plz add new skills not reworked or revamped skills plz I would love to see a rework on strike skills because there absolutely garbage right now... I appreciate all your hard works and efforts with this up n coming release but at some point the game just becomes shit..

Once you`ve killed end game or played certain amount of hours xxxx The game isnt about doing end game or getting level 100 (we) mostly just like exploring and theory crafting new builds around new skills or new uniques but mainly new SKILLS.....

As I mentioned above im not complaining about the new content their are some amazing new stuff coming like the atlas progression through maps, and the tedious new atlas passive. . . these seem great but with out new skills I really dont want to invest a single day let alone entire league. IM just throwing it out their ... As many of have been asking for quite some time....

Totems - Nerfed
Mines - Nerfed
Traps - Nerfed
CoC & CwC - Nerfed

Self Cast - Buffed.

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